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ISV-Kran Deck 4 is the fifteenth map of the single-player mode of Unreal.

Map description[]

The aft loading bay of the ISV-Kran is eerily quiet, but the bloodied corpses of the ship's remaining crew members show that all is not well. Salvaging the dead men's ammo, Prisoner 849 realises that she will find no safe haven aboard the crashed Terran vessel.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location


Monster Count Location


  • The beta version of the map combined it with the docks 2 & 3, as well as having less rooms in both parts.
  • Levelshots for the map were added in the OldUnreal version 227j patch.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Single Player maps
Vortex RikersNyLeve's FallsRrajigar MineDepths of RrajigarSacred PassageChizra - Nali Water GodThe Ceremonial ChambersDark ArenaHarobed VillageTerraniux UndergroundTerraniuxNoork's ElbowTemple of VandoraThe TrenchISV-Kran Deck 4ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2ISV-Kran Deck 1Spire VillageThe SunspireGateway to Na PaliNa Pali HavenOutpost 3JVelora PassBluff EversmokingDasa Mountain PassCellars at Dasa PassSerpent CanyonNali CastleDemonlord's LairDemon CraterMothership BasementMothership LabMothership CoreSkaarj GeneratorIlluminationThe DarkeningThe Source AntechamberThe Source