Unreal Wiki

Unreal The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

The Shield Belt is a very powerful form of armor in the Unreal series.


It is a belt that goes around the player's waist to conjure a shield around the player that protects him/her from damage. Rather than absorbing a certain percentage of a player's health points, the Shield Belt will remove 100% of damage taken by the player. Once the Shield Belt's armor points have been depleted, the player will be vulnerable to damage once again. The Shield Belt effect is extremely visible on a player, due to a gold shimmering effect enveloping the owner.


Unreal and Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali[]

Provides an extra 100 points of armor, as well as prevents both your health and armor from any form of injury until the Shield Belt is completely depleted from damage. It is mostly found in hidden or hard-to-reach places.

Power Shield[]

There's also an improved version of the Shield Belt, the Power Shield. It has more points than Shield Belt, but it works basically the same. It can only be found once in single-player (and OldUnreal's v227 patch allows it to be found in DmRetrospective), and should be combined with all other armors to make you the strongest.

Unreal Tournament[]

"The Shield Belt provides 150 armor points.

This handy accoutrement not only holds your pants up, it's also the most powerful defensive device in the Tournament."
UT manual

The Shield Belt now provides 150 armor points (the maximum the game allows), rather than the 100 points given in the previous game, removing 100% of the damage. This time, it's brighter and silver-colored. It's often placed as a powerup found in hard-to-reach places, hidden corners, and on occasion, dangling above hazards.

The Belt can only be used separately. Picking up the shield belt removes all other armor. Picking up other armor while carrying the shield belt will recharge the shield belt instead of adding other armor.

Unreal Tournament 3[]

"The shield belt is a powerful protective device that gives 100 points of armor, the same as an entire suit of armor pickups. The shield belt absorbs all damage, unlike armor which absorbs only part of any weapons damage."
UT3 manual

The Shield Belt returns, although it provides only 100 points of protection. However, unlike the UT2004 shields, the shield belt will absorb 100% of damage, as UT2003 shields do, until it is destroyed. Also, unlike in UT, the Shield Belt can be combined with the other armor items in UT3. This way, players can stack up to 200 points of armor.

Carrying a Shield Belt has various advantages in vehicle gametypes. Shielded players are automatically ejected from destroyed vehicles instead of getting killed like in UT2004 Assault maps while in vehicles, at the cost of destroying the Shield Belt itself. Shielded players will not fall off of the Hoverboard when hit by weapon fire, either, as the Belt absorbs the damage.

Because of its advantages, the Shield Belt is much rarer in this game than in previous games. If the Handicap mutator is enabled, losing players will be given Shield Belts when they spawn.

Unreal Tournament 4[]

"100 Regular Armor points and 50 Shield Points. Any Armor amount above 100 will absorb 100% of the damage."
Tutorial level



External links and references[]

See also[]
