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If you're looking for the race from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, you might want to check Nakhti.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Sun Blade is comprised of former Temple Guardians and veterans of the Desert Legion. They see victory in the Tournament as their only hope for burial and eternal life in the Valley of Kings on Luxor IV."
Team description

Sun Blade is a team from the Unreal series.


The team is composed of the egyptian-like Nakhti (or Anubans).


If you're looking for the full roster, including other characters who use the "Sun Blade" costumes, you might want to check Sun Blade/Character cards.

Unreal Championship[]

Aliyah's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Sherit
Race: Human
Age: 18 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Link Gun
Link Gun

Affinity Type: Fire rate
Meter-good-31,25 0.8

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 56.29
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-62,5 60.27
Team tactics: Meter-good-62,5 60.63

"Known for her charm and charisma off the Tournament floor, Aliyah also has the reputation of being vicious in her pursuit of victory. It amuses her to have sympathy notes delivered to her opponents before a match."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Asp's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Meryetamun
Race: Human
Age: 25 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

Affinity Type: Ammo
Meter-good-68,75 2.0

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 71.21
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-56,25 56.18
Team tactics: Meter-good-62,5 60.70

"Beautiful and deadly, Asp is as quick to strike as her namesake, and her victims are less likely to recover from the bite."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Cleopatra's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Khutenptah
Race: Human
Age: 25 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Link Gun
Link Gun

Affinity Type: Damage
Meter-good-43,75 1.2

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 58.29
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-62,5 60.71
Team tactics: Meter-good-56,25 50.93

"If you think Cleopatra and Asp have something going on, you may be right. But it's not something you want to show up for unarmed."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Horus's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Khnumhotep
Race: Human
Age: 28 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle

Affinity Type: Fire rate
Meter-good-25 0.7

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-100 95.65
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-68,75 65.24
Team tactics: Meter-good-68,75 68.43

"Three generations of arena combat have made Horus's bloodline a force to be reckoned with — and Horus himself very popular with the crowd. He'd like the ladies to know that he's available for private autograph sessions after today's match."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Hyena's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Khensthoth
Race: Human
Age: 27 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Shock Rifle
Shock Rifle

Affinity Type: Fire rate
Meter-good-31,25 0.8

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-100 94.83
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-100 93.91
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 74.07

"A former officer in the Temple Guardians, Hyena found the position to be less than rewarding. The extremely low incidence of crime within the city proper made it a very dull career. An Imperial recruiter finally persuaded him to take leave of his world and venture out into the galaxy."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Memphis's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Hebeny
Race: Human
Age: 21 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

Affinity Type: Fire rate
Meter-good-31,25 0.8

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-100 97.09
Combat Style: Defender
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 82.78
Team tactics: Meter-good-56,25 53.61

"A beautiful daughter of the aristocracy who tired of her pampered existence and took to the arena, Memphis has since become a battle-hardened warrior addicted to the adrenaline high of combat and self-preservation."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Roc's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Bakenmut
Race: Human
Age: 27 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

Affinity Type: Ammo
Meter-good-68,75 2.0

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-81,25 79.14
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 79.31
Team tactics: Meter-good-68,75 64.71

"To the warriors of the northern waste, where every drop of water is more precious than blood, a display of emotions is a sign of weakness. Roc has never shed a tear in his life. Born to do battle on the desert sand, he now fights to return there."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Scarab's Unreal Championship character card

Character data:
Name: Sinefertari
Race: Human
Age: 24 yrs.
Weapon Affinity: Minigun

Affinity Type: Ammo
Meter-good-68,75 2.0

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 58.29
Combat Style: Freelancer
Agility: Meter-good-68,75 62.59
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 85.01

"A lieutenant in the desert legion and veteran of three tribal wars, Scarab is a cold and calculating tactician who prefers to draw his enemies out into the open where he can kill them at his leisure."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

Unreal Tournament 2003[]

Asp's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Asp
Race: Anuban
Age: 25 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 86
Agility: Meter-good-75 70
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-87,5 86
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 70
Average: 78
Weapon Preference: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

"Beautiful and deadly, Asp is as quick to strike as her namesake, and more likely to ensure that her victims don't recover from her bite."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Cleopatra's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Cleopatra
Race: Anuban
Age: 25 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 75
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 85
Average: 77.5
Weapon Preference: None

"If you think Cleopatra and Asp have something going on, then you may be right. But it's not something you want to show up for unarmed."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Diva's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Diva
Race: Anuban
Age: 18 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 74
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 86
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 74
Team tactics: Meter-good-81,25 76
Average: 77.5
Weapon Preference: Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

"Known for her charm and charisma off the Tournament floor, Diva takes advantage of her reputation by being exceedingly vicious in her pursuit of victory. She takes great amusement in having sympathy notes delivered to her opponents prior to a match."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Horus's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Horus
Race: Anuban
Age: 28 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-75 69
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 75
Team tactics: Meter-good-93,75 89
Average: 77
Weapon Preference: Shock Rifle
Shock Rifle

"Three generations of arena combat have made Horus' bloodline a force to be reckoned with, and one that's very popular with the crowd. He'd like the ladies to know that he's available for private autograph sessions after today's match."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Hyena's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Hyena
Race: Anuban
Age: 27 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-68,75 65
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-68,75 65
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 75.25
Weapon Preference: Minigun

"To the warriors of the Northern Waste, the display of emotions is a sign of weakness. Hyena has never shed a tear in his life, every drop of water more precious than his blood. Born to do battle on the desert sand, he now fights to return there."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Memphis's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Memphis
Race: Anuban
Age: 21 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 81
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 75
Team tactics: Meter-good-68,75 68
Average: 74.75
Weapon Preference: None

"Once a beautiful daughter of the aristocracy who had grown tired of her pampered existence and taken to the arena, Memphis has become a battle hardened warrior addicted to the adrenaline high of combat and self-preservation."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Roc's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Roc
Race: Anuban
Age: 27 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 71
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 71
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 83
Average: 75
Weapon Preference: None

"A former officer in the Temple Guardians, Roc found the position to be less than rewarding. The extremely low incidence of crime within the city proper made it a very dull career. It was the encouraging words of an Imperial recruiter that finally convinced him to take leave of his world and venture out into the galaxy."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Scarab's Unreal Tournament 2003 character card

Character data:
Name: Scarab
Race: Anuban
Age: 24 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 58
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 81
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-62,5 58
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 73.25
Weapon Preference: Link Gun
Link Gun

"A Lieutenant in the Desert Legion and veteran of three tribal wars, Scarab is a cold and calculating tactician who prefers to draw his enemies out into the open where he can kill them at his leisure."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Asp's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Asp
Race: Anuban
Age: 25 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-87,5 86
Agility: Meter-good-75 70
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-68,75 68
Team tactics: Meter-good-75 70
Average: 73.5
Weapon Preference: Lightning Gun
Lightning Gun

"Beautiful and deadly, Asp is as quick to strike as her namesake, and more likely to ensure that her victims don't recover from her bite."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Cleopatra's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Cleopatra
Race: Anuban
Age: 25 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 75
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 85
Average: 77.5
Weapon Preference: None

"If you think Cleopatra and Asp have something going on, then you may be right. But it's not something you want to show up for unarmed."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Diva's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Diva
Race: Anuban
Age: 18 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 74
Agility: Meter-good-87,5 84
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-93,75 93
Team tactics: Meter-good-81,25 76
Average: 81.75
Weapon Preference: Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

"Known for her charm and charisma off the Tournament floor, Diva takes advantage of her reputation by being exceedingly vicious in her pursuit of victory. She takes great amusement in having sympathy notes delivered to her opponents prior to a match."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Horus's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Horus
Race: Anuban
Age: 28 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-75 69
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 74
Team tactics: Meter-good-93,75 89
Average: 76.75
Weapon Preference: Shock Rifle
Shock Rifle

"Three generations of arena combat have made Horus' bloodline a force to be reckoned with, and one that's very popular with the crowd. He'd like the ladies to know that he's available for private autograph sessions after today's match."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Hyena's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Hyena
Race: Anuban
Age: 27 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-68,75 65
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 70
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 76.5
Weapon Preference: Minigun

"To the warriors of the Northern Waste, the display of emotions is a sign of weakness. Hyena has never shed a tear in his life, every drop of water more precious than his blood. Born to do battle on the desert sand, he now fights to return there."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Memphis's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Memphis
Race: Anuban
Age: 21 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 75
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 81
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 71
Team tactics: Meter-good-68,75 68
Average: 73.75
Weapon Preference: None

"Once a beautiful daughter of the aristocracy who had grown tired of her pampered existence and taken to the arena, Memphis has become a battle hardened warrior addicted to the adrenaline high of combat and self-preservation."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Roc's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Roc
Race: Anuban
Age: 27 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-75 71
Agility: Meter-good-75 75
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-81,25 79
Team tactics: Meter-good-87,5 83
Average: 77
Weapon Preference: None

"A former officer in the Temple Guardians, Roc found the position to be less than rewarding. The extremely low incidence of crime within the city proper made it a very dull career. It was the encouraging words of an Imperial recruiter that finally convinced him to take leave of his world and venture out into the galaxy."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Scarab's Unreal Tournament 2004 character card

Character data:
Name: Scarab
Race: Anuban
Age: 24 yrs.

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-62,5 58
Agility: Meter-good-81,25 81
Aggressiveness: Meter-good-75 71
Team tactics: Meter-good-100 96
Average: 76.5
Weapon Preference: Link Gun
Link Gun

"A Lieutenant in the Desert Legion and veteran of three tribal wars, Scarab is a cold and calculating tactician who prefers to draw his enemies out into the open where he can kill them at his leisure."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.


  • The following bots are duplicates:
    • Asp: Bastet, Lexa (UT2004); Nafiret (UT2004/UC); Sekhmet (UC)
    • Cleopatra: Anat, Nekhbet, Nephthys (UT2004); Hathor, Tranquility (UC)
    • Aliyah (UC)/Diva (UT2004): Maat (UT2004); Isis, Sphinx (UC)
    • Horus: Imhotep, Khepry (UT2004); Jackyl (UT2004/UC); Osiris (UC)
    • Hyena: Luxor, Osiris, Seth (UT2004); Khepry, Ramses (UC)
    • Memphis: Hathor, Sayiid, Tefenet (UT2004); Lexa, Natron (UC)
    • Roc: Arachne, Ramses, Tranquility (UT2004); Luxor, Sobek (UC)
    • Scarab: Natron, Sekhmet (UT2004); Sunspear (UT2004/UC); Saheed (UC)
  • Hyena's current description was used for Roc in the UC betas.

External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 teams
Black LegionBlood FistFire StormHellionsIron GuardSuper NovaIron SkullJuggernautsGoliathSun BladeThe CorruptThunder Crash