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Outpost 3J is the twenty-second map of the single-player mode of Unreal.

Map description[]

Outpost 3J is located on the floating isle of Na Pali, in Haven. It is somewhat of a precurosor of the final levels of the game inside the Skaarj Mothership because it is the first level in Unreal to take place almost entirely in a Skaarj installation.

Deep within the Na Pali mountain, a hidden Skaarj base keeps a watchful eye on the Nali of the town and gives the Skaarj control over the skies. With nowhere left to run on this sky island, the player has no choice but to seek a way to return to the planet's surface.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location


Monster Count Location


  • If from the open windows after you've pushed the monk statues out, you jump across to the ledges around the church's smaller spires, you can go round and on to the roof. If you go along to the far end of the roof, you get a view of Na Pali Haven.
  • The beta version of the map was composed by both this level, Gateway to Na Pali and Na Pali Haven. In the latter part, there was no lava pit.
  • Levelshots for the map were added in the OldUnreal version 227j patch.
  • The track used for the level, "Isotoxin (Unreal Mix)" by Andrew "Necros" Sega, was originally the title track for an older 1995 game called In Pursuit Of Greed. The most notorious change for this game's remix is the removal of the intro.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Single Player maps
Vortex RikersNyLeve's FallsRrajigar MineDepths of RrajigarSacred PassageChizra - Nali Water GodThe Ceremonial ChambersDark ArenaHarobed VillageTerraniux UndergroundTerraniuxNoork's ElbowTemple of VandoraThe TrenchISV-Kran Deck 4ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2ISV-Kran Deck 1Spire VillageThe SunspireGateway to Na PaliNa Pali HavenOutpost 3JVelora PassBluff EversmokingDasa Mountain PassCellars at Dasa PassSerpent CanyonNali CastleDemonlord's LairDemon CraterMothership BasementMothership LabMothership CoreSkaarj GeneratorIlluminationThe DarkeningThe Source AntechamberThe Source