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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening.

"Drakk Droids are the worker bees of the Drakk homeworld. They don't pose a direct threat to you, and have no offensive weaponry whatsoever. Most of the time, they lie dormant inside their translucent chambers, but even when they're out and about, they don't hurt you. Drakk Droids activate when an injured Medium Drakk is lying nearby. As soon as the injured Drakk is detected, the Droid scuttles out and repairs it. In a matter of seconds, the Medium Drakk is as good as new."
Unreal II Prima Official Strategy Guide

The Drakk Droid is a passive creature from Unreal II: The Awakening.


Drakk Droids are biomechanical creatures that resemble scarabs or trilobites in appearance and see through four glowing red eyes. They have energy crystals on their undersides that provide them with power and they hover in the air. Their bluish, reflective exteriors act as a very effective armor against attacks.

The Droid could be compared as worker bees in the insectoid-like Drakk. As the Drakk, as machines, needed repairs, they invented the Droids in order to fix broken Drakk. The Droids are well-protected, as the Drakk can't let all of the repair droids be destroyed. If that happens, though, the Droids are regenerated by their own pods. Though weaponless and the weakest, they are able to repair any damaged Drakk if they haven't self destructed. They idly lie dormant in translucent chambers.

Drakk Droids will float towards the player at the speed of a running Light Skaarj or Medium Skaarj. Once they get about as far away as the maximum effective range of the Shotgun's second trigger, they unfold several electroconductive tentacles and begin shocking the player. Their attacks are not very effective; if on full health and energy and on Medium difficulty, it takes a little over a minute of nonstop shocking to kill the player. Also, they slow down to about half speed while their tentacles are extended, giving the player a chance to escape.


Tips and tricks[]

"As long as you make sure the Medium Drakk you encounter are dead before you move on, Drakk Droids aren't an issue. If you do happen to leave an injured Medium Drakk behind and you see a Droid heading toward it, blast the Droid immediately (they're easy to kill), then finish off the Medium Drakk."
Unreal II Prima Official Strategy Guide
  • Although they don't damage you too quickly, Drakk Droids' attacks can add up, and killing them can eat up a lot of ammo. It takes about 20 shots from an Assault Rifle or 2 Fragmentation Grenades to kill one.[1]
  • Since Drakk Sentries are only partially living and "run" off of electricity, they are weak against EMP Grenades. Although an EMP will kill one in a single hit, you should probably save EMPs for facing the Drakk Caretaker (except in Na Koja Abad, where there's only one Caretaker to face).[1]
  • Try to damage them at a distance while they approach you. They move in very straight paths, with no way of dodging or blocking your attacks, so you can really tear them up with any weapon in the 2nd trigger group, or with the Magnum Pistol, when they come after you. You may then want to switch to the Shotgun or another close-combat weapon right before they unravel their tentacles and attack so that you can finish them off.[1]


External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Soule, Jonathan. "Guide and Walkthrough (PC) by DrExplodo". GameFAQs. Retrieved Aug 19, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal II: The Awakening creatures
Mercenaries: Light Ghost Warrior - Medium Ghost Warrior - Heavy Ghost Warrior - Light Angel - Medium Angel - Heavy Angel
Aliens: Izarian - Light Skaarj - Medium Skaarj - Heavy Skaarj - Light Araknid - Medium Araknid - Heavy Araknid - Light Drakk - Medium Drakk - Drakk Boss - Drakk Droid - Tosc
Passive creatures: Mukhogg - Seagoat - Rammer - Snipe - Kai