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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Slain is a character in the Unreal series.


Slain was a human warrior and the founder of the team called Raw Steel. He then became a member of the Iron Guard team in UT3.

Slain is the founder of RawSteel. He understands that the success of the team lies not only in the physical strength, but in their crowd pleasing "pro-wrestling" style.

Slain fought with the 47th Mechanized Imperial during the First Necris Invasion. He is a distinguished veteran at modern military ops. Although his skills tend toward the tactical, he is, nonetheless, an excellent hand to hand fighter.

Slain is unable to forget the day that his best friend, Jihan Nyhn, was assassinated while under his personal protection.

Physical appearance[]




Die, bitch.



External links and references[]

See also[]

Characters from Unreal Tournament
Thunder Crash: Malcolm, Annaka, Aryss, Azure, Othello, Riker, Ryanna, Tamika
Iron Guard: Brock, Lauren, Harlin, Johnson, Rankin, Rylisa, Sara, Shyann
Black Legion: Cryss, Freylis, Grail, Kragoth, Malakai, Malise, Necroth, Visse
Dark Phalanx: Gorn, Anna, Ivana, Farham, Iyrash, Nickolai, Nikita, Whitman
Blood Reavers: Kyla, Boris, Graves, Jayce, Luthor, Mariana, Ramirez, Tanya
Raw Steel: Slain, Arkon, Arnold, Bruce, Kregore, Lugar, Manwell, Rolph
Venom: Athena, Ada, Cilia, Lovelace, Sarena, Tara, Xyra, Zanna
Iron Skull/Red Claw: Dominator, Anthrax, Baetal, Berserker, Devastator, Entropy, Guardian, Pestilence, Pharoh, Plague, Reaper, Skrilax
The Corrupt: Xan Kriegor, Cathode, Divisor, Enigma, Function, Matrix, Silicon, Tensor, Vector
Metal Guard: Drake, Isis, Radkin, Risa, Tasha, Vixen, Von, Wraith
Other: Damien, Idina, Nali, Nali WarCow, Portia, Rampage.
Characters from Unreal Tournament 3
Ronin: Reaper, Bishop, Othello, Jester, Kensai, Kai, Kana
Iron Guard: Lauren, Barktooth, Harlin, Slain, Johnson, Ariel, BlackJack
The Corrupt: Matrix, Aspect, Cathode, Enigma, Nova, Cyclops
Krall: Scythe, Cerberus, Gnasher, Scorn
Necris Black Legion: Akasha, Loque, Damian, Kragoth, Malakai, Alanna