Unreal Wiki


The Peacemaker is a weapon from Unreal. It was cut before the game's release, but was restored in OldUnreal's v227 community patches.


After being tossed, it fires four auto-aiming rockets before itself exploding.

In alt-fire, it explodes without firing rockets.

The activation can be delayed by a variable amount of time by holding fire or alt-fire for a longer time.

After tossing but before it activates, it can be picked back up.

Tips and tricks[]

  • The Peacemaker is often used in open areas where it can be deployed safely, as the weapon takes time to prepare, and its rockets time to shoot and lock onto an objective.


  • The Peacemaker was restored in the 227 community patch.
  • Its projectiles were later reused for the Warlord's main attack.
  • The death message was added in the v227j patch.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal weapons
Dispersion PistolAutomagStingerASMDEightballFlak CannonRazorjackGES BioRifleSniper RifleMinigun
Return to Na Pali weapons: Combat Assault RifleUMS Grenade LauncherUMS Rocket Launcher
Unreal v227 weapons: QuadshotPeacemakerTranslocator