The Skaarj Berserker is an enemy in Unreal and Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali.
These terrifying Skaarj stand as the tallest and largest of all standard Skaarj classes. They are similar in color to a Scout, but more pronounced, bearing a deeper red-brown chest and darker scales, as well as the same armor loadout, but the similarities effectively end there. Berserkers are semi-rare and are usually presented as specific encounters, as opposed to regular enemies.
While most Skaarj will fight with a degree of tactical care, Skaarj Berserkers will attack nearly anything in sight, and will close in on their target as swiftly as possible. Their large size allows them to take and dish out significantly more damage than regular Skaarj, and allows them greater speed, making them extremely hard to evade. The Berserker's extreme aggressiveness can be used against it, as two Berserkers will almost automatically engage each other, which can allow the player to either slip away, wait it out and pick off the victor, or ambush the two with heavy firepower while they're distracted. Berserkers engage in fight with any type of monsters they see, including other Skaarj, with the sole exception of Pupae, unless these ones are bothered.
- Temple of Vandora - 3
- Outpost 3J - 2/3 (depending on dufficulty)
- Cellars at Dasa Pass - 2
- Nali Castle - 2 (one of them only spawns if you follow certain nalis)
- Mothership Lab - 2 (one behind force field, the other has special golden shield)
- The Darkening - 5 (one normal, other four special)
Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali[]
- Velora Temple - 3
- Nagomi Passage (Dawn) - 4
- Foundry Tarydium Plant - 1
Tips and tricks[]
- The best way to deal with a Berserker is at range. The Rifle can decapitate a Berserker, although they can take more hits before dying, as can a few well-placed Razorjack rounds.
- If a Skaarj Berserker manages to break past a ranged attack, switch to the Flak Cannon. The explosive secondary fire can be used to weaken the Berserker before using primary fire to finish them.
- Additionally, they can be used as living weapons as they will attack most anything that moves.
- In The Darkening, Prisoner 849 will fight a very large, blue-hued Skaarj Berserker with the texture similar to an Ice Skaarj, however it is classified as a Skaarj Berserker. It appears to be a Skaarj that has undergone some kind of cryogenic treatment, and is among the strongest and most aggressive and healthiest Skaarj the player will meet. This Skaarj first appeared locked under a fore field in the Mothership Lab, and has broken free at the Darkening. This Skaarj must be defeated to pass through the final gate in the Darkening.
- Like many enemies, Berserkers have significantly more health in The Darkening than in other levels, and are less likely to attack one another, which is bad news for the player.
- There is a special Golden Skaarj Berserker which is the Mothership Lab, it is mandatory to defeat in order to complete the stage.
- If Berserkers are summoned alongside any other warrior or trooper classes, Berserkers will always engage in fights, winning the vast majority of the time. Berserkers a;ong with Skaarj Lords and Skaarj Officers have the highest health of all skaarjs combing both trooper and warrior classes, but Berserkers wins majority fight against them.
External links and references[]
See also[]
Unreal creatures |
Monsters: Behemoth - Brute - Cave Manta - Devilfish - Fly - Gasbag - Giant Gasbag - Ice Skaarj - Krall - Krall Elite - Lesser Brute - Manta - Mercenary - Mercenary Elite - Pupae - Skaarj Assassin - Skaarj Berserker - Skaarj Gunner - Skaarj Infantry - Skaarj Lord - Skaarj Officer - Skaarj Scout - Skaarj Sniper - Skaarj Trooper - Skaarj Warrior - Slith - Tentacle - Titan |
Bosses: Skaarj Queen - Stone Titan - Warlord |
NPCs and other creatures: Baby Cow - Biterfish - Bloblet - Horsefly - Nali - Nali Bird - Nali Cow - Nali Priest - Nali Rabbit |
Beta: Dragon - Squid |