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Map stub
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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Once the pinnacle of modernized civilization, this dense urban center has since fallen victim to crime, corruption, and civil war. Now mostly vacant, it has become a haven for underground criminal activity and lawlessness. LMC organizers jumped at the opportunity to own this prime piece of real estate. Instead of leveling the area and constructing a new arena, they decided to let the combatants to the demolition work themselves."
Map description

ONS-Urban is an Onslaught map for Unreal Tournament 2004. It comes in the ECE Bonus Pack, as well as the ECE Edition of the game.

Map description[]


Keyguide by KurlonT.

Urban default

Default link setup.

Urban default no leviathans

Default No Leviathans link setup.

Urban center node only

Center Node Only link setup.

Urban center node and leviathan reserves

Center Node And Leviathan Reserves link setup.

Urban leviathans only

Leviathans Only link setup.

For description purposes, we'll give each node a name:

  • Blue Prime Node: The node located north of the map, next to the Blue base.
  • Blue Leviathan Node: The node located in the northeast corner. Holds the eponymous vehicle.
  • Blue Subway Node: Located south of the Blue base.
  • Center Node: Located at the center of the map, in the sewers.
  • Blue Subway Node: Located north of the Red base.
  • Red Leviathan Node: The node located in the southwest corner. Holds the eponymous vehicle.
  • Red Prime Node: The node located south of the map, next to the Red base.

Link Setups[]

  • Default: Each Power Core is connected to its respective Prime Node and Leviathan Node. Both Prime Nodes are also connected to both Subway Nodes as well as the Center Node.
  • Default No Leviathans: Same as Default, except that there's no connection between the Power Cores and their Leviathan nodes.
  • Center Node Only: Both Power Cores are only connected to the Center Node.
  • Center Node and Leviathan Reserves: Same as Center Node Only, but both Cores are also connected to their respective Leviathan nodes.
  • Leviathans Only: Both Power Cores are connected to their Leviathan Nodes, and these are connected with each other, forming a "Z" setup.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
W: 14
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Bio RifleMine LayerLink GunMinigunRocket LauncherAVRiLLightning Gun
4 -
Link GunMinigunFlak CannonAVRiLLightning Gun
1 -
Shock RifleLink GunFlak CannonAVRiLLightning Gun
2 -
Link GunFlak CannonGrenade LauncherRocket LauncherAVRiLLightning Gun
4 -
Link GunMinigunFlak CannonAVRiLLightning Gun
1 -
Bio RifleShock RifleLink GunFlak CannonAVRiLLightning Gun
2 -


Pickup Count Location


Vehicle Count Location

Tips and tricks[]



Link setup-specific tips[]

  • Default:
  • Default No Leviathans:
  • Center Node Only:
  • Center Node And Leviathan Reserves:
  • Leviathans Only:



Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the 60th. most played UT2004 map of all-time, with over 42.900 matches.[1]


External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught maps
XP Bonus maps: ONS-AridoomONS-Ascendancy
ECE Bonus Pack maps: ONS-AdaraONS-IslandHopONS-TrickyONS-Urban
Semi-official maps: ONS-IcarusONS-Sidaro