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If you're looking for the Unreal level, you might want to check Vortex Rikers.

The UMS Vortex Rikers (also called Prison Vessel 254) is a spaceship found in the Unreal universe.


It is a prisoner ship in the service of the Unified Military Services. It was the prison ship containing Prisoner 849, and crashed on the alien world of Na Pali. It picked up prisoners from various planets, sending them to their incarceration on a prison moon. It had a reputation for being "The rankest prison transport vessel this side of The Milky Way".

The Vortex Rikers crashed on the then uncharted planet of Na Pali after being unable to escape the planet's gravitational pull, rendering the ship unable to resume flight. The ship crashed in the NyLeve's Falls region.

Many of the prisoners and guards were killed outright from the crash or in attempting to find a way to escape from the planet, however, one human, Prisoner 849, is known to have escaped not once, but twice. Based on a number of translator events, it is assumed that Unreal describes humanity's first contact with the Skaarj, a fact confirmed by Unreal Tournament 2004's description of AS-Mothership.

Known personnel[]

Name Occupation Found in
Prisoner 849 Prisoner Player character
Unknown name Navigator Vortex Rikers
Unknown name First officer Vortex Rikers
S. Kroon Captain Vortex Rikers
Unknown name Chief Medical Officer Vortex Rikers
Unknown name Engine Foreman Vortex Rikers
Unknown name Chief Security Guard Vortex Rikers
Jonas Gershwin Prisoner Vortex Rikers
Boris Clague Prisoner Vortex Rikers
Benjamin Nathaniel Prisoner Vortex Rikers
James Cavanaugh Prisoner Vortex Rikers
P. v. Heel ??? NyLeve's Falls
R. Bijl Guard NyLeve's Falls
J. Strang Cook NyLeve's Falls
N. Vos ??? NyLeve's Falls
M. v. Wely Guard NyLeve's Falls
B. v. Wely Guard NyLeve's Falls
Unknown name Prisoner NyLeve's Falls
Unknown name Prisoner Dark Arena
Unknown name Prisoner Dark Arena
Unknown name Prisoner Dark Arena



Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs/Unreal and RTNP
Main article: Easter eggs/Unreal Tournament
  • The ship's designation, "NC114-85EKLS" is a kind of Easter egg showing the level builder's name: Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels.
  • In Unreal Tournament, the symbol of Vortex Rikers, three jail bars with a lightning bolt in the middle (probably a reference to the electrical barriers mentioned in the manual), is the symbol of the blue team.


External links and references[]

See also[]
