Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Main stationary defenses on the outside of the Skaarj Mothership. It’s primary fire features two high-velocity plasma projectiles, and a high-energy shield alt-fire."
UT2004 manual


Main stationary self-defense turret for the mothership. It fires plasm high-velocity projectiles from it's double cannons, and has energy shield that blocks some of the damage.

Tips and tricks[]

For users:

  • This cannon operates automatically, you don't need to use it for it to be effective
  • Even if you want to use it, you have to aim it a bit further in the way that the enemy spaceship going to, to successfully hit it
  • Don't forget to use shield, since these turrets have only 650 hp and can be easily killed by a rocket

For attackers:

  • You can ignore them by simply moving around and not going in a straight line


  • These turrets appear on AS-Mothership


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 vehicles
ECE vehicles: PaladinCicadaSPMA
Assault vehicles: Ion Plasma TankHuman Space FighterSkaarj Space Fighter
Energy TurretMinigun TurretCeiling SentinelFloor SentinelLink TurretSpace TurretIon Cannon
Phoenix BomberTC-1200Bulldog