Unreal Wiki
Character cards
Character card page
The following is a character card gallery.

The following is a character card gallery of the Dark Phalanx team.

UT main roster[]

Ivana's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Ivana
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx Leader

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Ivana is a self-taught warrior who hooked up with the Dark Phalanx when she heard about Gorn’s story of overcoming the odds on Neurovision one evening while training. So deeply moved, she decided to join the team, fighting alongside Gorn."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Farham's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Farham
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Farham fought with the Earth Defense Force during the ‘7 Day Siege’, Earth’s darkest hour during the war. He was solely responsible for the destruction of the Skaarj Skri’ith Class Dreadnaught ‘Krujhlok’ and is a highly decorated veteran."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Nikita's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Nikita
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Nikita was trained in the construction and maintenance of heavy weaponry and demolitions. She maintains the Dark Phalanx armory."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Gorn's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Gorn
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Gorn was a charismatic fighter until he got his face damaged beyond recognition during the ‘7 Day Siege’. Unable to restore his good looks, medical specialists fitted him with highly advanced implants which restored his senses."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Anna's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Anna
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"As ex black ops runner for the New Earth Government, Anna went rogue after being given a series of particularly brutal missions. She now seeks to defeat Xan and bring down the Liandri Corporation and the NEG."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Whitman's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Whitman
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Whitman is a former Neo-Cop from Outpost Glosk who decided to trade the anarchy of street duty for the organized chaos of the Tournament. His street experience makes him a world class arena fighter and a worthwhile ally."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Iyrash's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Iyrash
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Iyrash left the Glosk Neo-Cop forces with Whitman. She has served by his side for five years and will continue to fight wherever he takes his personal battles."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Nickolai's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Nickolai
Race: Human
Classification: Dark Phalanx

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"No known description."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

UT Deathmatch ladder[]

Blake's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Blake
Race: Human
Classification: Arena Fighter

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"A warrior of some reknown, Blake has fought hard to enter the Tournament. Nonetheless, he lacks tactical finesse and will most likely be the weakest opponent you meet."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Luthienne's Unreal Tournament character card
Gold team

Character data:
Name: Luthienne
Race: Human
Classification: Civilian

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Having survived the Wreck of the ISV-Kran, Luthienne was forced to watch all her friends and crewmates die at the hands of the Skaarj until she and 3 others were rescued two years later. Irreparably scarred by her experience, she has entered the Tournament to confront her inner demons and ultimately to silence them through her own death."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Archon's Unreal Tournament character card
Red team

Character data:
Name: Archon
Race: Human
Classification: Psychotic

Bot data:
Accuracy: MeterFloat-(+0,75) 0.30
Combat Style: MeterFloat-(+2,00) 1.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Archon is a ruthless murderer and he wouldn't want it any other way. This guy has his wires crossed...deriving pleasure from pain and vice versa. Probably the nastiest mother you'll ever meet."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Bart's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Bart
Race: Human
Classification: Economist

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: MeterFloat-(-2,0) (-1.00)
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: MeterFloat-(+2,00) 1.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: Bio Rifle
Bio Rifle

"There isn't much worse than a lawyer, but economists come close. Liandri has discovered that civilians will pay good money to watch economists and other vermin take a beating."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Anna's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Anna
Race: Human
Classification: Civilian

Bot data:
Accuracy: MeterFloat-(+1,00) 0.50
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: MeterFloat-(+1,00) 0.50
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: Minigun

"Anna is an ex-circus performer who is forced into the tourney for financial reasons and she's none-too-happy about it. As a result, she loves the Ripper because she can juggle her opponents in the air with its explosive alternate fire."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Blake's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Blake
Race: Human
Classification: Arena Fighter

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: Shock Rifle
Shock Rifle

"Blake is back and he's pissed. The first time you fought him, he lacked a lot of skill and tone, but now he thinks he can take you on. Show him where to stick it."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Vanessa's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Classification: Psychotic

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: MeterFloat-(+2,00) 1.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

"Vanessa was committed at a psychiatric institution at the age of twelve for murdering her parents and brother. This one is a real nut case. She likes to blow her opponents open with a well aimed rocket."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Vanessa's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Vanessa
Race: Human
Classification: Psychotic

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: MeterFloat-(+2,00) 1.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

"Vanessa's psychosis has proven her savior, ripping through ranks of warriors and fighters to get to this point in the ladder."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

UT Practice session defaults[]

Archon's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Archon
Race: Human

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"No description available."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Barak's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Barak
Race: Human

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: MeterFloat-(+1,00) 0.50
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

"No description available."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.
