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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening.

The Medium Araknid is a creature from Unreal II: The Awakening.


The Medium araknid is a type of Araknid, and is bigger and more powerful than the smaller Light Araknids and weaker than the Heavy Araknid.

Like all of the other species of Araknids they can only be exclusively fought against in Hell. However, with the use of a particular weapon, the character is able to spawn not only a light araknid, but can also summon the medium version of well.

They also feature in the boss battle with the heavy araknid, when the boss lays eggs containing light araknids which hatch and scuttle to the artifact beam, instantly transforming them into Medium Araknids.


Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal II: The Awakening creatures
Mercenaries: Light Ghost Warrior - Medium Ghost Warrior - Heavy Ghost Warrior - Light Angel - Medium Angel - Heavy Angel
Aliens: Izarian - Light Skaarj - Medium Skaarj - Heavy Skaarj - Light Araknid - Medium Araknid - Heavy Araknid - Light Drakk - Medium Drakk - Drakk Boss - Drakk Droid - Tosc
Passive creatures: Mukhogg - Seagoat - Rammer - Snipe - Kai