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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Don't be deceived by the apparent simplicity found in this frozen waste. Although it's among the smallest arenas for Onslaught, Frostbite is defined by frenetic pace and pitched battles."
Map description

ONS-Frostbite is an Onslaught map from Unreal Tournament 2004.

Map description[]


Keyguide by KurlonT.

Frostbite default

Default link setup.

Frostbite side nodes

Side Nodes link setup.

The smallest Onslaught map alongside ONS-Primeval, it's set on an arctic setting. It follows a ">"-pattern, with both bases located at both extremes, and the center node located at the turn. The bases are located in the Northwest Lake (Blue) and Southwest Lake (Red). Both bases are connected to the Center Node (located at the Central Lake) via the Northern Canyon (Blue) and Southern Canyon (Red). Additionally, there are two extra nodes at the Northeast Canyon (Blue Prime) and Southeast Canyon (Red Prime). Finally, there's a tower located at the Central Mountain in front of the Center Node ruins, which holds a powerful tool.

The "Bonus Vehicles" version of the map, available by installing the ECE Bonus Pack, replaces one Scorpion at each base with a Paladin, and the Central Lake Manta with a Cicada.

Link Setups[]

  • Default: Red and Blue Cores are connected to the Center Node. Blue Prime and Red Prime nodes are unconnected.
  • Side Nodes: In addition to the above, Red Core is connected to Red Prime, Blue Core is connected to Blue Prime, and both Primes are connected to the Center Node.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Base, near the entrance bridge. 1x Blue Base, near the entrance bridge.
Ammo: 2x Red Base, one at each side of the bridge. 2x Blue Base, one at each side of the bridge.
W: 4
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Base, top of the second tallest tower in the base. 1x Blue Base, top of the second tallest tower in the base. 2x Central Lake, top of each of the frontal towers.
Ammo: 2x Red Base, near the weapon. 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 4x Central Lake, 2 at the top of each of the frontal towers.
W: 1
Weapon: Atop a small tower embedded in the Central Mountain.
W: 8
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Link GunFlak CannonRocket LauncherAVRiL
2 2x Near the Center Node.
Mine LayerLink GunRocket LauncherLightning Gun
2 1x Near the Blue Prime node. 1x Near the Red Prime node.
Shock RifleLink GunMinigunAVRiL
4 2x Red Base, near the Power Core. 2x Blue Base, near the Power Core.


Pickup Count Location
4x Red Base, entrance bridge near the Grenade Launcher. 4x Blue Base, entrance bridge near the Grenade Launcher. 8x Central Lake, in passages near the Center Node.
1x Central Lake, top of the northeast tower. 1x Red Base, top of the northeast tower. 1x Blue Base, top of the southeast tower.
1x Red Base, near the Power Core. 1x Blue Base, near the Power Core.
1x Central Lake, near the Blue Prime Node.
1x Central Lake, top of the southeast tower.


Vehicle Count Location
1x Red Base, near the bridge. 1x Blue Base, near the bridge. 1x Northeast Valley, near the Blue Prime Node. 1x Southeast Valley, near the Red Prime Node. 1x Central Lake, near the Center Node ruins (Absent in "Bonus Vehicles").
1x Red Base, south. 1x Blue Base, north.
2x Red Base (1x in "Bonus Vehicles"). 2x Blue Base (1x in "Bonus Vehicles"). 1x Northeast Valley, near Blue Prime Node. 1x Southeast Valley, near Red Prime Node. 2x Central Lake, at both sides of the ruins.
1x Red Base, near the bridge. 1x Blue Base, near the bridge. 1x Central Lake, near the Center Node ruins.
1x Red Base, south. 1x Blue Base, north.
1x Red Base (Only in "Bonus Vehicles"). 2x Blue Base (Only in "Bonus Vehicles").
1x Central Lake, near the Center Node ruins (Only in "Bonus Vehicles").
1x Central Lake, at the top of the tower at the very east of the Center Node. 1x Red Base, top of the tower at the south of the bridge. 1x Blue Base, top of the tower at the north of the bridge.

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Frostbite is a perfect introduction to the Onslaught game match. The two bases are nearby, and claiming a single PowerNode makes the cores vulnerable. Claim the core, or fight at the core so your enemy doesn't claim it. Most of the action takes place at the PowerNode, so send all your troops here unless you can spare one or two to run interference. Press the PowerNode attack until it's yours or you reach a stalemate.

Home Base
The base's tightness and many turrets make attacking the core problematic. You must get in close and not hit the stone tower surrounding it. Grab the big keg-o-health atop the turret nearest the snow wall and the 100 shield pack near the core tower. Then expect close combat and vehicular madness. Use the Goliath to tear into the middle Node and the opposition's tank.

PowerNode 1
The single PowerNode links to both bases, and the team that captures the PowerNode can blast the core. However, with both teams so close, this PowerNode constantly changes hands. If you claim the PowerNode, climb into the Hellbender that spawns. Four paths reach this PowerNode (two usually accessed by the other team, and two by your own). Grab the big keg-o-health from a turret at the rear and the double damage on the opposite turret. Use the energy turret and snipe incoming forces or battle at close quarters near the PowerNode. A 100 shield pack is on either side of an archway with four health vials inside.

PowerNode to Joy: Planning Victory
Station most of your force at the PowerNode. You must hold the PowerNode (to stop your opponents from linking). Flit from sniping on the roof to using the energy turrets (if possible) to fighting inside vehicles. Take advantage of the Hellbender's extreme range by having teammates blast enemies leaving their base. Try attacking the enemy base at the start. Have one teammate lead a few enemies on a wild goose chase while the rest of the team claims the PowerNode. When the PowerNode is yours, dish out turret blasts and keep a strong presence; the PowerNode must not be lost once taken!"


  • The Mine Layer will come in handy when it comes to guarding the node.
  • If you play with "Bonus Vehicles", make sure to station the Paladin at the central node. You will want a competent player to take care of defending the node against incoming attacks. As for the Cicada, use it to keep track of the side nodes (if you also play with that setup).


  • Control the Target Painter. It will come in handy when the enemy team busts the Central Node.

Link setup-specific tips[]

  • Default:
  • Side Nodes: It's always a good idea to ensure control of all three nodes.



Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the 59th. most played UT2004 map of all-time, with over 43.000 matches.[1]

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • There's an Easter Egg room in the map. Bump into 25 selected trees in the map (see the Gallery, the trees will act like they were bumped, with snow falling from them) with any vehicle and at the Central Lake, in the tower at the very east, a room will open, leading to a secret area (similar to the one in DM-Codex) where a group picture can be found. This area, however, subtracts one health point per second, and requires a dodgejump in order to reach the very end.
  • In the map there's a hidden note, only visible through the editor:
"Hey Ben from the future, shutup."
Hidden note

Preview Notes[]

"Just as the official map description above says, "Frostbite" may be small in size, but huge on action. With only one power node connecting the two cores, fortunes can change at any moment, with massive battles almost always in progress at the center point. A turret sits high above the central node, and can sometimes be the key to owning the map."


External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.
  2. "ONS-Frostbite". GameSpy. Archived from the original on Dec 30, 2007. Retrieved Nov 10, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught maps
XP Bonus maps: ONS-AridoomONS-Ascendancy
ECE Bonus Pack maps: ONS-AdaraONS-IslandHopONS-TrickyONS-Urban
Semi-official maps: ONS-IcarusONS-Sidaro