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This article is about the Unreal Tournament 3 team and version of the race. If you're looking for the Unreal and RTNP monster class, you might want to check Krall (enemy).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"The Necris use these formidable reptilian beasts for the pacification of newly conquered planets."
Team description

The Krall in Unreal Tournament 3 are a playable faction that's one of the factions the Ronin team faces.


The Krall appear as a team in Unreal Tournament 3, where they are used by the Necris to kill civilians and slaughter Ronin forces. They now have a much more intimidating appearance, reptilian in appearance, with great horn appendages, and are led in battle by Scythe. They wear a combination of skull shoulder gear made from other Krall, and leather/cloth gear to indicate rank within the pack.

Though wielding the same weaponry as other factions in the game, the Krall are known for their horrifying ferocity, preferring to kill with their claws and teeth rather than conventional tactics.

In Unreal Tournament 3 a Krall tribe led by Scythe fights alongside the Necris. The Krall are the primary assault force that sacked and obliterate the Twin Souls Mining Colony in the beginning of UT3, causing Reaper to swear to take revenge on both them and Akasha. They are the main enemies that the players will face from Act II until approximately Act IV, when the player then begins to take on the Necris.


Scythe's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Scythe
Race: Krall

Accuracy: Meter-good-43,75 0.4
Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Jump factor: Meter-good-50 0.5
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4
Team tactics: Meter-good-50 0.5
Preferred weapon:

"Scythe controls his tribe by tooth and claw, and his underlings fear rather than respect him."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Cerberus's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Cerberus
Race: Krall

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Cerberus is moody and irritable. He will turn on anyone without notice or reason, if he feels the sudden need to hunt."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Gnasher's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Gnasher
Race: Krall

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Gnasher's rudimentary intelligence only allows him simple phrases with as much roaring and grunting as words."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Scorn's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Scorn
Race: Krall

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"A vile, crass, filthy, and savage beast - but dependable and fearless in battle. He embodies the Krall vision of ideal."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 teams
RoninIron GuardThe CorruptKrallNecris Black Legion