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Nali Castle is the twenty-eighth map of the single-player mode of Unreal.

Map description[]

The player finally arrives at the Nali Castle. This imposing fortress conceals the gateway to a hellish underworld and, beyond that, the dreaded Skaarj Mothership.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location


Monster Count Location


  • The map serves also as the intro sequence of the game.
  • There's an easter egg in the map. After freeing the Nali, riding the cable car and witnessing the Nali getting blown up by the skimmer, reach the barn. Do a dodge in the mountain and try to land on the barn's roof. Walk onto the pole, and the following message will appear on the Translator:
Universal Translator
"What the HELL are you doing up here?"
  • Levelshots for the map were added in the OldUnreal version 227j patch.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Single Player maps
Vortex RikersNyLeve's FallsRrajigar MineDepths of RrajigarSacred PassageChizra - Nali Water GodThe Ceremonial ChambersDark ArenaHarobed VillageTerraniux UndergroundTerraniuxNoork's ElbowTemple of VandoraThe TrenchISV-Kran Deck 4ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2ISV-Kran Deck 1Spire VillageThe SunspireGateway to Na PaliNa Pali HavenOutpost 3JVelora PassBluff EversmokingDasa Mountain PassCellars at Dasa PassSerpent CanyonNali CastleDemonlord's LairDemon CraterMothership BasementMothership LabMothership CoreSkaarj GeneratorIlluminationThe DarkeningThe Source AntechamberThe Source