Sulferon is the seventh mission from Unreal II: The Awakening.
During a briefing cutscene, Commander Hawkins will inform you that the Izanagi have developed a special tool that can locate Artifact elements' signature on different planets. It must be obtained to stop the company from laying its hands on more artifacts.
You arrive onto a landing pad near the base. Despite mercenaries patrolling the perimeter reularily, none of them notice your arrival. That soon changes, however, as your assault on the base's front walls begins. You can use ribcages sticking out from the sand as cover against three Rocket Turrets and a Heavy Ghost Warrior. There are two entrances to the base; one on the front, where all of the Automated Turrets inside are pointed at, and one on the back. On the far end of the base's interior, there is a computer room where your main objective is located. Once you enter, one of the mercs will blow up the main console to prevent you from recovering the data needed, and the main objective will be failed automatically, no matter what you do. Your secondary objectives are to clear out remaining enemies as well as disabling a distress signal from the top of communications tower. Once you do everything, the next stage of the mission will load.
A marine ship will arrive with a standard, urban camo squad, including a Light Marine with a CAR, a sniper, a Medium Marine with a flamethrower, and one Heavy with a Rocket Launcher, as well as the technician you have to protect while he salvages the data from the broken console. Izanagi reinforcements will arrive via dropships, from the front wall first, then from the back entrance and from the front again. You have to order your marines into advantageous positions, they also deploy a few turrets which you can only turn off for a couple of seconds, but not pick up and place them yourself. After only a few minutes, the technician will be done and the mission will be successful. If the technician dies, mission will fail.
Talking to the technician while he's working will prompt him to tell John to shut up.
Level list[]
- According to beta screenshots, instead of a desertic theme, the map was going to have a lush jungle theme. This was changed for the final version.
- This mission uses the same soundtrack that was previously used in the mission on Severnaya.
- It is the second mission of the game where you fight alongside NEG marines, and the first one where you can give them orders, as well as the first one of two where you have to protect a civilian.
External links and references[]
See also[]
Unreal II: The Awakening Single Player maps |
Avalon (preface) (TCA Training Course) • Sanctuary (Mining Complex Entrance • Mining Complex • Power Plant) • Swamp • Hell (Descent • Discovery • Desolation • Disclosure) • Acheron • Severnaya • Kalydon • Sulferon (Secret Izanagi Facility • Defend) • Janus (Outside Polaris • Polaris Entrance • Polaris Geologics Research • PGR Exterior • PGR Rooftop) • Na Koja Abad (Outside • Izanagi Xeno Research Facility • Excavation) • NC962VII (Suspicion • Scrutiny • Subjugation • Subordination • Solitude) • Avalon • Dorian Gray (The Vault • The Dorian Gray) Extra mission: Solaris Base |