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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"Your good friend Sobek refreshes you on the basics of tactical movement and combat."
Map description

Map description[]


Pickup Count Location


"Your good friend Sobek refreshes you on the basics of tactical movement and combat."
Mission description

Site: Nakhti Barrens Outpost 21A Military Patrol

[TV] Commentator: "...the Liandri Corporation for arranging this tournament to select your new emperor. Thank you for the opportunity to sponsor and improve upon your noble tradition..."
Sobek: "Another crap patrol for the best of the Imperial Legion."
Anubis: "I have friends in higher places."
Sobek: "Yeah, the kind of friends who put scorpions in your boots."
[TV] Commentator: "...the Ascension Nights will also be treated as a tournament qualifying round. The finalists will be invited to the Liandri Grand Tournament, which will take place right here in Nakhti space."
[TV] Malcolm: "With a brutal fight to the death."

Cut to the above duo again.

[TV] Malcolm: "...get crowned emperor of the Nakhti planet."
[TV] Commentator: "Let's hear a few words from Selket."
Anubis: "Selket?"
[TV] Selket: "This is a historic day for my people. The Liandri will bring the attention of the entire galaxy to my world..."
Nakhti soldier: "She certainly got me at attention!"
Nakhti soldier 2: "You ain't kiddin'. Look at that!"
[TV] Selket: "...It's an honor and a privilege to compete for Ascension. I only hope I can maintain our ancestor a standard of excellence..."
Sobek: "Oh, shit."

Anubis turns on the soldier next to him and berates him.

Anubis: "Got something to say, soldier? Speak up!"
Nakhti soldier: "What the hell!"
Sobek: "Easy Anubis! C'mon, set him down, sir. They didn't know."

Anubis and Sobek leave the area.

Anubis: "I won't allow Selket to do this."
Sobek: "You two got history. I know that. But she ain't gonna ask your permission."
Anubis: "I leave for the capitol in the morning. Keep the men out of trouble."
Sobek: "Forget it. All that political bullshit you left behind? It's a hundred times worse now with Liandri on the picture."
Anubis: "No. She wanted me in the Tournament so badly. Now she gets her wish."
Sobek: "If you're serious you gonna need help. And I've been in the Tourney."
Anubis: "You weren't in the last Ascension Rites."
Sobek: "Nah. I ain't exactly emperor material. But I did spend a few years on the Liandri circuit."
Anubis: "When will you stop surprising me?"
Sobek: "When you start payin' attention. Figure I can show you a few tricks."
Anubis: "So be it. We start tonight."

Run forward jumping over each little raised piece of ground, until you come to a huge piece of ground that you can't jump over with Sobek on top of it, now double-jump into the wall near sobek then move your analog stick in the opposite direction and jump off the wall onto the land. Next, follow Sobek until you come to a broken bridge, jump and hold the right trigger to zoom across it. Next, follow Sobek into the castle by wall-dodging up the chimney. Attack the first dummy using normal attack. Now lock onto the middle dummy and use your heavy attack. Now Sobek will start shooting at you, hold the left and right trigger together to block 3 shots. Next Sobek will start shooting at you and you must deflect 3 shots by pressing the left trigger when the bullet is about to hit you. Next start shooting the dummy and then freeze it, then perform the coup de grace by following the buttons when you lock on. Now Sobek will run around and you have to attack him for a short period of time.[1]

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. J0lly_R0ger (June 8, 2005). "Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict FAQ v2.4". Neoseeker. Retrieved May 27, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Tutorial maps
Capture the Flag maps:
Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Monoxide
Deathmatch maps:
Bonus Pack maps: DM-EvilHandsDM-Sever
Overdose maps:
Bonus Pack maps: OD-Ascension