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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Invasion is a gametype that was first introduced with the Epic Bonus Pack for Unreal Tournament 2003. The gametype was retained in Unreal Tournament 2004.


Invasion is played on Deathmatch maps. It features the players as a single team defending themselves against incoming waves of monsters from Unreal, earning points by killing these monsters.

Monsters on the enemy team include: Flies, Mantas, Pupae, Gasbags, Krall, Skaarj, and Warlords. With the exception of the Ice Skaarj, none of the Return to Na Pali monsters appear. Krall appear as usual and Elite Kralls, while Skaarj appear as usual Skaarj, Ice Skaarj and Fire Skaarj (Fire Skaarj use the Skaarj Scout textures of Unreal).

When the game begins, the human team gets some time to gather weapons, ammo, and other power-ups. After a count-down, the first wave of monsters appears, spawning at regular player starts. When all monsters have been killed, the count-down immediately restarts, giving players the chance to restock, after which the next, stronger wave comes. The monster configuration can be changed by the server's administrator, but generally Invasion starts with only weak monsters, with stronger ones appearing in the later waves. Higher difficulty levels also makes them faster. This process repeats until the human team is defeated. It is possible to win, but by default the last level of Invasion lasts for a very long time and huge amounts of Warlords are spawned. When all the players are defeated, the announcer describes the match in one word, like "Slaughter!". If the players are defeated in the first wave, the announcer describes the match as a "Humiliating defeat!"

Once killed, a player cannot respawn until the current round has ended. If all players are killed, the game ends. Usually only two bots are allowed to play when playing offline, but online there can be as many players as needed, either real players or bots.


Configurable Options[]

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

Configurable options
Item Type Default Description
Number of Bots Integer 3 -
Bots Balance Teams Boolean Yes -
Bot Mode List Use Map Defaults Options: Specify Number/Use Map Defaults/Use Bot Roster.
Bot Skill List Average Options: Novice/Average/Experienced/Skilled/Adept/Masterful/Inhuman/Godlike
Delay at End of Game Float After either the players win or lose, a countdown starts until the next map.
Final Wave Integer Specifies the amount of waves the players must face, up to 16.
Friendly Fire Scale Float Specifies the damage percentage players inflict on their teammates if they hit them.
Spawn Protection Time Float Once players spawn, they have this amount of minutes of damage protection, unless they fire.
Starting Wave Integer Specifies the initial wave of monsters. Must be lower than the Final Wave value.
Time Limit Integer Amount of time in minutes the players have to fend off all of the waves.
Wave Configuration Open See #Default Waves.
Weapons Stay Boolean Specifies if weapons don't disappear from the map once they're picked up.
Allow Taunts Boolean -
Weapons Shake View Boolean -
Allow Translocator Boolean Specifies if players spawn with a Translocator on their starting loadouts.
Allow Weapon Throwing Boolean An usual tactic of players who want to share ammo with their teammates is to throw the weapon they're holding for them. This checkbox manages this behaviour.

Default Waves[]

By default, the game has the following waves of monsters:

Secs. Max. Monsters
0 90 16 Fly Krall Skaarj Pupae
1 90 12 Krall Elite Gasbag Krall Manta
2 90 12 Brute Gasbag Krall Skaarj Pupae
3 90 12 Krall Elite Fly Gasbag Krall Skaarj Warrior
4 90 12 Brute Gasbag Skaarj Pupae Skaarj Warrior
5 90 12 Behemoth Brute Fire Skaarj Fly Ice Skaarj Manta
6 120 12 Fly Gasbag Ice Skaarj Skaarj Pupae Skaarj Warrior
7 120 12 Behemoth Krall Elite Ice Skaarj Manta Skaarj Pupae Skaarj Warrior
8 120 12 Krall Elite Fire Skaarj Ice Skaarj Krall Skaarj Pupae Skaarj Warrior
9 120 12 Behemoth Brute Krall Elite Fire Skaarj Fly Ice Skaarj Manta
10 180 12 Manta Skaarj Pupae Warlord
11 180 12 Behemoth Krall Elite Fire Skaarj Gasbag Ice Skaarj Manta Skaarj Pupae Skaarj Warrior Warlord
12 180 12 Krall Elite Fire Skaarj Ice Skaarj Skaarj Pupae Skaarj Warrior Warlord
13 180 12 Behemoth Fire Skaarj Ice Skaarj Manta Skaarj Warrior Warlord
14 180 12 Fire Skaarj Ice Skaarj Skaarj Warrior Warlord
15 255 8 Warlord


Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: DM-BP2-CalandrasDM-BP2-GoopGod
Semi-official maps: DM-Forbidden

Tips and tricks[]

  • It is possible to play Invasion with the (Zoom) Instagib mutator, removing a large part of the challenge because the Instagib Rifle kills even the stronger enemies with just one shot. However, relatively weak enemies such as the Fly will now pose a greater thread due to their small size, which makes them hard to hit with the thin beam. All of the health pickups are removed in this mode, making the players rely only on the adrenaline Booster combo (or UT2004's Vampire mutator).


  • The gametype is available in UT2003 only by installing the Epic Bonus Pack.
  • The Brute uses the Lesser Brute skin, while the Behemoth uses the regular Brute skin. Also, the Skaarj uses the Skaarj Warrior skin and the Fire Skaarj uses the Skaarj Scout skin.

External links and references[]

See also[]

Gametypes for Unreal Tournament 2004
Solo gamemodes
Single player
Multiplayer gamemodes
UT2003 gamemodes: DeathmatchTeam DeathmatchCapture the FlagBombing RunDouble DominationInvasionMutantLast Man Standing
New gamemodes: AssaultOnslaughtInstagib CTF
Semi-official mod gametypes
ECE Edition mods: Air BuccaneersAlien SwarmClone BanditsDeathballDomain 2049Frag.OpsJailbreak 2004Red OrchestraRocketeerUnWheel
Vehicle CTF