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If you're looking for other versions of the weapon, you might want to check Rocket Launcher.
"Each year, more accidental deaths are caused by the Trident Tri-barrel Rocket Launcher than in vehicular accidents and extreme sports combined. The kill radius for its standard dumbfire rocket is surprisingly high by design -- so accidentally firing upon a nearby wall, or a nearby enemy soldier, can be quite fatal for the operator. The alternate fire adds to this suicidal lethality by loading and firing up to three rockets at once, in a spread, tight spiral, or lobbed like grenades. Regardless of the grim statistics, veteran soldiers still consider the 'old 8 ball' the most expedient way to put explosive ordnance on target."
– Weapon description
The Rocket Launcher is the Unreal Tournament 3 variation of the weapon.
- Primary Fire
- Fires a single, non-seeking rocket.
- Secondary Fire
- By default, this fires rockets in a spread formation. Tapping Fire once while loading will change to a spiral, while tapping it twice will release grenades. Tapping it a third time will restore the default spread pattern.
The new rocket launcher combines the instant rockets ability from UT2004, and the grenades from UT. As in UT2004 primary fire shoots instant rockets, secondary fire loads rockets, and hitting primary while holding secondary will switch to spiral fire mode with a single tap, grenades with two, or back to a spread with three. As in UT2004, rockets can lock onto vehicles. This feature has been visibly improved to help take out vehicles, with much better locking and turning ability.
Related Achievements[]
Have a Nice Day
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Get the "Rocket Scientist" award in 10 matches and "Flak Master" award in 10 matches.
Tips and tricks[]
- The Rocket Launcher in Unreal Tournament 4 acts similarly to the one in UT2004, but up to before the introduction of the Grenade Launcher it worked in a similar way to this iteration of the RL.
External links and references[]
See also[]
Unreal Tournament 3 weapons |
Impact Hammer • Enforcer • Bio Rifle • Shock Rifle • Link Gun • Stinger Minigun • Flak Cannon • Rocket Launcher • Longbow AVRiL • Sniper Rifle |
Special weapons: Translocator • Instagib Rifle |
Superweapons: Redeemer |
Deployables: EMP Mine • Link Station • Shaped Charge • Shield Generator • Slow Field Generator • Spidermine Trap • X-Ray Field |