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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"During an attack on a medical supply transport, Judas was captured by the Phayder and sentenced to their highest punishment: death, rejuvenation, and deletion of personality. With his mind and body rebuilt from the ground up, he now serves the Phayder as a Necris assassin. He entered the tournament solely to gain access to his next target, and this deadly sniper only needs one clear shot to achieve his goals."
Character description

Judas is a character in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.


Judas's Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict character card

Character data:
Name: Judas
Race: Necris
Age: Undead yrs.
Death Place: Purgatory Penal Facility

Combat data:
Weight Class: Medium
Starting Melee Weapon: Dark Staff
Starting Ranged Weapon: Dual Enforcers (Necris)
Adrenaline combos:
Nimble Uc2-adrenaline-nimble
Speed (50%) Uc2-adrenaline-speed
Ethereal )
Vampire Uc2-adrenaline-vampire
Wraith Uc2-adrenaline-wraith
Vampire Cloud Uc2-adrenaline-vampire-cloud

"During an attack on a medical supply transport, Judas was captured by the Phayder and sentenced to their highest punishment: death, rejuvenation, and deletion of personality. With his mind and body rebuilt from the ground up, he now serves the Phayder as a Necris assassin. He entered the tournament solely to gain access to his next target, and this deadly sniper only needs one clear shot to achieve his goals."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

Physical appearance[]




Judas shares Brock's Male Necris voicepack.



External links and references[]

See also[]

Characters from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Starting characters:
Unlockable characters:
DLC characters:
Unplayable characters: