Unreal Wiki

Unreal The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

The Flak Cannon is a weapon in the Unreal series. It is present in all Unreal games with the exception of Unreal II: The Awakening.


In general, the primary fire launches flak shell shards, and the secondary fire launches a flak shell bomb. The primary differences between the Flak Cannon's incarnations are the damage it causes, the number of times the flak shards bounce, and the distance the flak bomb flies.

Across all the games, several key components of the Flak Cannon remain the same. Mainly, all Flak Cannons have a "bumblebee yellow" coloration, slight wear, and the fact of the flak shell always visible.

Unreal and Return to Na Pali[]

"The somewhat cumbersome Flak Cannon uses jagged shards of metal for ammunition. Don’t let its lack of pyrotechnic flash fool you: a little shrapnel can dish out a hell of a lot of damage."
Unreal manual

Primary fire Extremely fast spray of shrapnel, which ricochet off walls, ceilings and floors.
Secondary fire Large shrapnel-filled shell explodes on impact, spraying shrapnel in all directions.
Source: Unreal manual

In Unreal, it had one metal extension connecting the weapon together.

Unreal Tournament[]

"Primary Fire: Fires chunks of hot jagged shrapnel.
Secondary Fire: Lobs a shrapnel grenade that explodes on impact.

This portable enemy blender can deliver instant death at any range. While the rate of fire is slow, the Flak Cannon’s destructive power is formidable. The primary fire discharges a concentrated explosion containing several pounds of jagged metal shrapnel. At point-blank range, the result is usually lethal. The secondary fire launches a shrapnel grenade that explodes on impact. Few opponents survive a direct hit from a Flak Cannon grenade."
UT manual

Classification Heavy Shrapnel
Primary fire White hot chunks of scrap metal are sprayed forth, shotgun style.
Secondary fire A grenade full of shrapnel is lobbed at the enemy. The grenade can hurt you if you're in its splash range.
Techniques The Flak Cannon is far more useful in close range combat situations.
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu.

In Unreal Tournament, this weapon acts (and has always acted) as a close-combat weapon. Visually, 2 connectors are used, along with a lighter shade of yellow.

The Flak Cannon is one easy weapon to shred your enemies at close quarters.

The primary fire launches linear shrapnels that can deplete any armor and kill the target with a single, or a maximum of 2 hits; it fires 8 shrapnels shoot out per shot in a wide spread, each flak chunk doing 24 damage.

The secondary fire hurls a flak grenade with a high arc at mid-range, which provides splash damage enough to kill one or two players. It will inflict 105 damage on impact in its center with an explosion and 5 flak shrapnels spawning from it.

Unreal Championship, Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"Trident Defensive Technologies Series 7 Flechette Cannon has been taken to the next step in evolution with the production of the "Mk3 Negotiator." The ionized flechettes are capable of delivering second- and third-degree burns to organic tissue and cauterizing the wound instantly. Payload delivery is achieved via one of two methods: ionized flechettes launched in a spread pattern directly from the barrel; or via fragmentation grenades that explode on impact, radiating flechettes in all directions."
UT2004 manual

Primary Fire
White hot chunks of scrap metal are sprayed forth, shotgun style. The chunks glow as they do in UT, but they also create a trail of yellow behind all the chunks, making it easier to see. The damage they do goes down over their flight time, but a point-blank shot is extremely deadly. This fire mode fires 9 shards that do 13 damage each.
Secondary Fire
A grenade full of shrapnel is lobbed at the enemy, spraying shrapnel in all directions upon detonating. If you're lucky some of the shards it sprays upon detonation will hit your enemies, causing further damage. This means that sometimes you can kill someone with 100 health with a single flak shell even though the shell itself is only supposed to do 90 damage max.

The Flak Cannon in UT2003 is very similar to the one of |UT2004. The only difference is that it generally fires faster and has a slightly bigger arc of the alternate fire. It also has more ammo so it wouldn't be out of ammo too soon, keeping in mind the increase of the speed.

In UT2004, there's hardly a difference between it and the Flak Cannon in UT99 other than a visual change. It had visible circuitry, a TC-036B decal on the front, and 3 connectors on the weapon. Also, the 'weapon equip" animation was simplified to just a pull-out, with the Flak Shell seemingly always there.

Even though not much is known about the Flak Cannon of Unreal Championship, it is supposed to be very similar to the Unreal Tournament 2003 version. Only the appearance differs; it looks like something between Unreal Tournament's Flak Cannon (the 1st person view) and the Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004 model (the 3rd person view) as its back, where the remaining ammo amount was displayed in UT, is left from Unreal Tournament, and the overall looks are updated to be similar to the Unreal Tournament 2003 model.

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict[]

"The Flak Cannon was first employed against humans during the suppression of the Green's World Rebellion. Alt-fire lobs a deadly explosive shell. Primary fire detonates the shell in the barrel to fire a spread of hot metal fragments."
UC2 manual

Primary Fire
Fires shards of flak from a pre-exploded shell. The fragments can bounce off of walls and move slowly, so they are easily reflected. They also glow so they are highly visible.
Secondary Fire
A grenade full of shrapnel is lobbed at the enemy, spraying shrapnel in all directions upon detonating. If you're lucky some of the shards it sprays upon detonation will hit your enemies, causing further damage. Difficult to reflect because of it's heavy trajectory.

Unreal Tournament 3[]

"Trident Defensive Technologies continues to tweak and refine the flak cannon with their newly released Mk4 "Peacekeeper." In spite of its new name, the flak cannon remains banned from most military conflicts for high incidences of maiming and collateral damage. Still, the flak cannon is the weapon of choice for unconventional warfare in urban terrain. The primary mode detonates the flak shell in the barrel, launching shrapnel forward in a deadly shotgun pattern but often deafening the operator. The cannon also lobs an explosive flak shell that detonates on contact, sending shrapnel in a dangerously wide and unpredictable radius."
Weapon description

Primary Fire
White hot chunks of scrap metal are sprayed forth, shotgun style. The chunks glow as they do in UT, but they also create a trail of yellow-red behind all the chunks, making it easier to see.
Secondary Fire
A grenade full of shrapnel is lobbed at the enemy, spraying shrapnel in all directions upon detonating. If you're lucky some of the shards it sprays upon detonation will hit your enemies, causing further damage.

The Flak Cannon returns, and it's just as devastating as ever. It has been upgraded to make it more powerful. It had received the biggest overhaul of the Flak Cannon's visual look, replacing the front component with 4 sub-pieces that expand slightly upon equipping the Flak Cannon, the Flak shell shrinking greatly, and a less rifle-related look on the weapon compared to the previous editions.

The primary fire for this weapon releases a number of chunks of metal, tearing enemies into shreds. The secondary fire releases an undetonated flak shell that detonates and turns to shrapnel on impact. Compared to past titles, the primary fire bounces more and has a much tighter spread, while the flak shell does not travel as far as it did in UT2004, but it has a much higher upward arc.

Unreal Tournament 4[]

"The primary fire mode of the Flak Cannon fires metal shards. The secondary fire mode launches an explosive shell at an arc."
Weapon description

Primary fire
Shoots a quick burst of shrapnel that ricochets off of surfaces. Extremely deadly up close and in tight environments, less effective at longer ranges. Beware of backsplash!
Alternate fire
Lobs an entire shell in a medium range arc. Harder to predict but extremely deadly in direct aspect. If the shell explodes at the environment it causes a shrapnel splash explosion.
Tips - Shrapnel jumping
Shooting a shell into the ground while close by will propel you upwards. This comes at a large cost to health, so it should be used wisely.

The Flak Cannon makes a return in UT4, with an appearance reminiscent to the UT99-era Flak Cannon.

The primary fire sprays forth white hot chunks of scrap metal, shotgun style. The secondary fire lobs a grenade full of shrapnel at an opponent, spraying shrapnel in all directions upon detonating. The shards it sprays upon detonation may hit your enemies, causing further damage.

Tips and tricks[]

  • For more power, do not fire the flak fragments at the walls to reflect into enemies, as it makes them weaker and less accurate. Also don't fire from long range, as the pellets get less accurate over time. Just rush up to the enemy, face forwards, and shoot them to death for best results.
  • One-on-one Flak Brawls are a 50/50 chance. Make sure you keep your shots counted and ensure much damage.
  • Be careful of the enemies switching to Flak Cannons, as it would make your enemy secure kills much faster at close range.
  • The alternate fire is usually useful towards enemies sitting behind cover.

Unreal and Return to Na Pali[]

Unreal Tournament[]

  • With an ammo capacity of 50, this weapon is handy in Deathmatch (i.e. DM-Peak), but need not to be, as in Assault matches.

Unreal Championship[]

"The flak cannon is the deadliest close-range weapon. Its one-hit kill makes it hard to beat in close quarters, and the secondary fire is just as deadly at medium range.
It’s of little use at long range, however, and must be used with care in tight spaces. Flak can ricochet back at you.

The primary fire is like a shotgun blast. It spreads out in the shape of a cone. At near ranges, it turns opponents into pulp. Hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes for one-shot kills.

The secondary fire lobs a flak grenade that explodes with a tight blast radius. Hitting an enemy dead-on usually results in a one-shot kill. When the enemy is too far away to wipe out with the primary fire, switch to the secondary blast. Don’t aim at the feet, though. A direct hit is far more effective.

Rocket launchers are most useful in tight maps and in areas that are well traveled. The flak cannon is exceptionally useful in tight quarters, where it gives you a great chance of surprising an enemy up close. You can also do damage to groups by firing off the flak cannon in the midst of a battle.
The Flak Cannon is inefficient in multilevel warfare. It’s difficult to hit foes above you, and the secondary fire’s splash damage isn’t strong enough to do much damage when fired from above.
Know your distances, which tell you which attack to use. Aim for the upper torso and don’t be afraid to wait until you get a good, close shot. Your enemy goes down with a single blast."
Unreal Championship Prima's Official Strategy Guide

Unreal Tournament 3 and Unreal Tournament 4[]

  • If you need to kill your enemies with the weapon from long range, you can use the alt fire anyway, as in UT3-4 the "grenade" one-shots people without a shield in a direct hit.


  • With the absence of the Ripper from UT2003 and UT2004, the Flak Cannon's primary firing mode was given an extra boost in its reflective physical properties.
  • According to information in Unreal Championship 2, the Flak Cannon was first employed against humans during the suppression of the Green's World Rebellion in 2267.
  • In Unreal and Return to Na Pali, due to a bug, enemies such as Skaarj will not dodge the flak shells fired by the Flak Cannon. This makes the Flak Cannon's alt-fire highly effective against certain types of enemies. This is due to bAltWarnTarget being set to false in the weapon's code, a bug that was introduced in a patch on an unknown date.
  • According to Jack Porter, the game's AI was punishing on lower difficulty levels when holding the gun, so Steven Polge came with the idea of them firing few Flak pieces.[1]

Preview Notes[]

Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"The flak cannon has always been regarded as a "spam" weapon. To reduce this effect, the new flak fires in a more compact pattern, and deflects off of objects only once. After taking a few blasts from this gun, I can assure you it still gets the job done, but requires a little more skill to utilize it effectively. In addition, the secondary trigger still launches those smiley faced little explosive balls of death."
Unreal Playground[2]
"The weapons have been retuned to be less "spammy" in terms of causing lots of area-effect damage. The flak gun has a lot fewer flak bits bouncing around randomly, and it's now possible to shoot a flak canister in midair to make it explode prematurely."

External links and references[]

  1. Conley, Stacey (January 16, 2013). "The Longevity of Unreal Tournament, Part 4". Epic Games. Archived from the original on July 28, 2016. Retrieved December 19, 2021.
  2. StealthDP (May 26, 2002). "E3 Report". Unreal Playground. Archived from the original on October 11, 2002. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
  3. Parker, Sam (May 22, 2002). "E3 2002: Unreal Tournament 2003 impressions". GameSpot. Archived from the original on December 9, 2002. Retrieved July 10, 2020.

See also[]

Unreal weapons
Dispersion PistolAutomagStingerASMDEightballFlak CannonRazorjackGES BioRifleSniper RifleMinigun
Return to Na Pali weapons: Combat Assault RifleUMS Grenade LauncherUMS Rocket Launcher
Unreal v227 weapons: QuadshotPeacemakerTranslocator
Unreal Tournament weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RiflePulse GunRipperMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper Rifle
Special weapons: ChainsawTranslocatorSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Chaos: UT weapons: Grappling HookBastard SwordCAS12 ShotgunUtility GunCrossbowThe ClawProximity MinesChaos Sniper V2The VortexSentry Turret
Unreal Championship weapons
Shield GunAssault RifleBio RifleShock RifleLink GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherLightning Gun
Special weapons: TranslocatorBall LauncherSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: T.A.G. Rifle
Unreal Tournament 2003 weapons
Shield GunAssault RifleBio RifleShock RifleLink GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherLightning Gun
Special weapons: TranslocatorBall LauncherSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Ion PainterRedeemer
Unreal Tournament 2004 weapons
Shield GunAssault RifleBio RifleMine LayerShock RifleLink GunMinigunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherAVRiLLightning GunSniper Rifle
Special weapons: TranslocatorBall LauncherSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Ion PainterRedeemerTarget Painter
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict weapons
Starting melee weapons: Cryo Staff (Malcolm) • Cryo Swords (Sapphire) • Dark Staff (Brock, Judas) • Juggernaut Fists (Gorge, Arclite, Jackhammer) • Legion Sword (Sobek) • Liandri Hammers (Raptor, Syzygy, Corrosion) • Molten Kama (Devastation) • Nakhti Axe (Apophis) • Nakhti Staff (Anubis, Merc Anubis) • Nakhti Swords (Selket, Necris Selket) • Necris Swords (Lauren, Calypso, Lilith) • Skaarj Blades (Szalor, Torgr, Garek, Kraag, Korig) • Thunder Staff (Raiden)
Starting ranged weapons: Nakhti Scorpions (Nakhti) • Dual Enforcers (Human) (Malcolm, Sapphire) • Dual Enforcers (Juggernaut) (Juggernauts) • Dual Enforcers (Necris) (Necris) • Liandri Rivet Guns (Raptor, Devastation, Syzygy, Corrosion) • Lightning Bolts (Raiden)
Energy weapons: StingerBio RifleSniper RifleShock Rifle
Explosive weapons: Flak CannonRocket LauncherRipjackGrenade Launcher
Special weapons: Instagib Rifle
Unreal Tournament 3 weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherLongbow AVRiLSniper Rifle
Special weapons: TranslocatorInstagib Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Deployables: EMP MineLink StationShaped ChargeShield GeneratorSlow Field GeneratorSpidermine TrapX-Ray Field
Unreal Tournament 4 weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherSniper RifleLightning Gun
Special weapons: TranslocatorInstagib Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer