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If you're looking for the Unreal II XMP vehicle, you might want to check Juggernaut (vehicle).

If you're looking for the Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament 3 vehicle, you might want to check Goliath (vehicle).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Hampered by the bulk of their genetically boosted physiques, the Juggernauts move ponderously through the arenas, shrugging off enemy fire as if it were a mere annoyance. They may not be fast, but they tend to keep coming long after others have retreated to lick their wounds."
Unreal Championship website[1]


Juggernauts were former humans who have been gene-boosted. They formed a team in the Liandri Grand Tournament, appearing in Unreal Tournament 2003.

The team appeared in full form in Unreal Tournament 2004.


If you're looking for the full roster, including other characters who use the "Juggernaut" costumes, you might want to check Juggernauts/Character cards.

Unreal Championship[]

Gorge's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Prometheus Georgian Pithras
Race: Human
Age: 34 RT yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

Affinity Type: Ammo
Meter-good-68,75 2.0

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-68,75 67.48
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-100 95.49
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 70.13

"It takes a special kind of person to survive the harsh environment of the Allerian Penal Colony. It takes another kind of person altogether to revel in it. Gorge is more than just a survivor; he’s a predator with a sweet tooth for suffering."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Ambrosia's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Judith Karpovskya
Race: Human
Age: 26 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

Affinity Type: Damage
Meter-good-43,75 1.2

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 82.26
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 85.26
Team tactics: Meter-good-93,75 90.30

"A gene-boosted weightlifter who strangled a judge in a fit of adrenaline-induced rage, Ambrosia has resigned herself to a life in the tournaments and the unthinkable horror of dealing with her teammate Gorge's sexual innuendos for the foreseeable future."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Arclite's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Marvin Hunter
Race: Human
Age: 24 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Bio Rifle
Bio Rifle

Affinity Type: Damage
Meter-good-43,75 1.2

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 81.99
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 75.14
Team tactics: Meter-good-62,5 58.00

"Unlike his male counterparts, Arclite is neither a criminal nor a killer by nature. His presence in the tournaments is simply a byproduct of his genetic makeup. But watch your step around him. He's not happy to be here."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Cannonball's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Niles Krieger
Race: Human
Age: 28 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

Affinity Type: Damage
Meter-good-43,75 1.2

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-93,75 87.79
Combat Style: Attacker
Agility: Meter-good-62,5 58.61
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 86.18

"If a trash compactor and a tank had offspring, the result might resemble Cannonball. He’s big, ugly, and has the personality of a rabid grizzly. Only the suicidal would voluntarily share a cell with this career criminal."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Diva's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Constance Lapp
Race: Human
Age: 32 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

Affinity Type: Fire rate
Meter-good-31,25 0.8

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-56,25 51.01
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-75 71.58
Team tactics: Meter-good-93,75 93.23

"Former union leader of Ore Miners Local #732G, Diva was insulted by bribes offered by an Imperial official, so she cut off his hands and used his subdermal ID chips to access his accounts, netting her life in the Allerian ice mines."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Frostbite's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Nikolai Kolodenko
Race: Human
Age: 37 RT yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

Affinity Type: Fire rate
Meter-good-31,25 0.8

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-56,25 54.73
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 84.51
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 74.12

"You can feel his cold gaze at a distance, like gangrene crawling beneath your flesh. It devours you, seeks to turn your blood to ice and your heart to stone. Imagine what he'll do when he actually gets his hands on you."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Reinha's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Carol Robinson
Race: Human
Age: 29 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Shock Rifle
Shock Rifle

Affinity Type: Damage
Meter-good-43,75 1.2

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-100 94.35
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 82.44
Team tactics: Meter-good-81,25 75.16

"After her husband was killed in a mining accident, Reinha had nothing left to live for. She adopted the nickname her spouse had given her in his native Portuguese and set out to find meaning in death."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Siren's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Eva Kasprzak
Race: Human
Age: 24 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Bio Rifle
Bio Rifle

Affinity Type: Ammo
Meter-good-68,75 2.0

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 81.99
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 75.14
Team tactics: Meter-good-62,5 58.00

"Not only is she a victim of a severe beating with the ugly stick, she's had DNA from the tree spiced directly into her genes. There's nothing pretty about Siren and she'll be the first to admit it. Because if you mention it, she'll kick your tail."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Unreal Tournament 2003[]

Gorge's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Gorge
Race: Human
Age: 34 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-81,25 76
Agility: Meter-good-75 74
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-81,25 77
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 84
Average: 77.75
Weapon Preference: None

"It takes a special kind of person to survive the harsh environment of the Allerian Penal Colony. It takes another kind of person altogether to revel in it. Gorge is more than just a survivor; he's a predator with a sweet tooth for suffering. Once incarcerated, Gorge took to the Tournaments like a fish to water, honing his combat skills both on and off the arena floor. The lack of firepower in the prison mines doesn't affect his training regimen in the least. Who needs a gun when you've got hands and teeth?"
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Ambrosia's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Ambrosia
Race: Human
Age: 26 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-81,25 77
Agility: Meter-good-75 74
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 72
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 84
Average: 76.75
Weapon Preference: None

"A geneboosted weightlifter who strangled a judge in a fit of adrenaline induced rage, Ambrosia has resigned herself to a life in the Tournament."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Arclite's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Arclite
Race: Human
Age: 24 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 70
Agility: Meter-good-93,75 89
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-87,5 84
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 73
Average: 79
Weapon Preference: Minigun

"Unlike his male counterparts, Arclite is neither a criminal nor a killer by nature. His presence in the tournaments is simply a byproduct of his genetic makeup. But watch your step around him. He's not happy to be here."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Cannonball's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Cannonball
Race: Human
Age: 28 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 87
Agility: Meter-good-62,5 58
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 75
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 85
Average: 76.25
Weapon Preference: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

"If a trash compactor and a tank had offspring, then Cannonball would be the result. Big, ugly, and with the personality of a rabid grizzly, only the suicidal would voluntarily share a cell with this career criminal."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Frostbite's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Frostbite
Race: Human
Age: 37 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-68,75 68
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 86
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 72
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 84
Average: 77.5
Weapon Preference: Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

"You can feel his cold gaze at a distance, like gangrene crawling beneath your flesh. It devours you, seeks to turn your blood to ice and your heart to stone. Imagine what he'll do when he actually gets his hands on you."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Reinha's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Reinha
Race: Human
Age: 29 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 69
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 73
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 78.25
Weapon Preference: None

"After her husband was killed in a mining accident, Reinha had nothing left to live for, so she adopted the nickname her spouse had given her in his native Portuguese and set out to find meaning in death."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Rylisa's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Rylisa
Race: Human
Age: 32 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 83
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 74
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 75
Average: 76.75
Weapon Preference: None

"Former Union Leader of Ore Miners' Local #732G, Rylisa found the bribes offered to her by an Imperial official to be an insult, so she cut off his hands and used his subdermal ID chips to access his accounts, netting her life in the Allerian Ice Mines."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Siren's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Siren
Race: Human
Age: 27 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 58
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 76
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-81,25 81
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 77.75
Weapon Preference: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

"Not only is she a victim of a severe beating with the ugly stick, she's had DNA from the tree spliced directly into her genes. There's nothing pretty about Siren, and she'll be the first to admit it. Because if you mention it, she'll kick your ass."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"Gorge is determined to prove that his one year reign as Tournament Champion is no fluke, and he has re-assembled the Juggernaut team he led to the championship. Axon Research Corporation has made armor and bio- genetic upgrades to the Juggernauts design for this year's tournament."
Team description

Gorge's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Gorge
Race: Human
Age: 34 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-81,25 76
Agility: Meter-good-75 74
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-81,25 77
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 84
Average: 77.75
Weapon Preference: None

"It takes a special kind of person to survive the harsh environment of the Allerian Penal Colony. It takes another kind of person altogether to revel in it. Gorge is more than just a survivor; he's a predator with a sweet tooth for suffering. Once incarcerated, Gorge took to the Tournaments like a fish to water, honing his combat skills both on and off the arena floor. The lack of firepower in the prison mines doesn't affect his training regimen in the least. Who needs a gun when you've got hands and teeth?"
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Ambrosia's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Ambrosia
Race: Human
Age: 26 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-81,25 77
Agility: Meter-good-75 74
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 72
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 84
Average: 76.75
Weapon Preference: None

"A geneboosted weightlifter who strangled a judge in a fit of adrenaline induced rage, Ambrosia has resigned herself to a life in the Tournament."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Arclite's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Arclite
Race: Human
Age: 24 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 70
Agility: Meter-good-93,75 89
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-87,5 84
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 73
Average: 79
Weapon Preference: Minigun

"Unlike his male counterparts, Arclite is neither a criminal nor a killer by nature. His presence in the tournaments is simply a byproduct of his genetic makeup. But watch your step around him. He's not happy to be here."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Cannonball's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Cannonball
Race: Human
Age: 28 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 87
Agility: Meter-good-62,5 58
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 75
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 85
Average: 76.25
Weapon Preference: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

"If a trash compactor and a tank had offspring, then Cannonball would be the result. Big, ugly, and with the personality of a rabid grizzly, only the suicidal would voluntarily share a cell with this career criminal."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Frostbite's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Frostbite
Race: Human
Age: 37 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-68,75 68
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 86
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 72
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 84
Average: 77.5
Weapon Preference: Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

"You can feel his cold gaze at a distance, like gangrene crawling beneath your flesh. It devours you, seeks to turn your blood to ice and your heart to stone. Imagine what he'll do when he actually gets his hands on you."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Reinha's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Reinha
Race: Human
Age: 29 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 69
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 73
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 78.25
Weapon Preference: None

"After her husband was killed in a mining accident Reinha had nothing left to live for, so she adopted the nickname her spouse had given her in his native Portuguese and set out to find meaning in death."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Rylisa's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Rylisa
Race: Human
Age: 32 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 83
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 74
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 75
Average: 76.75
Weapon Preference: None

"Former Union Leader of Ore Miners' Local #732G, Rylisa found the bribes offered to her by an Imperial official to be an insult, so she cut off his hands and used his subdermal ID chips to access his accounts, netting her life in the Allerian Ice Mines."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Siren's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Siren
Race: Human
Age: 27 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 58
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 76
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-81,25 81
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 77.75
Weapon Preference: Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon

"Not only is she a victim of a severe beating with the ugly stick, she's had DNA from the tree spliced directly into her genes. There's nothing pretty about Siren and she'll be the first to admit it. Because if you mention it, she'll kick your ass."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.


The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"With the success of Gorge's Juggernauts in last year's tournament, Axon Research Corporation is now sponsoring Goliath in hopes of producing an all Juggernaut finals."
Team description

Goliath does not have any unique characters. All of its characters use skins from the Juggernauts, and feature no custom descriptions.


  • The Juggernauts comprising of Gorge, Ambrosia and Frostbite is one of the two teams (the other team being Thunder Crash) featured in the iconic opening cinematic for Unreal Championship, the same being reused for Unreal Tournament 2003 as well as Unreal Tournament 2004. In the same cinematic, the Jumbotron displays Frostbite's name as Nikolai.
  • The following bots are duplicates:
    • Ambrosia: Fury, Jezebel, Matriarch (UT2004); Malice, Molotov (UC)
    • Arclite: Bulldog, Earthquake (UT2004); Bullseye (UT2004/UC); Cipher (UC)
    • Cannonball: Brutus, Jackhammer, Perdition (UT2004); Lockdown, Obsidian (UC)
    • Frostbite: Lockdown, Obsidian, Outrage (UT2004); Jackhammer, Perdition (UC)
    • Gorge: Rampage (UT2004); Avalanche, Odin (UT2004/UC)
    • Reinha: Medusa, Molotov, Titania (UT2004); Matriarch, Sorrow (UC)
    • Diva (UC)/Rylisa (UT2004): Hydra, Misery, Sorrow (UT2004); Hydra, Venus (UC)
    • Siren: Chaos, Clangor, Vengeance (UT2004); Jezebel, Medusa (UC)
  • Fittingly enough, Rampage also leads the Goliath team.
  • Fury shouldn't be confused with the namesake War Machine from Unreal Tournament.
  • Reinha is a misspelling of Rainha, "queen" in Portuguese.
  • Rylisa's previous name was Lapp, which made it as her canon surname. She isn't to be confused with Rylisa from the Iron Guard team from Unreal Tournament.
  • Ambrosia's UC/ UT2003 description also added a bit regarding Gorge's sexual innuendos:
"(...), and the unthinkable horror of dealing with her teammate Gorge's sexual innuendos for the foreseeable future."


If you're looking for the artwork concerning Arclite, you might want to check Arclite.

If you're looking for the artwork concerning Gorge, you might want to check Gorge.

External links[]

  1. Juggernauts on UC site

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 teams
Black LegionBlood FistFire StormHellionsIron GuardSuper NovaIron SkullJuggernautsGoliathSun BladeThe CorruptThunder Crash