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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali.

Edge of Na Pali is the first map of the single-player mode of Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali.

Map description[]

Edge of Na Pali begins the player's mission in finding the UMS Prometheus. Back to the very soil from where you have already made your desperate escape, you walk around your landing spot to find useful items. A Combat Assault Rifle with some mags, health packs and of course, various levels of opposition awaits you.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
Weapon: On a table in the room with a breakable glass window right at the beginning.
W: 1
Weapon: In a UMS crate in front of the entrance to the Terra-Emi Mining bunker.


Pickup Count Location
In the tunnel leading to the Terra-Emi Mining bunker. Behind a big metal crate near staircase inside a north entrance to Terra-Sun Mining Complex.
In a wooden crate in the first encountered abandoned Nali house after leaving Terra-Emi Mining Bunker. In a wooden crate near a pile of metal crates next to the south entrance to the Terra-Sun Mining Complex. In a wooden crate on top of a metal crate near staircase inside a north entrance to Terra-Sun Mining Complex.
Inside a large, opened metal crate right in the south entrance hallway to Terra-Sun Mining Complex.
On a crate near the landing platform. In a wooden crate in the room with a breakable glass window right at the beginning.
Behind a large crate in the second room from the start.


Monster Count Location



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali Single Player maps
Return to Na Pali IntroEdge of Na PaliNeve's CrossingThe Eldora WellGlathriel Village (Part 1)Glathriel Village (Part 2)Approaching UMS PrometheusUMS PrometheusInside UMS PrometheusSpire ValleyNagomi PassageVelora TempleNagomi Passage (Dawn)Foundry Tarydium PlantBounds of FoundryWatcher of the SkiesGala's PeakEscape from Na Pali