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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

The Axon-Necris StealthBender is a vehicle that it appears in Unreal Tournament 3.


The vehicle is officially introduced the Titan Pack on WAR-Confrontation and VCTF-Stranded. Like the Nightshade, the vehicle has a cloaking and deployable system to match the name. Unlike the Nightshade, however, the vehicle uses different deployables and has to be fully stopped to be able to use deployables.

The StealthBender can maintain 2 Spidermine Traps, 1 X-Ray Field, 1 EMP Mine and 1 Link Station.

Related Achievements[]

UT3 Armadillo achievement
Gamerscore 10
Get the "Roadkill" award in 10 matches.
UT3 Jack of all trades achievement
Jack of All Trades
Gamerscore 10
Kill an enemy with every vehicle (except Hoverboard).

Tips and tricks[]


  • The vehicle was meant to be included in the final game, but it wasn't finished on time, though the coding for it is still present.
  • According to the description of WAR-ColdHarbor, Axon's Stealth Research Division managed to get some of the early specs for the Necris Nightshade vehicle and have been attempting to retrofit that technology onto their own.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 vehicles
MantaRaptorScorpionHellbenderGoliathLeviathanPaladinCicadaHellfire SPMA
Necris: ViperScavengerFuryNemesisNightshadeDarkwalker
Titan Pack: StealthBender
Energy TurretShock TurretRocket TurretStinger Turret
Titan Pack: Eradicator