The Killer Sprout is a creature found in Unreal II: The Awakening.
Killer Sprouts are strange creatures found on Acheron. Killer sprouts have three red tendrils that can grab anyone that steps on a Killer Sprout. Then it binds the prey and slowly drains health. Killer sprouts can not be killed, but to get away from one you must shoot at it. Then the Killer Sprout will release the tendrils and let go. Without the tendrils, there is almost nothing more of the creature, only a small base. Killer sprouts only use melee and can not move.
- Acheron, at the underground tunnel.
Tips and tricks[]
- Just stay away from it.
- Lure an Izanagi Ghost Warrior to them.
- Take them out before collecting the artifact. They become a much bigger problem during the run back to the elevator, as you will have to dodge both them and the spores.
- They might be a part of the planet, an internal organ, but it is listed in the editor as another actor, though this could be justified for gameplay reasons. It might a symbiotic creature as well.
- Izanagi Ghost Warriors will not attack Killer Sprouts.
- Izanagi Ghost Warriors will sometimes blindly walk into Killer Sprouts and get killed by them. You will notice this when you hear the sounds of gibbing.
- Killer Sprouts are absent in the Xbox version of Unreal II: The Awakening.
- The comments in the code reveal some technical aspects of the Killer Sprouts:
TouchingHeight [is counted] from ground (including 2x normal collision height)
allocate a proxy collision cylinder for detecting when the tentacles are touched without blocking anything
collision proxy handles all touch/untouch notifications
Let Controller.NotifyTakeHit handle hit.
Super.PlayDying <...> [--] this is normally done in the animation controller, but this npc doesn't have one."
External links and references[]
See also[]
Unreal II: The Awakening creatures |
Mercenaries: Light Ghost Warrior - Medium Ghost Warrior - Heavy Ghost Warrior - Light Angel - Medium Angel - Heavy Angel |
Aliens: Izarian - Light Skaarj - Medium Skaarj - Heavy Skaarj - Light Araknid - Medium Araknid - Heavy Araknid - Light Drakk - Medium Drakk - Drakk Boss - Drakk Droid - Tosc |
Passive creatures: Mukhogg - Seagoat - Rammer - Snipe - Kai |