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Third-party mod
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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

"Primary Fire: Main Attack
Alternate Fire: Push target back/Proxy

The Claw is a multi-purpose projectile launcher fitted to fire flak ammo and proxy mines. It also (with alternate fire) shoots out a Eggshell-encased Proxy at a very high velocity. If this strikes a player, it will push him back (and cause a little damage.) Then the Proxy will become active, targeting whoever is in range. A nasty one-two!"
UT: GOTY manual

"As a multi-purpose projectile launcher, the Claw is currently fitted to fire flak ammo and proxy mines, but research continues on additional ammo types!"
Chaotic Dreams[1]

The Claw is a weapon which comes with Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition as part of the mod Chaos: UT.


Flak mode[]

Classification Heavy Shrapnel
Primary fire Standard flak ammo fired at medium range. Very deadly, very messy. Very satisfying.
Secondary fire Standard flak ammo with much farther range, but the rate of fire is considerably slower than primary fire.
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu + Chaotic Dreams[1]

Proxy mode[]

Classification Heavy Shrapnel
Primary fire Proxies are fired one at a time, at medium range, but with a quick reload time, and they are immediately awake and hunting enemies.
Secondary fire When proxies are loaded, this "playerpush" mode shoots out a proxy at a very high rate of speed, still in its eggshell. They will slow with floor and wall collisions, and once they slow to a certain speed the shells will open and the proxy will activate. Hitting a player with a proxy in this mode will cause a big push (hence "playerpush") and some striking damage. Once the proxy activates it will target whatever is in range (including the unfortunate soul who just got knocked back).
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu + Chaotic Dreams[1]

Melee mode[]

Classification Melee Piston
Primary fire Once you have picked up the Claw you can also use it as a melee weapon if you should have no ammo anymore... just switch to weapon slot 1, get near a player and press fire... should rip out a pretty nice piece of flesh.
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu + Chaotic Dreams[1]

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "Chaos: UT Weapons". Chaotic Dreams. Retrieved Aug 11, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RiflePulse GunRipperMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper Rifle
Special weapons: ChainsawTranslocatorSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Chaos: UT weapons: Grappling HookBastard SwordCAS12 ShotgunUtility GunCrossbowThe ClawProximity MinesChaos Sniper V2The VortexSentry Turret