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If you're looking for other melee and ranged starting weapons, you might want to check Starting loadouts.

Unreal The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

The Enforcer (known in early games as the Automag) is a handgun in the Unreal series.


Unreal and Return to Na Pali[]

"This easy to handle gun uses gun-powder-based bullets (in dual clips of 10) for ammunition. Try to keep track of how many bullets you have left in a clip: attempting to change clips with a pissed off Skaarj in your face is not advised."
Unreal manual

Primary fire Traditional carriage, accurate, slow.
Secondary fire "Gangsta"-style sideways carriage, less accurate, much faster rate of fire.
Source: Unreal manual

The Automag fires rounds via the use of gunpowder. The weapon shares Clips and Bullets with the Minigun. In secondary fire mode, the player character tilts the pistol sideways in a "gangsta-style" carriage to fire less accurate rounds at a higher rate.

It can shoot 20 rounds consecutively, after which it has to be reloaded. It can also be reloaded by switching to another weapon and then switching back to the Automag.


Unreal Tournament[]

"Primary Fire: Normal firing rate.
Secondary Fire: Rapid firing rate.

This lightweight yet high-powered handgun is an accurate and potent killer at close or medium range. So easy to handle you can wield one in each hand, the Enforcer's already-quick action can be increased by utilizing the slightly less accurate (but equally deadly) sideways-carriage firing technique."
UT manual

Classification Light Pistol
Primary fire Accurate but slow firing instant hit.
Secondary fire Sideways, or 'Gangsta' firing mode, shoots twice as fast and half as accurate as the primary fire.
Techniques Collect two for twice the damage.
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu

The Enforcer is the default weapon players spawn with, along with the Impact Hammer.

A semi-automatic pistol, the successor to the Automag from Unreal. The player can dual-wielded Enforcers if they happen to find a second one. Secondary fire tilts the Enforcer sideways in a "gangsta" style for greater rate of fire at the cost of accuracy. Even when dual-wielded, the 3rd person perspective, as during the end of a game, will show the player with only one. However, two bullet cases come out when shot.

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict[]

Dual Enforcers (Human variation)[]

"Semi-automatic pistols which can fire an icy projectile to freeze opponents solid"
UC2 manual

Default weapon for Malcolm and Sapphire.

Dual Enforcers (Juggernaut variation)[]

"Standard enforcer pistols, which the Juggernauts can fire in uncontrolled fully automatic bursts."
UC2 manual

Default weapon of Gorge, Arclite and Jackhammer.

Dual Enforcers (Necris variation)[]

"Semi-automatic pistols, which the Necris can manipulate to fire Nanoblack projectiles to stun their opponents."
UC2 manual

Default weapon of the Necris. (Brock, Lauren, Calypso, Judas, Lilith and Necris Selket)

Unreal Tournament 3[]

"For decades, the Enforcer pistol was the combat sidearm of choice. Veteran soldiers appreciated the lightweight handgun's power, accuracy, and balance. In recent years, the ever-burning desire for greater firepower led to general issue of the AR770 assault rifle. Military procurement officers were drawn to the AR770's higher cyclic rate and underslung M355 grenade launcher, but seasoned combatants missed the dependability of the Enforcer. Axon Research listened to the soldiers, and their new Enforcer MP ("Machine Pistol") model provides the best of both worlds. Side-fed magazines provide greater capacity, while balancing the shooter's aim when wielding two pistols. With a deadly accurate semi-automatic mode, and a selectable burst fire mode, the Enforcer is back, and the modern battlefield will never be the same."
Weapon description

Unreal Tournament 3 marks the first appearance of the Enforcer since UT. As a starting weapon, the Enforcer is a small, akimbo-wieldable pistol with rapid fire. The alt-fire is replaced with a 3-round-burst fire with lesser accuracy than the primary fire. You spawn with one enforcer, though if a player is killed while holding the weapon it is dropped, and picking up a second enforcer allows you to hold two at a time. If you have two, then it is considerably one of the best weapons in the game, with hitscan power, high accuracy and fire rate, and decent damage to boot. As a homage to the original Enforcer's alternate fire, they now turn sideways when you are close to an opponent.

Related Achievements[]

UT3 Pistolero achievement
Gamerscore 10
Get the "Gun Slinger" award in 10 matches.

Unreal Tournament 4[]

"Side-fed magazines provide greater capacity, while balancing the shooter's aim when wielding two pistols. With a deadly accurate semi-automatic mode, and a selectable burst fire mode, the Enforcer is back, and the modern battlefield will never be the same."
Weapon description

Primary Fire
Single shots with decreasing accuracy over time.
Secondary Fire
Rapid fire bursts with less accuracy and increased cooldown time.
Tips - Dual Wield
Picking up a second Enforcer switches to Akimbo mode. Rate of fire of the weapon is doubled.

In Unreal Tournament 4, the Enforcer reappears once again, functioning the same way it did in Unreal Tournament 3.

Tips and tricks[]

  • The Automag is a great weapon for fighting fast enemies due to its hitscan nature, and because of its accuracy and firepower, surpassing even the Minigun. It is a good choice for taking down highly evasive enemies until you find the Rifle and the ASMD. It is better than the Dispersion Pistol for taking lower enemies because of its hitscan nature, compared to the slow projectiles of the latter weapon.



  • The 1998 beta had the same first-person design for the Automag, but the third person one was styled to look like a pistol that was earlier seen in pre-release screenshots. The Automag perhaps had just been changed to its final form when the beta was released.
  • In Unreal Tournament 3, it is physically impossible to commit suicide with an Enforcer. Through hacking or the use of the playersonly console command, you can kill yourself, but it only says #1 Killed him/herself.

External links and references[]

  1. Wood, Adam (Sep 1, 2015). "Unreal Tournament Weapons". ArtStation. Retrieved August 18, 2024.
  2. "Unreal Tournament Content (Trello)". Epic Games. Retrieved August 18, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal weapons
Dispersion PistolAutomagStingerASMDEightballFlak CannonRazorjackGES BioRifleSniper RifleMinigun
Return to Na Pali weapons: Combat Assault RifleUMS Grenade LauncherUMS Rocket Launcher
Unreal v227 weapons: QuadshotPeacemakerTranslocator
Unreal Tournament weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RiflePulse GunRipperMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper Rifle
Special weapons: ChainsawTranslocatorSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Chaos: UT weapons: Grappling HookBastard SwordCAS12 ShotgunUtility GunCrossbowThe ClawProximity MinesChaos Sniper V2The VortexSentry Turret
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict weapons
Starting melee weapons: Cryo Staff (Malcolm) • Cryo Swords (Sapphire) • Dark Staff (Brock, Judas) • Juggernaut Fists (Gorge, Arclite, Jackhammer) • Legion Sword (Sobek) • Liandri Hammers (Raptor, Syzygy, Corrosion) • Molten Kama (Devastation) • Nakhti Axe (Apophis) • Nakhti Staff (Anubis, Merc Anubis) • Nakhti Swords (Selket, Necris Selket) • Necris Swords (Lauren, Calypso, Lilith) • Skaarj Blades (Szalor, Torgr, Garek, Kraag, Korig) • Thunder Staff (Raiden)
Starting ranged weapons: Nakhti Scorpions (Nakhti) • Dual Enforcers (Human) (Malcolm, Sapphire) • Dual Enforcers (Juggernaut) (Juggernauts) • Dual Enforcers (Necris) (Necris) • Liandri Rivet Guns (Raptor, Devastation, Syzygy, Corrosion) • Lightning Bolts (Raiden)
Energy weapons: StingerBio RifleSniper RifleShock Rifle
Explosive weapons: Flak CannonRocket LauncherRipjackGrenade Launcher
Special weapons: Instagib Rifle
Unreal Tournament 3 weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherLongbow AVRiLSniper Rifle
Special weapons: TranslocatorInstagib Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Deployables: EMP MineLink StationShaped ChargeShield GeneratorSlow Field GeneratorSpidermine TrapX-Ray Field
Unreal Tournament 4 weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherSniper RifleLightning Gun
Special weapons: TranslocatorInstagib Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer