Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening.

The Pinwheel Fish is a creature found in Unreal II: The Awakening.


Pinwheel Fish are very small fish that live in shells, lakes or aquariums. They have a form of pinwheel, that's where the name is from. They seem to be native to Severnaya, though there are a few in Hell kept in aquariums for animal research. Pinwheel fish are only decorative. All they can do is swim around while constantly rotating. They can not retaliate or defend.


Tips and tricks[]



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See also[]

Unreal II: The Awakening creatures
Mercenaries: Light Ghost Warrior - Medium Ghost Warrior - Heavy Ghost Warrior - Light Angel - Medium Angel - Heavy Angel
Aliens: Izarian - Light Skaarj - Medium Skaarj - Heavy Skaarj - Light Araknid - Medium Araknid - Heavy Araknid - Light Drakk - Medium Drakk - Drakk Boss - Drakk Droid - Tosc
Passive creatures: Mukhogg - Seagoat - Rammer - Snipe - Kai