Unreal Wiki
Meta article
The following is a meta-article, which explains a concept which usually falls out of one of the wiki's categorizations, yet it's still important to explain something.

This page lists the planets in the Unreal universe


  • Na Pali, aka Gryphon #4-A, the 4th planet of the twin-star Gryphon system, rich with tarydium, home of the Nali.

Unreal Tournament[]

Unreal II: The Awakening[]

  • Acheron, mostly covered by a single organism, home to a Izanagi terraforming base.
  • Odyssey IV (Avalon), home to TCA HQ.
  • Charon
  • Dawn
  • Daedalus
  • Elysium, home to an Axon research station.
  • Gaigan, a gas giant in the Eizo system.
    • Hell or Eizo VI-C, one of Gaigan's moons .
  • Janus, a planet of cold steppes, six thousand miles in diameter, orbiting the weak K-type star Asgar, home to secret TCA research lab.
  • Kalydon, houses to Military Outpost Kilo Five Seven.
  • Na Koja Abad, Arabic for "Land of Nowhere", has major Izanagi installation and dig site.
  • NC962VII, Drakk homeworld.
  • Quantico
  • Quintana
  • Sanctuary or Elara V, fifth planet in the Elara system, uninhabited jungle world, home to a Liandri mining facility Lima Six.
  • Santan's Furnace
  • Severnaya, houses Minkovsky dam.
  • Sulferon, desert world.
  • Taiko, out-of-the-way planet with one moon, pivotal in the Strider Wars.
  • Vistula

Unreal Championship, UT2003/UT2004[]

Unreal Championship 2[]

  • Asteroid 35332-XA, Lauren's place of death.
  • Deneb IV, Brock's place of death.
  • Nakhti Home world, home of the Nakhti.

Unreal Tournament 3[]

External links and references[]

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