Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

Instagib is a mutator featured in all Unreal games with a multiplayer aspect, except for Unreal II's XMP.


In an Instagib match, all players start with a Super Shock Rifle, a weapon that kills enemy players with a single shot. All other weapons and ammo are removed from the game, as are pickups (with the exception of specific items such as the Jump Boots), although in some cases, players may still be equipped with a Translocator. The Super Shock Rifle cannot be dropped.

Instagib is typically used in the Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Domination, Double Domination, Capture the Flag, and Last Man Standing gametypes. It can also be used in Invasion and Mutant, though the rifle's immense firepower defeats the challenge in defeating a superior force. It is not possible to use the official Instagib mutator in the Assault (except for in UT), Vehicle Capture the Flag, Onslaught, and Warfare gametypes, although it can be enabled for some of these gametypes through the use of mods.

In Unreal Tournament 2003/2004, a special variant of the Instagib mutator exists, called Zoom Instagib, which gives the rifle a zoom function similar to that of the Lightning Gun. It was inspired by a third-party Unreal Tournament mutator of the same name.


Unreal Tournament[]

Unreal Championship[]

"Instant-kill combat with modified Shock Rifles."
Mutator description

"This mutator turns matches into frenzied one-shot/one-kill confrontations. The death count goes through the roof, and the best shooters tend to come out on top."

Unreal Tournament 2003[]

Article lacks image
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Unreal Tournament 2004[]

Configurable options[]

Configurable options
Item Type Default Description
Allow Teammate Boosting Boolean -
Allow Translocator Boolean -

Unreal Championship 2[]

Article lacks image
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"One shot, one kill. Melee weapons and high-power sniper rifles only."
In-game description.

Unreal Tournament 3[]

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"Players are equipped with a one shot kill instagib rifle, and all pickups are removed from the game."
Mutator description

Unreal Tournament 4[]

Article lacks image
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Configurable options[]

  • Allow Teammate Boosting: If checked, should a player hit a teammate, the teammate will be pushed at a larger trajectory.
  • Allow Translocator: If checked, players spawn with the Instagib Rifle and the Translocator in their inventory.

Tips and tricks[]

Capture tips[]

The following are a series of tips released by the defunct website Capture.

"LowGrav InstaGib 101

Since the Instagib Community is rapidly growing, why not cut down on the number of people that have no clue what to do. For those people that think Instagib is the lamest thing since the guy in the corner roasting marshmallows over a campfire... you're wrong. You should give it a try because the skilled people are so much fun to play with... and they're all great people. In my opinion Instagib is the most challenging thing in the game.

A big part of your success in Instagib is your accuracy. You have to have a crosshair that you like and can see with any background. I would suggest the “dot” crosshair in a bright green or yellow. If you can’t aim, you might as well forget playing with the big boys.

Wall Dodging
One thing people miss out on when playing LowGrav Gib or no Gib, and that is wall dodging. If it's a wide-open map, wall dodging will definitely give you an advantage because you can fly halfway across the map. To wall dodge... first you have to do a normal jump into the wall, and then do the double tap to dodge in the opposite direction of the wall, and then you can get another normal jump while flying through the air. Sometimes you can use this skill to get to high places without the translocator and sometimes you can find good hiding places that nobody else can get to.

Be Quick
The biggest problem most people have in Instagib, they don't move quick enough. When in a battle you can NEVER stop moving for a split second. You always have to trick your opponents and switch directions, that way they can't time a shot on you when you come around a corner. When you have the flag, there is no time to wait around for someone to help you out. If you have no support, you have to run like your rear-end is on fire.

When in the heat of battle, holding down the fire button won’t help. Timing is everything in Instagib. The best thing to do is wait for the frag to come to you. If you take your time and aim, there will be chunks bouncing all over the place... and they won't be yours."



External links and references[]

  1. "LowGrav InstaGib 101". Capture. Archived from the original on Jan 1, 2004. Retrieved Nov 22, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament mutators
ArenaChainsaw MeleeFatBoyInstagib DMInstant RocketsJump MatchLow GravityNo Powerups • No RedeemerStealth
Bonus Packs: RelicsTeam BeaconVolatile AmmoVolatile Weapon
GOTY Edition: Chaos UT
Unreal Championship mutators
ArenaBigHeadCompetition ModeFloaty CadaversInstagibLink Gun MedicLow GravityNo AdrenalineRegeneration • Team RegenerationSlow EnemySlow Motion CorpsesVampire
Unreal Tournament 2003 mutators
Air ControlArenaBigHeadFloaty CadaversInstagib • Zoom InstagibLow GravityNo Adrenaline • No SuperweaponsQuadJumpRegenerationSlow Motion CorpsesVampire
Bonus Combos
Unreal Tournament 2004 mutators
Air ControlArena • Vehicle ArenaBigHeadBig WheelsBonus CombosGame SpeedInstagib • Zoom InstagibLightning GunsLightweight VehiclesLow GravityNo Adrenaline • No SuperweaponsOnslaught WeaponsQuadJumpRegenerationSlow Motion CorpsesSniper RiflesSpecies StatisticsStunt VehiclesSuper BerserkUDamage RewardUT ClassicUTV2004SVampire
Bonus VehiclesVehicle Pickups
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict mutators
Adrenaline JumpsAnnounce PowerupsCamp FireCharacter Weapons OnlyClassic UCDouble AdrenalineFriendly Fire DamageTimer DisplayedInstagibLootingLowGrav • LowGravAllMelee OnlyNo Adrenaline • No Health Pickups • No MeleeNo LockQuad JumpRadioactiveRandom Pickup RespawnRetributionRounds (Best of 3) • Rounds (Best of 5)Speed MatchThird Person OnlyVampireVolatileWall CrawlWeapon Master
Unreal Tournament 3 mutators
ArenaBigHeadFriendly FireHandicapInstagibKills Slow TimeLow GravityNo Hoverboard • No Orb • No Super Pickups • No TranslocatorSloMo • Speed freakSuper BerserkSurvivalTitanWeapon ReplacementWeapons Respawn
Unreal Tournament 4 mutators
Add Impact HammerAdd TranslocatorAllow Behind ViewBigheadFriendly FireGame SpeedInstagibLeap FragLet's Bounce!LowGravWeapon ArenaWeapon ReplacementWeapon Stay OffWeapon Stay On