Unreal Wiki
Third-party mod
This article is about an officially-released third-party mod.
Only mods that have been part of official Unreal releases are allowed on this wiki. Third-party mods are not considered canon to the Unreal Universe unless an Epic Games or Digital Extremes employee (past or present) stated otherwise.

If you're looking for other versions of the arenas, you might want to check Recurring maps#RA-Akuma.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

RA-Akuma is a map for the Rocket Arena: UT mod for Unreal Tournament.

Map description[]

Most of Akuma's Multi Arenas are small and symmetrical arenas that feature 2 floors with an atrium in the middle (similar to DM-Morbias).


  • Underlord: (4 players) Variation of Babylon in the form of a platform in a large cave. (Though sharing the symmetrical, 2-floor layout)
  • Sector 9: (2 players) It has seemingly little in common with the rest. It's set in a storage room with a number of small rooms placed around it, 2 of which contain stairs to the 2nd floor which consists of 2 walkways and the crates in the storage room.
  • Neo-Tokyo: (2 players) Morbias-like, but with the addition of slopes in the atrium connecting the 2 floors.
  • Babylon: (2 players) Similar to Neo-Tokyo, but removes the 4 lifts.
  • Cold-Steel Pressure: (2 players) A more complex form of the overall concept, boasting 3 floors and multiple jump-pads, lifts and atria.
  • Codex: (4 players) Is the Clan Arena.

Tips and tricks[]


  • All of the arenas in this map can be found in the Sega Dreamcast version of UT as standalone Deathmatch maps.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament - Rocket Arena: UT maps