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Map stub
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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Osiris.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DOM-Osiris is a Domination map from Unreal Tournament. It's only available in the Playstation 2 and Sega Dreamcast versions of the game.

Map description[]

Domination points[]

  • Bridge:
  • Grotto:
  • Alley:

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location

Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location

Pickup Count Location


Playstation 2[]

"An ancient Egyptian lion pit into which Pharaohs released disobedient slaves. Long since purchased for Tournament combat, the souls of the dead slaves moan over the bodies of fallen combatants."
Mission description

Win to unlock the CTF ladder.


Win to unlock the CTF ladder.

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Domination maps
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: DOM-BulletDOM-CiDomDOM-Lament][DOM-WolfsBay
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-CoagulateDM-CoreDM-HoodDM-LoathingDM-SorayamaDM-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HyperBlastDM-KGalleonDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-StalwartDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Zeto
Unreal Tournament (DC) Domination maps
Available from start: DOM-Hood
Unlockable via ladder: DOM-CinderDOM-CoagulateDOM-CondemnedDOM-GearboltDOM-GhardhenDOM-LamentDOM-OldenDOM-OsirisDOM-Tutorial