Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"Allow players to become Titans."
In-game description.

Titan is a mutator included with Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition or through the installation of the eponymous "Titan Pack" update.


When the mutator is enabled, players receive a meter at the bottom-left corner of their GUI, which fills with kills and actions related to objectives specific to the gametype, such as capturing nodes and returning flags. Once enough points are collected, the meter flashes, and the player can press the displayed key (default R) to transform into a Titan.

Titans are enormous, twice the size of regular players, and initially have 400 points of health and an equal amount of shield. Titans wield only two weapons—a Shock Rifle and a Rocket Launcher—both enhanced with infinite UDamage and Berserk. The Rocket Launcher locks onto targets almost instantly. Additionally, Titans can perform a close-range radius attack by pressing the Use key (default E or Enter), inflicting massive damage to nearby enemies with a shockwave effect similar to the Darkwalker's secondary blast fire mode. This shockwave has a larger radius than the melee damage itself, capable of knocking enemies off their feet and out of certain vehicles. Like the Darkwalker blast, Scavengers are forced into ball mode when hit by a Titan melee blast.

However, this power comes at a cost: Titans are slower than regular players, and their size may restrict access to certain areas of the map. The main disadvantage is that Titans can no longer interact with game objectives, use jump pads, or do anything that requires the Use key, e.g. entering vehicles or using Warfare teleporters. Transforming into a Titan is irreversible, and the only way to revert to a regular state is through death, which results in a spectacular explosion.

Titans continue to fill their meter, and after reaching full capacity, the player can press the transformation key again to become a Behemoth. Becoming a Behemoth doubles the player's size once more, further reducing movement speed in exchange for 800 points of health and shield. However, this enhanced form has a critical drawback—a limited lifetime. Behemoths only survive for 45 seconds, after which the player automatically detonates.

Awards and achievements related to the Titan mutator[]

In-game awards[]

For transforming into a Titan or Behemoth.
For killing a Titan or Behemoth.


UT3 Titanic achievement
Become a titan 20 times.
UT3 Behemoth achievement
Become a Behemoth 10 times.
UT3 Unholy achievement
10 kills with every Titan weapon in one Titan transformation.

Tips and tricks[]

  • The map CTF-Morbid is designed with Titans in mind. Each side of the map has three blast doors that only Titans (not even Behemoths) can open. Teams must coordinate to divide tasks between direct offense and assisting as Titans.
  • Titans are formidable opponents. If encountered on foot, prepare to respawn soon, as their massive health and firepower make them challenging to attack directly.
  • Titans, in addition to their protection through a massive amount of hitpoints, take damage similarly to vehicles. While not exactly the same, the damage multipliers apply. Enforcers are ineffective, and the Stinger Minigun or Sniper Rifle inflict limited damage. The Impact Hammer works at only 20% of the damage output against regular players. Although an AVRiL cannot lock onto Titans, it deals 200 points of damage.
  • Attacks with the SPMA or Eradicator at long range, and self-destruction attacks by Scorpions or Vipers, are effective against Titans. Titans do not take damage from vehicles colliding with them, except for "Pancake" kills. Be cautious when attempting to pancake a Titan, as it can cause significant damage to the vehicle and usually results in its destruction.
  • Against a Behemoth, exploit your size advantage and find a spot the Behemoth cannot reach. Behemoths are four times as tall and wide as regular players, limiting their accessibility on indoor maps. If you can find such a location, you can wait out the Behemoth's suicide timer. Otherwise, similar strategies to those against Titans apply.
  • In any case, if you have killed a Titan or Behemoth, run for your life. The subsequent explosion has the same devastating effect as a Redeemer missile.


  • The mutator is the origin of the second bonus pack's name, Titan Pack.

Readme notes[]

"The Titan mutator brings a fresh twist to all the classic Unreal Tournament gametypes. Fill your Titan meter by killing enemies, capturing flags or nodes, and completing other game objectives. You’ll get bonuses for multikills and killing sprees. When your meter is full, you can transform at any time into a giant with a super powerful rocket launcher, massive hit points, and a devastating ground pound attack.

When you are Titan, your job is to sow mass destruction on your opponents, and protect those puny normal players on your team who are trying to accomplish the primary game objectives. You’ll often see Titans acting as escorts for flag or orb carriers, or locking down an entire area while killing massive numbers of enemy players.

It’s important to pick the right time to transform as Titans also have several limitations. Titans can’t drive vehicles, or carry flags, orbs, or Greed skulls. They also can’t capture Warfare nodes, or pick up any weapons or power-ups. Killing a Titan initiates its self destruct sequence, which ends with a low yield nuclear explosion, so clear the area when an enemy Titan goes down!

Once you’ve become a Titan, fill your meter again to transform into a Behemoth. Behemoths are huge - almost 30 feet tall, in fact. These walking mountains of devastation are unstable, though, and will self-destruct after 30 seconds."
Titan Pack Readme

Preview notes[]

"When one of your teammates accumulates enough kills, they morph into the Titan.
The Titan is 15 feet tall, with a powerful rocket launcher and a ground-pound melee attack that instantly kills any nearby opponents, and damages anyone further away. Fill the gauge again, and you get a 30-second boost into the 30ft-tall Behemoth - an absurd monster, built out of improbability and death.
Titans don't make sense in all modes. Deathmatch and Betrayal would be unplayably imbalanced if one player just stood there, ground pounding. They only work when they're part of a team, where their weaknesses force them into a support role. Titans can't carry skulls, flags or orbs, so they're well suited to escorts or bodyguards - or generating a huge amount of skulls in those Greed matches.
The Titan feels overpowered, so I ask Polge about the balancing issues in creating a super-monster like the Titan. "At first, it does seem a little overpowered, because people don't know how to fight a Titan. But once you develop tactics against them, you realise they're still powerful, but it's not hopeless." Both sides can spawn Titans, so it might come down to a rocket match between the big guys. Just remember that when you kill a Titan, he explodes is a fairly nuclear fashion. Run away."


External links and references[]

  1. Blyth, Jon (February 19, 2009). "Unreal Tournament 3: Titan Pack". Eurogamer. Retrieved April 11, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 mutators
ArenaBigHeadFriendly FireHandicapInstagibKills Slow TimeLow GravityNo Hoverboard • No Orb • No Super Pickups • No TranslocatorSloMo • Speed freakSuper BerserkSurvivalTitanWeapon ReplacementWeapons Respawn