Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Play deep in to the mountainous regions of the planet Sidaro, in a valley taken in use by the almighty Skaarj."
Map description

ONS-Sidaro is an Onslaught map for Unreal Tournament 2004. It's a semi-official release created by Sjoerd 'Hourences' De Jong which was meant to be shipped with the ECE Bonus Pack but was ultimately cut. It was later released as a free addon once community member Lasercar got the map.[1]

Map description[]


Default link setup.

Its author describes the map with a single sentence: "Two Skaarj bases battle each other on the banks of a small river".[1] Effectively two bases sitting across opposite sides of an U-shaped valley, with the main corridor having a small, non-lethal river crossing it.

The map has six nodes, arranged in a W pattern, and we'll give them names for description purposes.

  • Blue Prime Node: The node located south of the Blue base.
  • Southwest Node: The node located in the Southwest corner of the map.
  • Base Entrance Node: The node located south of the map, in the middle.
  • Mothership Node: The node located at the very center of the map.
  • Southeast Node: The node located in the Southeast corner of the map.
  • Red Prime Node: The node located south of the Red base.

Link Setups[]

  • Default: Both Power Cores are connected to their Prime Nodes. The Blue Prime Node is also connected to the Southwest Node, while the Red Prime Node is also connected to the Southeast Node. From here on, there are two paths: Southwest Node -> Mothership Node -> Southeast Node; and Southwest Node -> Base Entrance Node -> Southeast Node. Lastly, the Mothership and Base Entrance nodes are connected between each other.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 12
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Shock RifleLink GunMinigunRocket LauncherAVRiL
1 Near the Mothership Node.
Bio RifleShock RifleLink GunFlak CannonAVRiL
2 1x Blue Base, near the Power Core. 1x Red Base, near the Power Core.
Mine LayerShock RifleLink GunFlak CannonAVRiL
2 1x Blue Base, near the Power Core. 1x Red Base, near the Power Core.
Link GunMinigunFlak CannonAVRiLSniper Rifle
6 1x Outside the Blue Base. 1x Outside the Red Base. 1x Near the Blue Prime Node. 1x Near the Red Prime Node. 1x Near the Southwest Node. 1x Near the Southeast Node.
Link GunMinigunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherAVRiL
1 Near the Base Entrance Node.




Vehicle Count Location
1x Outside the Blue Base, west. 1x Outside the Blue Base, east. 1x Outside the Red Base, west. 1x Outside the Red Base, east. 1x Mothership Node, east.
1x Near Blue Prime Node. 1x Near Red Prime Node. 1x West of the Base Entrance Node.
1x Inside the Blue Base, near the Power Core. 1x Inside the Red Base, near the Power Core. 1x Near Blue Prime Node. 1x Near Red Prime Node. 1x Near the Southwest Node. 1x Mothership Node, west. 2x Near the Southeast Node.
1x Inside the Blue Base, near the Power Core. 1x Inside the Red Base, near the Power Core. 1x East of the Base Entrance Node.
1x Near Blue Prime Node. 1x Near Red Prime Node. 1x Near the Southwest Node. 1x Near the Southeast Node.
1x Outside the Blue Base. 1x Outside the Red Base. 1x Inside the Blue Base, near the Power Core. 1x Inside the Red Base, near the Power Core. 1x Near Blue Prime Node. 1x Near Red Prime Node. 1x West of the Base Entrance Node. 1x East of the Base Entrance Node.

Tips and tricks[]

  • The Southeast Node has an extra Scorpion in comparison with the Southwest Node. This vehicle disadvantage can give the Red team a bit of an edge over the Blue team.




  • According to Hourences himself, this is one of the maps that were left out of the Editor's Choice Edition Bonus Pack. Legalities at the time prevented him from releasing this piece until February 19, 2021.[1][2] Lasercar then contacted both Hourences and community manager Stacey Conley, who were able to clear the situation and give him the map.[3]
"Sidaro was one of the levels that was meant to be part of the official ECE add on around 2004 or 2005, that I built. It never got released unfortunately, until now :)"
Sjoerd 'Hourences' De Jong
"You might have heard of this map – it was made by hourences for the editor’s choice edition pack, but it and 2-3 other maps where cut from it to make it more focused. It couldn’t be released as hourences gave away the IP rights to the map to epic games.
So, I came across this map in his portfolio and emailed him about it – it’s been so long now, so surely it can be released without any issues. … and I was right! An old ut community manager (Stacey Conley) checked internally at epic games and the map can finally be released.
I was given the map, so I’ve fixed up all the issues it has and I’m releasing it for all of you to play."
  • Both bases are colored light blue, so unless players are playing with the minimap on, there will be some confusion regarding which team owns which base. Further adding to the confusion is that both bases are named "Inside"; thankfully this can be fixed.

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • The map has a hidden note, only viewable in the Editor:
"FRITTEN !!!!!!!!11"
Hidden note

Location bugs[]

  • As said before, the map has named zones for each base, but are both named "Inside". Thankfully, the fix is simple: create a file named ONS-Sidaro.int in the System folder with the following content:
LocationName="Inside Blue Base"

LocationName="Inside Red Base"


External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 De Jong, Sjoerd. "Levels 2002-2005". Hourences. Retrieved Mar 29, 2021.
  2. De Jong, Sjoerd (Feb 19, 2021). "ONS-Sidaro addon". ModDB.com. Retrieved Mar 29, 2021.
  3. "ONS-Sidaro". Steam Community (Feb 19, 2021). Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught maps
XP Bonus maps: ONS-AridoomONS-Ascendancy
ECE Bonus Pack maps: ONS-AdaraONS-IslandHopONS-TrickyONS-Urban
Semi-official maps: ONS-IcarusONS-Sidaro