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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening.

The Light Ghost Warrior is an enemy class found in Unreal II: The Awakening.


Much like the Medium class, the Light Ghost Warriors wear red and grey power armor with generator boxes on their backs, looking almost identical. They are relatively smart, know to keep moving as they fight and to use available cover. They run at the same speed as the player and can use a wide variety of weaponry, all of which are also available to the player.

Light Ghost warriors tend to use light weapons, such as a Combat Assault Rifle and a Dispersion Pistol, and heavily favor the former. They are the weakest but the most maneuverable and fast of all Izanagi classes. They also will retreat to cover themselves and can hit you with the butts of their weapons as well, but only do so as a last resort if you get extremely close to them.

Much like other armored enemies, when defeated, they leave an energy leftover that Dalton can pick up to regenerate his own armor.


Tips and tricks[]

  • Don't bother counting enemy Ghost Warrior shots and trying to attack them while they reload. Although they do reload from time to time, their "running out of ammo" happens at random; it doesn't correspond to the number of shots they fire.[1]
  • Incendiary attacks work very well against Ghost Warriors since they can't use their skill and intelligence against you while they're running around on fire, screaming.[1]
  • Make sure that after you kill Ghost Warriors and the area is fairly secure you run over their bodies, "soaking up" leftover energy from their shield generators. After a while they will no longer be viable for getting energy from.[1]
  • If you find it helpful, Light Ghost Warriors take about 12 Assault Rifle rounds or 1 Fragmentation Grenade to kill.[1]



External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Soule, Jonathan. "Guide and Walkthrough (PC) by DrExplodo". GameFAQs. Retrieved Aug 19, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal II: The Awakening creatures
Mercenaries: Light Ghost Warrior - Medium Ghost Warrior - Heavy Ghost Warrior - Light Angel - Medium Angel - Heavy Angel
Aliens: Izarian - Light Skaarj - Medium Skaarj - Heavy Skaarj - Light Araknid - Medium Araknid - Heavy Araknid - Light Drakk - Medium Drakk - Drakk Boss - Drakk Droid - Tosc
Passive creatures: Mukhogg - Seagoat - Rammer - Snipe - Kai