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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"In 2352, an anomalous volcanic eruption on the outskirts of Jerusalem partially unearthed a city far below the lost city of Ekron. Four years of intensive excavation revealed a civilization that predated all known human history. Purchased by Liandri corporation for the price of excavation, the souls of arena combatants now join the forgotten dead of the unremembered past."
Map description

ONS-Crossfire is an Onslaught map for Unreal Tournament 2004.

Map description[]


Keyguide by KurlonT.

Crossfire default

Default link setup.

Crossfire choke point

Choke Point link setup.

Crossfire split paths

Split Paths link setup.

For description purposes, we'll give the nine nodes in the map a name:

  • Blue Prime Node: The node located south of the Blue base.
  • Northeast Node: The node located west of the Blue base.
  • East Node: The node located southwest of the Blue base.
  • Middle North Node: The node located between the Red Prime and Northeast nodes.
  • Center Node: The node located at the center of the map.
  • Middle South Node: The node located between the Blue Prime and Southwes nodes.
  • West Node: The node located northeast of the Red base.
  • Southwest Node: The node located east of the Red base.
  • Red Prime Node: The node located north of the Blue base.

Link Setups[]

  • Default: Both Power Cores are connected to their Prime Nodes. From here on, there are two paths: Red Prime Node -> Middle North Node -> Middle South Node -> Blue Prime Node; and Red Prime Node -> Center Node -> Blue Prime Node.
  • Choke Point: Both Power Cores are connected to their Prime Nodes. The Red Power Core is also connected to the Middle South Node, while the Blue Power Core is connected to the Northeast Node. All four Nodes are also connected to the Center Node.
  • Split Paths: The Blue Power Core is connected to the East Node, while the Red Power Core is connected to the West Node. From here on, there are two paths that never cross: West Node -> Red Prime Node -> Northeast Node -> East Node; and West Node -> Southwest Node -> Blue Prime Node -> East Node.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 10
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: -
A: 8
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: -
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
W: 1
W: 1
W: 13
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Link GunRocket LauncherLightning Gun
4 -
Shock RifleLink GunFlak CannonAVRiL
4 -
Mine LayerLink GunRocket Launcher
2 -
Link GunGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherAVRiLLightning Gun
1 -
Mine LayerLink GunMinigunAVRiL
2 -


Pickup Count Location


Vehicle Count Location

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Crossfire is perhaps the most complicated map, despite the scarcity of PowerNodes. The central PowerNode doesn't link to the outside PowerNode areas. Flying is the way to get around due to the high number of Raptors, so have ground troops bring out an AVRiL!

Home Base
The home base is in a corner, so you face attack from only two sides. Although vehicles can drive up the rocky walls, most ground attacks come from the left path or the arch. Concentrate your firepower on these choke points. PowerNode #1 is more important to defend, so have most of your forces facing the left outer pathway. Get the health packs on either side of the temple.

PowerNode 1
Holding this PowerNode is a constant battle. With it you can claim either PowerNode #2 or the middle PowerNode; it offers little else besides a pair of health packs. Hold it with a small team.

PowerNode 2
This section offers a Raptor and a Goliath and power-ups surrounding the PowerNode (nearby ruins contain 100 and 50 shield packs and various health packs). Capture this so your vehicles can trundle to the enemy base, which is almost visible from the upper area near the PowerNode. Stay atop the ruins to defend this area. This PowerNode connects only to PowerNode #2 (as well as your PowerNode #1).

Middle PowerNode
The ruins surrounding the upper plateau offer powerful weapons, accessible from the PowerNode. However, it connects only to the opposing PowerNode #1 (and your own PowerNode #1). In addition to the weapons and items (including the double damage near the PowerNode), find another Raptor.

PowerNode to Joy: Planning Victory
Air superiority is the name of the game, because this map contains more Raptors than any other. Start by locating and staying at PowerNode #1. Raptor pilots can zip off to PowerNode #2 or the middle PowerNode, or they can locate the Redeemer at the ruins. Mantas can reach both PowerNodes in time. Then use the Redeemer on the enemy at PowerNode #1 (for example).
If the enemy is decimated at a particular PowerNode, use the Raptors from PowerNodes #2 and the middle to swarm or even attack in formation. Send a Goliath (spawned at PowerNode #2) to your foe's base. When PowerNode #1 in the enemy area falls, take out turrets while the rest of the team attacks from the opposite side.
Bring out your Hellbender and blast at PowerNodes from long range. For example, attack the west PowerNode from the northwest corner. From the ruins with the Redeemer there's a straight shot into the core."



Link setup-specific tips[]

  • Choke Point:
  • Split Paths:


  • The description of the map sets it in the year 2352, roughly 10 years before the intended year the events of 2004 take place.[1] However, the game was later retconned to take place in 2304, and this description, alongside the original description for CTF-January (later rectified in a patch), were all that's left of the original 2362 descriptions.


Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the 31st. most played UT2004 map of all-time, with nearly 84.000 matches.[2]

Preview Notes[]

"One of the larger Onslaught maps, "Crossfire" doesn't have many vehicles at each team's power core, making it crucial that teammates share rides out to points 4 and 5. Skilled Raptor pilots can be extremely dangerous on this map -- with lots of small structures to dive behind, they can be hard to pick out of the air."


External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Storyline". UnrealTournament2004.com. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2006. Retrieved Nov 8, 2024.
  2. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "ONS-Crossfire". GameSpy. Archived from the original on Jan 8, 2008. Retrieved Nov 10,2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught maps
XP Bonus maps: ONS-AridoomONS-Ascendancy
ECE Bonus Pack maps: ONS-AdaraONS-IslandHopONS-TrickyONS-Urban
Semi-official maps: ONS-IcarusONS-Sidaro