Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Battle over Tarydium crystal mines on the Second Moon of Kaldor Prime."
Map description

Ascendancy is an Onslaught map from Unreal Tournament 2004. It comes with the XP Bonus Maps addon.

Map description[]


Keyguide by KurlonT.

Ascendancy default

Default link setup.

Ascendancy air domination

Air Domination link setup.

Ascendancy morning star

Morning Star link setup.

Ascendancy aldebaran

Aldebaran link setup.

Ascendancy crown of ascendancy

Crown of Thorns link setup.

The map takes place in a big canyon on a moon.

The map has the following zones:

  • Red Base: Contains the Red Power Core.
  • Southeast Wing: Contains the Southeast Node.
  • Red Prime Base: Located southwest of the Red Base. Contains the Red Prime Node.
  • Center Base: Contains the Center Node.
  • Hub: Contains the Hub Node.
  • Blue Prime Base: Located southwest of the Blue Base. Contains the Blue Prime Node.
  • Northwest Wing: Contains the Northwest Node.
  • Blue Base: Contains the Blue Power Core.

Link Setups[]

  • Default: Blue Core, Blue Prime Node and Northwest Node connected between each other. Blue Prime Node connected to Center Node and Hub Node. Center Node and Hub Node connected between each other. Red Prime Node connected to Center Node and Hub Node. Red Core, Red Prime Node and Southeast Node connected between each other.
  • Air Domination: Same as Default, except the Northwest and Blue Prime Nodes and the Southeast and Red Prime Node links are severed. Instead, the Northwest and Southeast Nodes are mutually connected.
  • Morning Star: Same as Air Domination, except that the Northwest and Southeast node links, as well as Center and Hub Node links, are severed, and the Hub Node is connected to the Northwest and Southeast Nodes.
  • Aldebaran: Same as Morning Star, except the Red Core is solely connected to the Southeast Node, the Blue Core is solely connected to the Northwest Node, both Prime Nodes switch their connections to the Northwest and Southeast Nodes for a mutual link, and the Hub Node and Center Node recover their link.
  • Crown of Ascendancy: Sane as Aldebaran, except the Primes sever their mutual link and are connected to both the Northwest and Southeast Nodes.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base. 1x Northwest Node. 1x Southeast Node.
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base.
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Blue Base, near northwest entrance. 1x Red Base, near southeast entrance.
W: -
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Blue Base, near northwest entrance. 1x Red Base, near southeast entrance. 1x Northwest Area, near the Turret. 1x Southeast Area, near the Turret.
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base.
W: -
A: 8
Weapon: -
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near Wall Entrance. 2x Red Base, near Wall Entrance. 1x Blue Base, overlooking Blue Prime Node. 1x Red Base, overlooking Red Prime Node. 1x Northwest Area, near the Turret. 1x Southeast Area, near the Turret.
W: 3
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red Base, ledge near wall entrance. 1x Blue Base, ledge near wall entrance. 1x Hub Node, near the Raptor.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Base weapon. 2x Hub Area, near the Raptor.
W: 2
Weapon: 1x South of the Red Base, at a hill, near the Red Prime Node. 1x West of the Blue Base, at a hill, near the Blue Prime Node.
W: 1
Weapon: Above the entrance to the Hub Node.
W: 16
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Mine LayerShock RifleLink GunFlak CannonRocket LauncherAVRiL
4 1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base. 2x Hub Area.
Link GunMinigunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherAVRiL
2 1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base.
Mine LayerShock RifleLink GunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherAVRiL
3 1x Northwest Node. 1x Southeast Node. 1x Center Node.
Mine LayerLink GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherAVRiL
3 1x Northwest Node. 1x Southeast Node. 1x Center Node.
Mine LayerLink GunFlak CannonRocket LauncherAVRiL
2 1x Blue Prime Node. 1x Red Prime Node.
Shock RifleLink GunMinigunGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherAVRiL
2 1x Blue Prime Node. 1x Red Prime Node.


Pickup Count Location
10x Red Base, 10x Blue Base, 4x Northwest Node, 4x Southeast Node, 3x Center Area, 2x Blue Prime Node Area, 2x Red Prime Node Area, 6x Hub Area.
1x Blue Prime Node Area. 1x Red Prime Node Area.
1x South of the Red Base, at a hill, near the Red Prime Node. 1x West of the Blue Base, at a hill, near the Blue Prime Node.
1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base. 1x Outside the Center Node Area.
1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base.


Vehicle Count Location
2x Red Base. 2x Blue Base. 1x Red Prime Node. 1x Blue Prime Node.
1x Northwest Node. 1x Southeast Node. 1x Hub Node.
1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base. 2x Northwest Node. 2x Southeast Node. 1x Blue Prime Node. 1x Red Prime Node. 2x Hub Area.
1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base. 1x Northwest Node. 1x Southeast Node. 1x Red Prime Node. 1x Blue Prime Node.
2x Red Base. 2x Blue Base. 1x Southeast Node. 1x Northwest Node. 1x Entrance to Hub Area.
Center Node.
3x Red Base. 3x Blue Base. 1x Northwest Node. 1x Southeast Node. 1x Red Prime Node. 1x Blue Prime Node. 2x Hub Node.

Tips and tricks[]



Link setup-specific tips[]

  • Default:
  • Air Domination:
  • Morning Star:
  • Aldebaran:
  • Crown of Ascendancy:


  • The map is part of the "XP Bonus Maps" pack which also included ONS-Aridoom. Both maps were included in the Editor's Choice Edition of UT2004, though they weren't added to Unreal Anthology (which included this version of the game) for some reason.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught maps
XP Bonus maps: ONS-AridoomONS-Ascendancy
ECE Bonus Pack maps: ONS-AdaraONS-IslandHopONS-TrickyONS-Urban
Semi-official maps: ONS-IcarusONS-Sidaro