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This is a list of easter eggs found across the maps in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

References to other works[]

  • Mortal Kombat series:
  • Some of the Liandri bots taunts are references to internet lingo, such as "You are teh suck!", "Llama!" and "RTFM!".
    • Two of them are also backhanded references to Microsoft Windows's tendency to crash: "Logging crash dump." and "I see the blue screen."
  • One of the Juggernauts' taunts references the Incredible Hulk's speak: "Me smash!".
  • The challenge "Tortoise vs. Hare" has three slow but tough males going against three fast but weak females. The name of the challenge references the tale The Tortoise and the Hare.
  • The challenge "Day of the Dead" has Malcolm going against 4 undead characters, and its title refers to the eponymous 1985 film.
  • Anubis's Ladder, which takes place after the events of the Ascension Rites, mentions that he was given "an offer he couldn't refuse", referencing the The Godfather movies.
  • One of Apophis's taunts is "Damn, I'm good!", a line made famous by Duke Nukem, of Duke Nukem 3D fame.
  • One of Devastation's adrenaline combos, "Head Turret", has her activating mounted turret defenses like Fulgore's "No Mercy" finisher from Killer Instinct.
    • Many of her Ladder challenges have references to programming concepts. One of her matches is labeled "GOTO: Next Match", and the description of "Team Deathmatch in Phoenix" references the C++ language ("if (Target.Color == Self.Color) ProtectTarget(); else DestroyTarget()").
    • One of her Ladder challenges is called "The Next Generation", referencing Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • One of Raiden's Ladder challenges pits him against the Skaarj Torgr and the human female Sapphire. The match is called "Beauty and the Beast", after the eponymous tale.
  • One of Raptor's challenges is named "Carnage++", a reference to the C++ programming language.
  • One of Sobek's taunts is "It's better to burn out, than to fade away", a line of the song "Hey hey, my my" by Neil Young.
  • One of Szalor's Ladder challenges is called "Armed and Dangerous", possibly named after the eponymous videogame.
  • One of the in-game awards, given to the achiever after reflecting an opponent's charged adrenaline fueled melee attack, is called "Smackdown!", possible reference to the WWE B-Show WWE Smackdown.

External links and references[]

See also[]
