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This is a list of easter eggs found across the maps in Unreal II: The Awakening and its multiplayer expansion pack XMP.
- TCA Training Course:
- There's a hidden shooting range that let's you mow down Nali. After the mantling exercise, look around. You'll see that there's an open area to the right of where you are standing. Go there and notice that one box is near a set of windows you could use to go in a fenced area. Jump on the crate, then mantle jump on the windows, walk in the fenced area and look inside a crate. You will see a some kind of a head (more on that in the "Creator Cameo" section) in an open box, jump into it and take the head. Proceed to weapons training and complete all tasks. At the end of the grenade launcher tutorial don't go to Raff but walk over to the fourth shooting range on your left, which will now open, but Raff won't notice that. There is a pair of Nali standing there. When shot, they will say something like "Habouji!" or "Oboudah!". Each Nali has it's own 2 sounds, but the sounds appear to be odd, and one sound wasn't present in Unreal.
- Raff's "Epic wait" statement is linked to the release time of Unreal II: it was a long time between the announcement of Unreal II and the actual release, and the game was co-developed between Epic Games and Legend Entertainment.
- If you picked up the head from a box earlier, you will see that the last shooting range door opened, but Raff didn't notice that. There is a pair of Nali standing there. When shot, they will say something like "Habouji!" or "Oboudah!". Each Nali has it's own 2 sounds, but the sounds appear to be odd, and one sound was not in Unreal.
- TCA Atlantis:
- There are two hidden notes in the level. One of them says "Hi mom!" and the other "Complete list of Atlantis secrets at http://www.langsuyar.com/articles/atlantis.html".[1]
- Go to the Armory and check the hardware at the left of Isaak. One of the pieces will show indicators such as "UNREAL 2" "KICKS ASS" ""OVER ALL" "OTHER GAMES" "SO THERE".
- In the briefing room go to the right side of the holotank. There's a hidden button on the right side of the table, between the table side and the wall. Press it to get a Seagoat holo.[1]
- Getting behind Dalton's locker in his cabin (use the
cheat code) you can see a Seagoat license plate attached to the back of the locker.[1] - After coming from either the Avalon preface or the TCA Training Course, talk to the hidden Seagoat before Aida gives her briefing. Go to the upper deck, past the player cabin and open the hatch opposite to Ne'Ban's cabin door. Talk to the Seagoat inside and reply with "Spam", "Spam", "Spam", "Humbug". When Aida gives her briefing you'll see Abraham Lincoln doing the distress call instead of Danny Miller.[1]
- After coming from the Severnaya Waterfront, when Ne'Ban does his briefing, there are 12 pictures that get displayed in rapid succession over the holotank. To see them clearly you can either cheat (
) or open the editor and check out the textures (they're in MattT.utx).[1] - In all interludes starting with Obolus, the Seagoat is hiding somewhere on the ship. If you find him he will run away twice, after that you can use him to get a dialog line from Dalton.[1]
- To access the hidden U2 dance party you have to use the console or start U2 from command line. If you're in-game: open the console, enable cheats with
and enteropen atlantis?missioncompleted=83
. Alternatively, from the command line: start U2 withunreal2.exe atlantis?missioncompleted=83
- Swamp:
- There's a hidden note in the map: "old fog distance 500 - 2200"
- Hell (mission):
- Some of the level designers for the maps of this mission had arachnophobia, as you can't see a single Araknid when you open the maps in UnrealEd. All of the enemies are spawned, so they aren't visible in the level editor.
- Hell - Desolation:
- After the initial room, at a room with some crates, a dead scientist, two ammo pickups in front of you and a ladder to the upper level, jump at the top of the crates. Past them check among the decoration and you'll see the photo of a person being constantly projected cascade-like.
- Acheron:
- Jump on top of the structure surrounding the smoke pit and head towards the yellow crane and health/shield machines, and turn to watch the smoke. With a bit of luck, you'll see Abraham Lincoln.
- Severnaya Waterfront:
- Use the Sniper Rifle and check the antennae atop of the dam. If you zoom in on the blinking blue lights on top of the upper antennas in the waterfront, you'll see that several of them have rotating Abraham Lincoln faces. If you snipe the faces, they become larger, and a laughter sound is triggered.
Creator cameos and references[]
- TCA Training Course:
- In the obstacle course (where Raff tests your movement skills) there's a fenced in area on the right side with a few boxes in it. If you stand on top of the mantling block you can jump over those fences. Walk into the open box to find a secret "Grant" head, the game will announce that the secret shooting range has been unlocked. "Grant" is Grant Roberts, co-worker and friend of Worch and the voice actor of Ne'Ban.[1]
- TCA Atlantis:
- There's a secret button in the the Armory, right next to the door. Crouch and look up at the table. If you push the button you get Isaak saying "Flashbang" and an EMP burst. This is an inside joke more than anything else, Isaak used to describe the concussion grenade as "It's basically a flashbang[...]", and Legend Entertainment got a great deal of entertainment from using that word in every possible context. The line got changed, but the voice file stayed.[1]
- Go past Ne'Ban's cabin into the back hallway and jump into the open hatch in the corner of the hallway. If you look back towards head of the ship there's a button, press it to get a few evil Lincoln and Grant heads laughing at you. The picture of Grant originated from the Legend webpage.[1]
- For the following egg, you have to use the console or start U2 from command line. If you're in-game: open the console, enable cheats with
and enteropen atlantis?missioncompleted=110276
. You're then sent to the player's cabin and are treated to a bunch of Seagoat and Lincoln balloons. The number corresponds with Matthias Worch's birth date.[1]
References to other works[]
- The main governing body in the game is called Terran Colonial Authority, a possible reference to the StarCraft RTS videogame series, which used this name to refer to the human faction in the game.
- The Flying Snake, a creature which can be spotted at the Severnaya Waterfront level, is the Unreal universe's take on the Zerg Mutalisk.
- Aida is stated to be a 3-D Chess champion, and the board in her quarters looks like the Enterprise ship from the Star Trek franchise.
- The Seagoat is a reference to the Capricorn zodiac symbol.
- The Magnum Pistol has a maximum of 9 rounds in its chamber. This, combined with the Alt-Fire being a three round burst, is a possible reference to the MagSec 4 weapon from the N64 video game Perfect Dark, which is based on the Beretta M93R-AG Auto 9 made famous by the film Robocop.
- TCA Atlantis:
- During your first stay, you can find a Seagoat which can be interacted with and which is key to a mentioned easter egg. The correct answers are "Spam", "Spam", "Spam", and "Humbug". "Humbug" is an homage to the Ultima 6 cheat.
- Acheron:
- The entrance to the dig site is inspired by the Sarlacc pit from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.
- The spaceship of the final set of missions is called "The Dorian Gray", a reference to the book The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Unreal II The Awakening Easter Eggs HD
Easter egg and secret list by Youtube easter egg hunting channel kacpi26.
The hidden Nali targets in the TCA Training Course.
The Lincoln Seagoat aboard the TCA Atlantis.
The secret picture projection in the level Hell - Desolation.
Rotating Lincoln head in the level Severnaya.