The Gasbag is an enemy from the Unreal series.
The Gasbag is an alien species, either a native creature from the planet Na Pali or possibly artificially created through bio-engineering by the Skaarj race. Due to the places in which it appears, it is more plausible that it is native. It's round in shape, has two arms and several black eyes on the forehead. It floats around and moves through air. It's a common enemy in Unreal and Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali, where it's generally found in rocky terrain or stone buildings.
In Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004, the Gasbag is one of the enemy species of the Invasion gametype.
- Unreal
- Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali
- Unreal Tournament 2003/2004
- Invasion gametype
Tips and tricks[]
- The Gasbag is about the same size as the player, but they may appear to be smaller due to their anatomy and their often-large distance from the player. This distance puts the Gasbag at a disadvantage because its flaming projectiles, though powerful, are very slow-moving.
- When the Gasbag is at close range, its projectiles are harder to dodge and it can use its fists, though its punches inflict little damage. The Gasbag therefore tries to approach its target while firing its projectiles and evading shots from the target.
- The Gasbag dodges projectiles well, so hitscan weapons are generally more effective against it.
External links and references[]
See also[]
Unreal creatures |
Monsters: Behemoth - Brute - Cave Manta - Devilfish - Fly - Gasbag - Giant Gasbag - Ice Skaarj - Krall - Krall Elite - Lesser Brute - Manta - Mercenary - Mercenary Elite - Pupae - Skaarj Assassin - Skaarj Berserker - Skaarj Gunner - Skaarj Infantry - Skaarj Lord - Skaarj Officer - Skaarj Scout - Skaarj Sniper - Skaarj Trooper - Skaarj Warrior - Slith - Tentacle - Titan |
Bosses: Skaarj Queen - Stone Titan - Warlord |
NPCs and other creatures: Baby Cow - Biterfish - Bloblet - Horsefly - Nali - Nali Bird - Nali Cow - Nali Priest - Nali Rabbit |
Beta: Dragon - Squid |