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Sulferon, also known as Delta Avior VII, is a planet found in the Unreal universe. It is the setting of eighth mission of Unreal 2 campaign.


It is a desert planet of redish-orange sand and bare rock that was a location of a secret Izanagi research facility, located within a fortified forward base guarded by automated turrets as well as a regiment of Ghost Warrior mercs. In case of assault, the base's staff would send out a distress call which would alert other Izanagi units in the area to come. This base housed an experimental analytic tool which allowed the corporation to search out pieces of the Artifact across the universe, however the base would eventually fall into the hands of the TCA.

The planet's landscape was dotted with gigantic skeletons of unknown native creatures, as well as steaming pits of unknown making, presumably sulfur, to which the planet could owe its name. Bizarre rock formations can be seen out in the desert as well, probably eroded by the wind. Despite no vegetation or bodies of water being visible on the surface or from orbit, the planet seemingly had breathable atmosphere, as one can observe blue outline surrounding the planet from space, and clear blue skies with few white clouds above the surface. It is possible the planet was terraformed by Izanagi corporation to make it habitable.

Sulferon seems to have at least two natural satellites, one smaller and one much larger.



  • The texture map used for the planet surface as viewed from the space was apparently at least partially based on the surface of the planet Mars and features Olympus Mons volcano.


External links and references[]

See also[]
