Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"The Tournament demands power. Precious gases refined on this platform are a mere facade; as the processing of your soul will be the mainstay here."
Map description

DOM-OutRigger is a Double Domination map from Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both cases, it's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]

As its description implies, this map takes place on a multi-level refinery. Each of the wings of the refinery is a four-level area, with the points sitting in the third level. Meanwhile, the middle area has jumppads leading to levels 2 and 3, and teleporters leading to the rooftop, where all areas of the map can be seen. Domination Point A is located west of the map, while Point B is located at east.

Named areas of the map include:

  • Dom A/B, Basement: The bottom level of each wing of the refinery.
  • Dom A/B, Platform 1: Level 1 of each of the wings, where the jumppads to Level 2 are located.
  • Dom A/B, Platform 2: Level 2 of each of the wings, and where the Domination Points are located.
  • Dom A/B, Platform 3: Level 3 of each of the wings, two bridges traverse above the Domination Points.
  • Dom A/B, Crow's Nest: An area overlooking Levels 2 and 3 of each wing, as well as the jumppad portions of Level 1.
  • Spawning Grounds: The spawnpoints for each team. Blue team's are located north, while the Red team are located at south. Located at Basement Level.
  • Middle Area: Located at Level 1, this area contains a teleporter per team side to the rooftop (Sniping Tower).
  • Sniping Tower: The rooftop of the middle area, the only way to reach this area is via the two teleporters located in the Middle Area. Has views on the entire map.
  • Middle Tower, Level 2: (Unnamed) A bridge that connects both Domination Point areas.
  • Middle Tower, Level 3: (Unnamed) A bridge that connects both of the team's spawning sides.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 12
Weapon: -
Ammo: 2x Dom A, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 2x Dom B, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Dom A, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 1x Dom A, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 1x Dom B, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 1x Dom B, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 2x Level 2 Bridge, middle. 1x Near the Dom A Flak Cannon. 1x Near the Dom B Flak Cannon.
W: 2
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Middle Area, Blue side, near the teleporter. 1x Middle Area, Red side, near the teleporter.
Ammo: 1x Middle Area, Blue side, near entrance to Dom B, Platform 1. 1x Middle Area, Red side, near entrance to Dom A, Platform 1. 1x Level 2 Bridge, middle.
W: 4
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Dom A, Platform 1, opposite to the entrances. 1x Dom B, Platform 1, opposite to the entrances. 1x Spawning Grounds, Blue side, path to Dom B. 1x Spawning Grounds, Red side, path to Dom A.
Ammo: 2x Dom A, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 2x Dom B, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 1x Middle Area, Blue side, near entrance to Dom B, Platform 1. 1x Middle Area, Red side, near entrance to Dom A, Platform 1.
W: 2
A: 7
Weapon: 1x Spawning Grounds, Blue side, path to Dom A. 1x Spawning Grounds, Red side, path to Dom B.
Ammo: 1x Dom A, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Dom B, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Near the Dom A Flak Cannon. 1x Near the Dom B Flak Cannon. 1x Level 2 Bridge, middle. 2x Dom A, Platform 1, next to the exit to the Middle Area.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Dom A, Platform 3. 1x Dom B, Platform 3.
Ammo: 1x Near the Dom A weapon. 1x Near the Dom B weapon. 2x Level 2 Bridge, middle.
W: 1
A: 8
Weapon: Level 3 Bridge.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 2x Dom A, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 2x Dom B, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 1x Dom A, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Dom B, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: Sniping Tower, one at each side of the teleporters.
Ammo: Near each of the weapons.

Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 12
Weapon: -
Ammo: 2x Dom A, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 2x Dom B, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Dom A, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 1x Dom A, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 1x Dom B, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 1x Dom B, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 2x Level 2 Bridge, middle. 1x Near the Dom A Flak Cannon. 1x Near the Dom B Flak Cannon.
W: 2
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Middle Area, Blue side, near the teleporter. 1x Middle Area, Red side, near the teleporter.
Ammo: 1x Middle Area, Blue side, near entrance to Dom B, Platform 1. 1x Middle Area, Red side, near entrance to Dom A, Platform 1. 1x Level 2 Bridge, middle.
W: 4
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Dom A, Platform 1, opposite to the entrances. 1x Dom B, Platform 1, opposite to the entrances. 1x Spawning Grounds, Blue side, path to Dom B. 1x Spawning Grounds, Red side, path to Dom A.
Ammo: 2x Dom A, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 2x Dom B, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 1x Middle Area, Blue side, near entrance to Dom B, Platform 1. 1x Middle Area, Red side, near entrance to Dom A, Platform 1.
W: 2
A: 7
Weapon: 1x Spawning Grounds, Blue side, path to Dom A. 1x Spawning Grounds, Red side, path to Dom B.
Ammo: 1x Dom A, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Dom B, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Near the Dom A Flak Cannon. 1x Near the Dom B Flak Cannon. 1x Level 2 Bridge, middle. 2x Dom A, Platform 1, next to the exit to the Middle Area.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Dom A, Platform 3. 1x Dom B, Platform 3.
Ammo: 1x Near the Dom A weapon. 1x Near the Dom B weapon. 2x Level 2 Bridge, middle.
W: 1
A: 8
Weapon: Level 3 Bridge.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 2x Dom A, Platform 1, north of the Link Gun. 2x Dom B, Platform 1, south of the Link Gun. 1x Dom A, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds. 1x Dom B, Basement, at the exit to the Spawning Grounds.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: Sniping Tower, one at each side of the teleporters.
Ammo: Near each of the weapons.


Pickup Count Location
3x Corridor between Spawning Grounds, Blue side and Dom A, Basement. 3x Corridor between Spawning Grounds, Red side and Dom B, Basement. 3x Middle Area, Blue side, near entrance to Dom A, Platform 1. 3x Middle Area, Red side, near entrance to Dom B, Platform 1. 5x Ledge above the Level 3 Bridge, Dom A side. 5x Ledge above the Level 3 Bridge, Dom B side.
2x Dom A, Platform 1, at the small bridge. 2x Dom B, Platform 1, at the small bridge. 1x Level 2 Bridge, middle.
Sniping Tower, above both teleporters.
1x Dom A, Basement, opposite to the entrance. 1x Dom B, Basement, opposite to the entrance.
3x Dom A, Platform 1, at the corridor from the Middle Area. 3x Dom B, Platform 1, at the corridor from the Middle Area. 6x Middle Tower, Level 3 bridge.

Pickup Count Location
3x Corridor between Spawning Grounds, Blue side and Dom A, Basement. 3x Corridor between Spawning Grounds, Red side and Dom B, Basement. 3x Middle Area, Blue side, near entrance to Dom A, Platform 1. 3x Middle Area, Red side, near entrance to Dom B, Platform 1. 5x Ledge above the Level 3 Bridge, Dom A side. 5x Ledge above the Level 3 Bridge, Dom B side.
2x Dom A, Platform 1, at the small bridge. 2x Dom B, Platform 1, at the small bridge. 1x Level 2 Bridge, middle.
Sniping Tower, above both teleporters.
1x Dom A, Basement, opposite to the entrance. 1x Dom B, Basement, opposite to the entrance.
3x Dom A, Platform 1, at the corridor from the Middle Area. 3x Dom B, Platform 1, at the corridor from the Middle Area. 6x Middle Tower, Level 3 bridge.

Wildcard Bases[]

Items Count Location
Double DamageSuper Shield PackBig Keg O' Health
2 1x Dom A, Crow's Nest. 1x Dom B, Crow's Nest.

Items Count Location
Double DamageSuper Shield PackBig Keg O' Health
2 1x Dom A, Crow's Nest. 1x Dom B, Crow's Nest.


Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"The Tournament demands power. Precious gases refined on this platform are a mere facade; as the processing of your soul will be the mainstay here."
Mission description

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"The Tournament demands power. Precious gases refined on this platform are a mere facade; as the processing of your soul will be the mainstay here."
Mission description

Before playing this match, the arena can be switched by DOM-Access by paying 220 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Outrigger floats in the depths of space near a giant swirling cloud of space dust. You won't get much chance to enjoy the view; it’s one of the fastest Double Domination maps in UT2003.
NOTE: Each jump pad has arrows floating above it. The number of arrows tells you how high it sends you (the more arrows, the higher the jump). The arrows' color tells you who occupies the base nearest the jump pad. If you're playing offense for the blue team, hit jump pads with red arrows on them. Those pads take you closer to the base that the red team has occupied.
Tip: When using a jump pad, don't try to control your descent. The pads land you in a specific place. If you move while you're in the air, you might miss your landing spot.
In Outrigger, you use jump pads scattered throughout the arena to jump from one level to the next. It bears repeating: Your most valuable skill is a comprehensive knowledge of your surroundings and the ability to get efficiently from one area to the next.
Each base's side is identical to the other base's side. You start at the bottom of the level and respawn here when you die. Beneath each base is a Shield Pack +100.
Near the Shield Pack are two jump pads with four arrows. These send you to the floor directly above you through narrow holes in the ceiling.
Two paths lead from each side of the level into the center. Both are ramps that slope downward. The right one has a Link Gun; the left one has several Health Vials +5 and a Minigun.
On either side of the center of the level are jump pads. The left one, with three arrows, shoots you up to a bridge with Adrenaline and a Link Gun. Drop off either side of the bridge to land on the platform with the Flak Cannon.
The right jump pad bounces you to the level with the Shock Rifles. You also find teleporters that take you to the top of the arena.
In the level directly above ground floor, which you access using the jump pads near the Shield Packs, you can pick up a Link Gun, two Health Packs +25, and several Adrenaline capsules on either side of the arena. Two jump pads on either side of the arena boost you directly to the base above your head.
The center has Adrenaline capsules, Shock Rifles, and Health Vials +5. This is the same area that you can reach by using the right jump pad in the center of the ground floor.
Two teleporters in the center of this floor take you directly to the top of the arena. The top of the arena is a narrow ledge with a Lightning Gun on either side. Take a long fall off the ledge, or use the teleporters to return to a lower level.
You can reach the bases by falling from a higher level or by using the jump pads at either end of the second-lowest level. The area around each base has two jump pads that send you to the level directly above you.
Directly above each base is a level with broad platforms at either end, each connected by arched bridges to the center of the level. Five Health Vials +5 and a Flak Cannon are on each of these platforms.
The center of the level above the bases has a Health Pack +25 in the middle. This is the same area you can reach by using the left jump pad in the middle of the ground floor, which puts you on the bridge with the Link Gun, from which you then fall off to get the Flak Cannon.
As you can tell, Outrigger is a convoluted, confusing arena. Learn the map vertically as well as horizontally. The map isn't as long as it is deep, so you can always get as high as possible and drop to the areas you need to reach... if you don't mind taking some fall damage.

Game Plan
Offense: At the start, load up on all the goodies provided on the ground floor, including the Rocket Launcher, Health Vials, Minigun, and especially the Shield Pack +100.
From there, you have several options. One is to use the jump pads near the Shield Pack to reach the level directly beneath, and from there use the nearby jump pads to leap up to the base.
You can also go to the paired jump pads on either side of the ground floor's center. The left one gets you to the Rocket Launcher. Then you can drop to the floor below to get the Health Pack +25, and run toward either base, grab a Flak Cannon and drop on them from above.
Another option is to use the right jump pad on the ground floor to get the Shock Rifle, and then run toward one of the bases to reach the floor beneath. Or you can use the nearby teleporters to go all the way to the top of the level, grab the Lightning Gun, and make a reckless leap for the base. It won't do your health any favors, but you'll get there in a hurry, and you'll probably surprise any enemies nearby.
Make good use of your ability to hit the bases from multiple angles. You can also pick off defenders from a distance by using the Lightning Gun on top of the level, clearing a path for your own assault force. Variety is not only the spice of life, it's the bane of death—take full advantage of this map's openness to shut down your opponents.
Defense: Outrigger is tough to defend, considering how many ways there are to get to the bases. Your enemies will try to swarm you, so do your best to predict their moves.
At the start, they may come from anywhere. If you have both bases occupied and you've just killed several of your opponents, they probably will try to retake the base by using the jump pads below it on either side. It's the quickest route to the base from the respawn point. If the clock is ticking, they won't screw around with fancy maneuvers.
Cover the jump pads below the base by positioning a defender against a wall to keep an eye on both jump pads and both holes in the floor through which attackers leap up from the ground floor.
Put someone on the upper level above the base to pick off enemies trying to run in from that direction. This is a particularly advantageous spot, because this defender can also fire down at enemies on the base level.
Finally, station someone on the base level, but not too close to the base itself. That's too open and vulnerable a position. Keep your defender moving around the edges of the base platform, ready to act as the last line of defense."



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Double Domination maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DOM-Junkyard
Unreal Tournament 2004 Double Domination maps