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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"Szalor is a proud Skaarj warrior, who suffered the ultimate humilliation: he was captured and enslaved by his mortal enemies, the Torgr tribe. He tried to die fighting his captors and thus regain a small measure of honor. Instead, he only impressed the Torgr with his ferocity. They entered Szalor into the tournament, hoping to watch an entertaining death. If he manages to win, however, he will be set free."
Character description

Szalor is a character in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.


Szalor's Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict character card

Character data:
Name: Szalor
Race: Skaarj
Age: Unknown
Birth Place: Unknown

Combat data:
Weight Class: Heavy
Starting Melee Weapon: Skaarj Blades
Starting Ranged Weapon: Skaarj Razik
Adrenaline combos:
Nimble Uc2-adrenaline-nimble
Speed (50%) Uc2-adrenaline-speed
Blade Shield Uc2-adrenaline-blade-shield
Predator Uc2-adrenaline-predator
Regenerate Uc2-adrenaline-regenerate
Blade Burst Uc2-adrenaline-blade-burst

"Szalor is a proud Skaarj warrior, who suffered the ultimate humiliation: he was captured and enslaved by his mortal enemies, the Torgr tribe. He tried to die fighting his captors and thus regain a small measure of honor. Instead he only impressed the Torgr with his ferocity. They entered Szalor into the tournament, hoping to watch an entertaining death. If he manages to win, however, he will be set free."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

Physical appearance[]




Szalor usually shares the Skaarj voicepack, however, for the Ascension Rites, he gets his own lines in addition to the lines of the pack.

Ascension Rites quotes[]

Malcolm (as commentator): "The Skaarj. Their brutality is legendary throughout the galaxy. Hands down, they're the most vicious warriors around. Which makes my guest a tourney competitor to be feared. Szalor, welcome."
Szalor (on the arena): "Good to be here."
Malcolm: "Let's cut right to the chase. Why do Skaarj hate humans?"
Szalor: "You killed our queen."
Malcolm: "Sure, but that was at the end of the war. Why did you attack our colonies?"
Szalor: "We have no grudge against humans."
Malcolm: "That's a relief! You heard it here first."
Szalor: "We subjugate all inferior races, not just humans."
Malcolm: "Ohhh-key. Let's move on. Your next opponent is some Nakhti soldier... Anubis."
Szalor: "[growls]"
Malcolm: "Must be tough facing an "inferior human" as an equal."
Szalor: "Not as equal."
Malcolm: "Competitor, then."
Szalor: "Hm... It is... unsatisfying... to rip them apart, only to have them respawn."
Malcolm: "Your next match is a Nali Slaughter. Some would say it's unwise to meet a Skaarj warrior in a game they invented."
Szalor: "It is always unwise to fight a Skaarj warrior."
Malcolm: "Tell me about the Nali. What are they like?"
Szalor: "They are sheep. Slaughtering them almost takes the pleasure out of killing. Almost... [laughs maniacally]"
Before Lambs to the Slaughter

New quotes[]

Frag quote: "Anubis, you are weak like Nali."
Pre-match quote: "It's a shame to kill perfectly good slaves."
Pre-match quote: "The Skaarj created this game. We always win."


  • These are his stats in UC2:
    • Ground Speed: 360
    • Base Movement: 360
    • Dodging Z-Speed: 325
    • Jumping Z-Height: 400
    • Starting Health: 200
    • Maximum Health: 200
    • Super Health: 275
    • Mass: 200


External links and references[]

See also[]

Characters from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Starting characters:
Unlockable characters:
DLC characters:
Unplayable characters: