Spoiler alert! |
This article contains spoilers. A spoiler is a piece of information which reveals plot events or twists, and thus may "spoil" the experience for any reader who learns details of the plot in this way rather than in the work itself. Read this article at your own risk. |
Prince Ne'Ban is a Hex-Core and pilot of the TCA Atlantis. He accompanies John Dalton and the rest of the ships crew on there many voyages to acquire the ancient and mysterious alien Artifacts that may spell hope or bring doom for the entire galaxy.
Ne'Ban joined the TCA through a officer exchange program. Because of his status on his home planet, the TCA chose to station him on the Atlantis, being the quietest patrol available at the time. Innocent and somewhat naïve due to his sheltered upbringing, he initially had a hard time grasping the nuances of human language and culture. Despite this, he proves to be a more then adequate pilot and has learned over 500 languages.[1][2]
After the mission on Sulferon however, as the rest of the crew are awarded their old military ranks back and the Atlantis is given temporary clearance as a Marine corvette, Sector Commander Hawkins wants Na'Ban to leave and return safety to his home planet. As it is reveled, Na'Ban is royalty, the middle son of a Hex-Core Potentate, although Na'Ban explains he is but one of fifty princes and not even in line for the throne. He wishes to remain on the Atlantis because his sheltered upbringing never allowed him to truly live or take any chances. He wanted to put himself towards a good cause and considers the work John Dalton and the TCA are doing a good cause. Ultimately, he is allowed to remain and continue piloting the Atlantis, with the promise from Dalton that he'll put in a good word for him should he require a new pilot once fully reinstated in the Marines.[3][4]
Unfortunately, this was not to pass. Soon after the Skaarj attack on Avalon, the TCA Atlanis was shot down and it's entire crew, including Ne'Ban, were killed instantly. After listening to Aida's recording, John learns that it was Commander Hawkins who actually fired upon the spacecraft and proceeds to kill him before navigating the Dorian Gray directly into the sun, destroying the Tosc and the Artifacts along with them. After leaving through an escape pod, John listens to the rest of the recordings, with Ne'Ban and the rest of the crew giving him their final goodbyes.[5]
Physical appearance[]
Na'Ban's actual physical body is composed of a blue gelatinous texture typical of Hex-Core. In order to move around outside his home-planet, he employs a large cybernetic body and synthesizes his thoughts into English, albeit often grammatically incorrect. When talking, his "face" moves around to replicate human speech patterns and emotions. His hands have specialized adaptors that allow him to directly connect with the interface of the ships piloting system, having little need for keyboards.
Na'Ban wears a large army green jacket with his name and TCA badge on the left arm, and keeps a spare coat in his cabin. Judging by the bedframe never being properly set up, it can be reasoned that he does not need to sleep lying down, assuming he needs to sleep at all. His cabin also contains what appears to be a large set of DVD's intended to help him learn English.
- Ne'Ban: "Hello Marshal, Sir. I am saluting you. It is many pleasures to be buttling with you aboard this fine ship."
- John: "Buttling?"
- Ne'Ban: "Buttling. Waiting upon. No -- Serving! I am seeing many pleasures *serving* with you. And I am saluting you again."
- John: "No need to salute, Ne'Ban. It's an informal ship. Why don't you settle in here and I'll catch up with you later."
- Ne'Ban: "Aye-aye-aye, Sir. Settling in is now my top priorities."
- --Introduction
- John: "Great piece of flying back there."
- Ne'Ban: "It is a pleasure to serving."
- John: "Docking with the marine ship looked tricky, too."
- Ne'Ban: "A maneuver I have practicing many times. It was an honor to re-unite those men with their fighting unit."
- --Between Marsh and Hell - Route 1
- John: "Do you have a course plotted?"
- Ne'Ban: "Yes. A place called Hell. At least, Aida told me to go to Hell, so that is my plan."
- --Between Marsh and Hell - Route 2
- Ne'Ban: "Telling me: Is this Aida the same Aida who won the battle of Taiko and brought victory in the Strider Wars?"
- John: "Why do you ask?"
- Ne'Ban: "She is very famous among my people."
- --Between Marsh and Hell - Aida Route 1
- Ne'Ban: "Telling me: Is this Aida the same Aida who won the battle of Taiko and brought victory in the Strider Wars?"
- John: "Although she doesn't like to be reminded of it."
- Ne'Ban: "She must have been very young, in human years."
- John: "She was."
- Ne'Ban: "Why is she not a general in your army?"
- John: "She has a little problem with authority. But don't worry - she's working on it."
- --Between Marsh and Hell - Aida Route 2
- Ne'Ban: "I am very confusing."
- John: "What are you confused about?"
- Ne'Ban: "All these corporations, mercenary forces, alien races. I am mixing them over."
- John: "Can't tell the players without a program, eh? OK, let me give you some quick background on each of ‘em."
- --Between Hell and Acheron
- Ne'Ban: "The seagoat has damaged our inertial control systems. We are forced to land on the planet Kalydon for repairs. It has a breathable atmosphere, not much water, and a limited biosphere."
- Ne'Ban: "Oh dears! To be continuation: Military Outpost Kilo Five Seven serves mostly as a repair and supply depot for ships cruising through this otherwise uninhabited part of space."
- Ne'Ban: "Cow patties! We will set down behind a shield wall, but the Liandri Angel mercs will soon know we are there and they are sure to attack us."
- Ne'Ban: "Intercourse! It will be up to you to hold them off long enough for Isaak to fix the ship. He is waiting for you now in the Weapons bay."
- --Between Waterfront and Obolus
- Ne'Ban: "Marshal. You cannot letting them do this to me!"
- John: "Take it slow, Ne'Ban. Easy!"
- Ne'Ban: "You cannot knowing what it is like. Always guarded. Always shielded. Not allowed to taking a chance. Not allowed to live. I am one of fifty princes, not even in line for throne. So...I getting away. I want to matter. I want putting myself to a good cause. YOU are a good cause, Marshal."
- John: "You're a great pilot, Ne'Ban. The best I've ever seen. Just get back to work and try not to worry. I'll see what I can do."
- --Between Sulferon and Na Koja Abad
- John: "Nice work back there, Ne'Ban."
- Ne'Ban: "Will you need a pilot when you are in the marines?"
- John: "I'll put in a good word for you."
- --Between the Drakk homeplanet and Avalon
Busy quotes[]
- Ne'Ban: "Sorry, captain. I am occupied territory. Perhaps some other time."
- Ne'Ban: "Flying now. Perhaps talking later."
- Ne'Ban: "Many pardons, but could we talk later?"
- Ne'Ban: "Old Hex-Core saying: "Talk to pilot, go splat.""
- Ne'Ban: "So sorry, but this is not a good time."
- Ne'Ban: "Dodging asteroids takes much concentration."
- Ne'Ban: "Excusing me kindly, but not now."
- Ne'Ban: "I am flying. And time is flying. Your language is most curious."
- Ne'Ban: "Have your people call my people. We'll be lunch."
- Ne'Ban: "Stars are pretty. Hitting them is not."
Preview notes[]
External links and references[]
- ↑ Dialogue with Sector Commander Hawkins
- ↑ Dialogue between John Dalton and Isaak
- ↑ Dialogue with Aida
- ↑ Dialogue with Ne'Ban
- ↑ Events of Unreal 2: The Awakening
- ↑ Leyendecker, Matt (December 04, 2006). "Unreal 2: The Awakening Preview (PC)". ActionTrip. Archived from the original on Dec 5, 2006. Retrieved Aug 29, 2020.
See also[]
Characters from Unreal II: The Awakening |
John Dalton |
Major characters: |
Minor characters: |
Friendly/Passive NPCs: |
Enemies: Izarian • Light Drakk • Killer Sprout • Snipe • Mukhogg • Medium Drakk • Light Araknid • Medium Araknid • Heavy Skaarj • Light Skaarj • Medium Skaarj • Spore
Bosses: |