Unreal Wiki
Meta article
The following is a meta-article, which explains a concept which usually falls out of one of the wiki's categorizations, yet it's still important to explain something.

This is a list of easter eggs found across the maps in Unreal and its expansion pack Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali.


  • Rrajigar Mine:
    • At the beginning, you can use the Fly cheat to go above the entrance to the elevator area and find a message:
Universal Translator
"What the hell are you doing up here?"
  • Swimming in the lava from either the corridor from the first elevator or the broken ledge area nets you another message:
Universal Translator
"You are SO dead."
  • Depths of Rrajigar:
    • Use the fly cheat code on the transport cart that goes to the upper level and fly oppose to the ledge for the following message:
Universal Translator
"Canada is really cold. I like Dos Equis beer. My cats are fuzzy."
  • Save your game, and use the god or summon asbestossuit cheats in order to take a swim in the molten metal lake below the bridge in the triggerable bridge area. Approach the exit to the barrel hallway on the right, and you'll get the following message:
Universal Translator
"Come on in, the Lava's fine!"
  • Dark Arena:
    • Make your way to the top of the building, and drop a grenade on the hole in the main entrance. A big board with the inscription "175 Columbia Street" will appear. The location in real life references the East Campus of the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada).
  • The Trench:
    • A hidden, incomplete message at the very end, players can't read it because they're teleported to the ISV-Kran Deck 4 level.
Universal Translator
"Corporeal Pelli Onsov: If you're reading my log entry I am probably dead and our ship has been overrun by aliens called "
  • Serpent Canyon:
    • At the canoe room, there are two torches. Shoot them with any weapon and enter the canoe. In the darker corner, at the left, a billboard of "Pirates of Nali Land" will be displayed.
  • Nali Castle:
    • After freeing the captive Nali, riding the cable car and witnessing the Nali getting blown up by the skimmer, reach the barn. Do a dodge in the mountain and try to land on the barn's roof. Walk onto the pole, and the following message will appear on the Translator:
Universal Translator
"What the HELL are you doing up here?"
  • Glathriel Village (Part 2):
    • Go outside the chapel and use the fly cheat code. Use the flashlight or disable the lighting in the level, fly into the abyss in front of the wall facing the chapel, and look around searching for a scared Nali with several knives on its back.
  • Spire Valley:
    • At one of the turns in the lake, there's the elevator from the end of the level The Sunspire. Apparently, two characters at the same time tried to ride it, and it either didn't stand the weight and/or the storms at that moment.
Universal Translator
"LOG: J. Montanus: Ovrevik and I managed to ascend the large towering rock fairly easily. We suspect someone may have cleared the way. Maybe he's the one that made it off this forsaken planet."
Universal Translator
"LOG: R. Ovrevik: Montanus and I are at the top of the spire. We've located an alien shuttle of some sort that rises straight up into the clouds. It's getting rather stormy, but we're going to attempt to ride it."
  • The background of the level features The Sunspire. Coincidentally, both levels use the same track, "Hub 3".
  • Bounds of Foundry:
    • There's a hidden room (accessible only with the ghost cheat code), located near the entrance to the circular slime pit. It contains two sludge cartridges for the GES BioRifle as well as a health pack. It was, apparently, a leftover from the Unreal betas.
  • Escape from Na Pali:
    • Descend to the lava pit in the boss arena using the fly cheat code, and approach the spikes and the small isle in the middle. Three messages will trigger:
Universal Translator
"Why me?"
Universal Translator
"No secrets for you!"
Universal Translator
"What is the point of me hanging around on this spike? What does it prove? I'm in a lot of pain here and I fail to see the humor in any of this."
Universal Translator
"Special thanks to the Unreal retexturing project team! The s3tc textures look so awsome!
Universal Translator
"Special thanks to: Smirftsch, Wolf, .:..:, Shambler, Smpdev, Kerilk, Raven, Asgard12000, Bozo, DieHard, Zombie, HyperNL, Pitbull, Kasima and the Oldunreal community for developing the Unreal 227 Patch!
  • DmRiot, from the OldUnreal patch v227:
    • Like Retrospective, the map contains a hidden Translator message:
Universal Translator
"Commencé le 18/04/10. Abandonné vers 05/10. Repris le 10/03/11. Layout fini le 14/06/11. Deco finie le 20/06/11. Construction finie le 21/06/11. Version 1.1 le 22/06/11."

Creator cameos and references[]

  • The manual's credits section reads "In memory of Myscha and Pelit". Two tombs in the Bluff Eversmoking level also read "Myscha Nov 28th 1994-June 1997" and "Pelit Jan 20 1997-July 17 1997". Both of them reference Elliot 'Myscha' Cannon's mascots Myscha and Pelit, who died during the development of the game.
  • NyLeve's Falls:
    • Pancho Eekels inserted a lot of references to himself, friends and family: The level is named after his wife Evelyn, who also contributed with some texture work on the Unreal Engine 2 games, the serial number of the ship is NC114-85EKLS, and the dead people in the level are named after his friends.
  • Depths of Rrajigar:
  • After entering in the warehouse area, go through the ramp and use the fly cheat in order to go to the top of the light pole in front of it. This triggers the following message referencing Craig Lafferty, part of the Epic Biz team at the time:
Universal Translator
"Craig is Grand Master Doofus."
  • Glathriel Village (Part 2):
    • Right after entering the level, at the center of the catacombs area, look for a button on the pillar in front of the stairs to the next area and press it. Behind you, the coffin will move and reveal a hidden chamber with the logo of the Ocrana clan and the following message. Ocrana was the gaming clan level designer Matthias Worch integrated when he made the Quake mod Beyond Belief[1]:
Universal Translator
"Would you die for this? http://www.ocrana.de"
  • Escape from Na Pali:
    • At the end of the last bridge near the entrance to the boss arena, take a swim into the lake and you'll find a dead cow. Approaching it will net the following Translator message. It references an inner joke at Epic Games and the mythical "Mountain Dew" mountain, of which the only proof is a photo Erik de Neve posted in the comment section of an article celebrating the 20 years of Unreal in the site "Rock, Paper, Shotgun":[2]
Universal Translator
"LOG: J. Crable: After trying to trade a useless flashlight to one of the Nali natives for some food, he turned me into a cow. I've learned that I must travel to high peaks of Mon-ton Dew and meet with the high Priestess for a cure. My quest begins."

Hidden Level Entry Texts[]

  • DM-Cybrosis: "Now entering Cybrosis Central"
  • DM-Letting: "Entering the Blood Letting"
  • DmCreek: "This doesn't really work, but Tim left it in the game anyways."
    • This one reference the LevelEntryText property of all the maps, which up to a certain version of Unreal didn't work as intended.
  • DmExar: "227-Patch Map"
  • DmRadikus: "Let's get it ON!!!!!"
  • DmRetrospective: "Map for the Unreal 227 Patch!"
  • DmVilla2: "The Villa Docks"

Intermission "map" messages[]

By default the Intermission maps contain the voice lines of the male/female character. However, inside of the localization files, there are many more secrets.

  • InterCrashsite (UMS Protometheus Intermission): "Boah, ich brauch nen neuen Job..." (The map title also says: "Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um helb 2...")
  • Inter4 (Glathriel Village Part 2 Intermission): "What the hell are you doing here..." (The map title also says: "Yousa follow me now, okiday?")
  • Inter5 (Approaching UMS Promotheus Intemission): "Ich gruesse Mami, Pappi und Tante Hildtraut."

References to other works[]


External links and references[]

  1. Boyle, Joshua (Sep 29, 2022). "Nods to Mods Interview: Beyond Belief for Quake". Slayers Club. Retrieved Sep 29, 2022.
  2. de Neve, Erik (June 6, 2018). "A retrospective of Unreal, from the people who made it (comment section)". Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved March 3, 2020.
  3. Bleszinski, Cliff (Aug 31, 2021). ""Yeah it's amazing! Funfact: Designer of that map named it Nyleve because his wife is named Evelyn."". X. Retrieved Nov 1, 2024.

See also[]
