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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.Microsoft Xbox

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, also known as Unreal Championship 2, The Liandri Conflict, and UC2, was Epic Games first console-exclusive title developed specifically by them. The game is available exclusively for the Xbox, though Microsoft has developed a backwards compatibility update for the Xbox 360 in order to play it there. The game was released on April 18, 2005 and published by Midway Games as part of a three-game publishing deal.


"Welcome to this year's final qualifying competition for this year's Grand Tournament, sponsored as always by the Liandri Mining Corporation. This tournament has it all: new competitors, devastatingly lethal weapons, and more total mayhem than ever before!

The Liandri Corporation is proud to announce that this competition is being held in concert with the Nakhti Ascension Rites. This ancient tradition is a battle to the death, where Nakhti warriors meet to choose the strongest among them to be their new Emperor. And more importantly, they get a chance to compete in the Grand Tournament! It's all the primitive bloodlust you've been craving. So tune in, and maybe the tournament rookie you see winning today will be tomorrow's Malcolm or Xan!

But wait... the Liandri Mining Corporation thinks you deserve even more. So we're giving it to you!

For the first time in tournament history, we have a full selection of melee weapons. Watch competitors get up close and personal, and slice and tear each other to pieces!

And there are all new melee moves! Watch a half-ton of armored Skaarj warrior knife through the air and pounce on opponents from across the arena! Boo as cowardly competitors camp with their sniper rifles or hide behind their shields. Then cheer as a brave sword-wielding fighter reflects the shot right back at that overconfident sniper!

You asked for more mobility and you've got it! The Liandri spent years and billions of credits to upgrade classic tournament armor, boosting agility to incredible levels. Watch competitors dodge bullets, hover in mid-air, or even bounce up sheer walls!"
UC2 manual


Unreal Championship 2 features 14 different characters from the Unreal universe, plus extra characters released in a bonus pack via Xbox Live. Other additions include the new gametypes Overdose and Nali Slaughter, new weapons including melee weapons, and more adrenaline combos than in previous games.

The game's use of third-person perspective when using a melee weapon affords the player greater control in combat. Unreal Championship 2 attempts to combine the genres of first-person shooter with third-person fighting games like Soul Calibur. To aid in this attempt at combined gameplay, the Thunder God Raiden from the popular fighting game series Mortal Kombat is available as a secret character.

Players can use melee weapons only in third-person mode, but can switch between first- and third-person mode on the fly while using firearms.

Before a multiplayer game starts, the host can change gravity, regenerate health, and otherwise modify gameplay with "mutators" as is common in the rest of the series. The game also features, in addition to the classic multiplayer, a single player system.

There's also a weight class system where heavy characters are stronger at the expense of some agility, and light characters are agiler at the expense of some firepower. Unlike other Unreal games, players have to choose two weapons (one explosive and one energy) to use. Ammo for each of these weapons is spread throughout the battlefield.

The game also had cutscenes, story-specific missions, and tournament ladders for each character in the game.

Development history[]

Unreal Championship 2 began development in 2003 after Unreal Tournament 2003 was released, and was a planned sequel titled UT2005. When fans of UT started clamoring after improvements to 2003, Epic decided to move UT2005 to consoles and began work on Unreal Tournament 2004. UT2005 eventually became Unreal Championship 2, and was the first of a three-game contract between Midway Games and Epic Games.

The game was marketed as a sequel to Unreal Championship, even though, for the most part, it has nothing to do with that game whatsoever. The game was developed using a modified version of the Unreal Engine which later became it's own licensable product.

According to Joe Graf, a vehicle-based gametype was created[2], with even specialized maps[3], but they clashed with the core mechanics of the game, so it didn't make the cut for the game. The game would also have shipped with twice the maps it did in the final version (among them remakes of Unreal's DmElSinore, Unreal Tournament's DM-Conveyor and Unreal Championship's DM-Aqua_Mortis), including two gametypes that weren't featurd in the final game, either Domination or Double Domination, and a race-based mode called Death Race. Also cut from the final game are the items "Large Energy Ammo", "Large Explosive Ammo", "Large Armor", "Super Armor", "Large Shield Booster" and "Super Shield Booster", as well as pickupable versions of the non-starting weapons.

This game is the last in the Unreal series using Unreal Engine 2.x, as well as the final Unreal game to be released as an Xbox exclusive. Being an Xbox exclusive title, the contents, including the timeline of the game, were oblivious to non-Xbox gamers, who were made to frogleap from UT2004 to UT3.


A demo was released in OXM on March 1, 2005. It was also available at retailers such as Best Buy as a standalone disc. Often the requirement to get this copy was to either pre-order the game or purchase some other game. The demo contained the maps DM-Deadbolt, DM-Praxis, DM-Remnant, CTF-Emperor and CTF-ViperPit and the characters Anubis, Lauren and Szalor. Only half of the weapons were available, including Rocket Launcher, RipJack, Sniper Rifle and Stinger.

Release dates[]

  • April 18, 2005 - The game was released to stores, published by Midway Games.

Post-release content[]

A strategy guide for the game, Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Official Strategy Guide, was published by BradyGames on April 16, 2005.

A bonus pack for the game was released on August 16, 2005. It promoted 10 characters to playable status (Apophis, Calypso, Garek, Jackhammer, Judas, Kraag, Lilith, Syzygy, a Merc version of Anubis and a Necris version of Selket), added four new maps (CTF-Monoxide, DM-EvilHands, DM-Sever and OD-Ascension) and made it possible to play Overdose on Deathmatch maps.

Game content[]


Main article: Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Single player

There are three single-player modes, Botmatches aside, for UC2: the Ascension Rites, the Individual Ladders, and the Challenges. Each of them make use of the game's extensive maplist, mutatorlist and gametypelist. Many characters, bots, and mutators can only be unlocked through playing the single-player modes. The gametypes found in the game are Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Overdose, Nali Slaughter and Survival. While Overdose and CTF use their own set of maps each, the rest of the gametypes make use of the Deathmatch mappool.

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Deathmatch maps
Bonus Pack maps: DM-EvilHandsDM-Sever
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Capture the Flag maps
Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Monoxide
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Overdose maps
Bonus Pack maps: OD-Ascension


Main article: Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict/Character cards

The game shipped with 14 playable characters, between selectables and unlockables. The Bonus Pack brought another 10 characters. With 8 remaining characters appearing as just bots, the game boosts a grand total of 32 characters.


There are four types of weapons. Energy weapons which are powered by Tarydium crystals (or waste, in the case of the Bio Rifle), explosive weapons use explosive ammo, pistols with varying alternate firing modes depending on character race, and lastly, Melee weapons.

Usually, Melee and Starting weapons are tied to a specific character or race.

Melee weapons[]

Main article: Melee weapons in Unreal Championship 2

Starting weapons[]

Energy weapons[]

Explosive weapons[]



Main article: Mutator


Main article: Music#Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

The soundtrack for the game contains 23 different tracks composed by Kevin Riepl. Many of the tracks were named after the map they appear in.

Title & Author(s) Duration Notes
"Unreal Tournament Theme (Redux)" by Kevin Riepl 01:57 Unknown
"Abydos" by Kevin Riepl
02:22 Used in CTF-Aqueduct, CTF-Downfall, DM-Remnant, OD-Falls
"Acid Rain" by Kevin Riepl
02:30 Used in DM-AcidRain
"Adoratrice" by Kevin Riepl
02:06 Used in CTF-SkyReach, DM-Meridian
"Arctic Decay" by Kevin Riepl
02:37 Used in DM-Decay, DM-EvilHands, OD-Echo, TUT-AdvMovement
"Ascension Conclusion" by Kevin Riepl 02:12 Unknown
"Axon" by Kevin Riepl
02:26 Used in DM-AxonCompressor, DM-Morbias3
"Bakhu Ruins" by Kevin Riepl
02:19 Used in ACT-BarrensAmbush, DM-Apex, DM-Azure, DM-Phoenix, OD-Azure, TUT-Combat
"Cancer" by Kevin Riepl
02:46 Used in DM-Fury, OD-Cancer
"Cenotaph" by Kevin Riepl
02:24 Used in CTF-Turmoil, DM-Undertow, OD-Obelisk
"Cold Fusion" by Kevin Riepl
02:20 Used in DM-ColdFusion, OD-Overflow
"Columns" by Kevin Riepl
02:07 Used in DM-Nexus, DM-SolarFlare
"Deep Core" by Kevin Riepl
02:24 Used in DM-DeepCore
"Descension" by Kevin Riepl
03:34 Used in ACT-HallwayAmbush, CTF-Monoxide, CTF-Octane
"Gauntlet" by Kevin Riepl
02:17 Used in CTF-Gauntlet][
"Khepri" by Kevin Riepl
02:08 Used in DM-Horizon, DM-Sever
"Legacy (Anubis Fights Selket)" by Kevin Riepl
02:29 Used in ACT-SelketCheats, DM-Legacy, DM-Tempest
"Nakhti Ruins" by Kevin Riepl
02:38 Used in DM-Eternal, DM-Whisper
"Nakhti Temple" by Kevin Riepl
02:01 Used in DM-Ascension, DM-Sovereign, OD-Ascension, OD-Prism, OD-Sovereign
"Nu Battle" by Kevin Riepl
02:26 Used in ACT-AnubisCheats
"Recoil" by Kevin Riepl
02:31 Used in CTF-ChemicalDawn, CTF-TotalControl, DM-Deadbolt
"Temple Udjat" by Kevin Riepl
02:06 Used in CTF-Emperor, CTF-Judgment, CTF-ViperPit, DM-Praxis
"Transistor" by Kevin Riepl
02:37 Used in CTF-Recoil, CTF-Transistor


The game was received very well by reviewers, with the average score being somewhere around 90% on most sites. It also gained favor among many gamers, however interest in the game died off after a short time and only a small cult following is left surrounding the game. Many people's complaints centered around the game simply being too difficult to master, which was true when compared with games like Halo that had overly simple controls as well as auto aim.


Credits of Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Epic Games
Lead Designer Dr. Michael Capps
Producer Matt Norton
Lead Programmer Joe Graf
Programmers Ray Davis, Matt Oelfke, Ron Prestenback, Steve Superville, Per Vognsen & Sam Zamani
Additional Programmers Josh Adams, Dr. Michael Capps, Laurent Delayen, James Golding, Brian Ladd, Steve Polge & Daniel Vogel
Art Direction Jeremiah O'Flaherty
Artists Mike Buck, Lee Dotson, Matt Hancy, Jay Hawkins, Pete Hayes, Aaron Herzog, Jay Hosfelt, Kevin Johnstone, Paul Jones, Maury Mountain, Chad Schoonover, John Sheffield, Aaron Smith & Kendall Tucker
Additional Artwork Alan Cruz, Steve Garofalo, Anthony Pereira, Chris Perna, Lee Perry & Alan Willard
Lead Level Designer Jim Brown
Level Designers Ryan Brucks, Phil Cole, Grayson Edge, Cedric Fiorentino, Stuart Fitzsimmons & David Spalinski
Additional Level Design Cliff Bleszinski, Ed Duke-Cox & Jean Rochefort
Audio Direction Mike Larson & Jim Brown
Quality Assurance Scott Bigwood
System Administrator Warren Schultz
Biz Tim Sweeney, CEO, Dr. Michael Capps, President, Mark Rein, VP & Jay Wilbur, VP
Office Manager Anne Oube
Special Thanks Chris Berg, Nate Brown, Rich Eastwood, Wayne Moorefield, Jack Porter, Jon Rihan, Martin Robaszewski & Greg Schultz
Contractors - Concept Artwork Thomas A. Szakolczay & Vance Kovacs
Music Kevin Riepl
Audio Frank Bry, Joey Kuras, Jonathan Wall & Immersive Sound
Voice Production Jamey Scott, Audiogodz, Dallas Audio Post & Dan Forden
Voice Actors Anubis - Dameon Clarke
Selket, Devastation - Stephanie Young
Sobek - Brazos MacDonald
Szalor, organizer, commentator - Ric Spiegel
Sapphire, Lauren - Tanika Cato
Apophis - Jim Foronda
Malcolm - Patrick Amos
Female announcer - Lani Minella
Male announcer - Howle Castle
Raiden - Chase Ashbaker
MK announcer - Herman Sanchez
Plot Consultation Richard Gaubert, Charles Cox & Eric Raymond
Additional Cinematics Work Serious Robots & Sharon Marcussen
Motion Capture Actors Game motions - Alan Cruz, Chris Flumara, Marty Garner, William Happer, Andrew Lematt & Steve Superville; Cinematic motions - Chris Flumara, Michael Goodwin, Jay Hawkins, Aaron Herzog, Jay Hosfelt, Leigh Pittard, Brandon Russell & Chad Schoonover
Midway Cinematic Team Editing and Cameras - Marty Stoltz; Studio/Cinematic - Management - Jon McClenahan, Martin Murphy & James Gentile; Cinematic Animation - Fredy Palma, Rick Chase & Steve Bowler
Midway Games, Inc.
3rd. Party Production Scot Lane, Nathan Rose, Matthew Vella & Regan Kerwin
Marketing and PR Steve Allison, Mona Hamilton, Reilly Brennan, Randy Severin, Tim DaRosa, Greg Mucha & Jill Kogut
Print Design & Production Midway Creative Services - San Diego, Ca.
Creative Media Christa Woss, Beth Smukowski, Rigo Cortes, Larry Wotman, Max Crawford & Chris Skrundz
Legal Debbie Fulton, Rob Gustafson, Nancy Fuller, Cory Halpern & Mike Burke
San Diego Quality Assurance QA Director - Paul Sterngold; QA Supervisor - Malcolm Scott & Jamie Bencia; QA Lead Analysts - Brian Dumlao & Ben Nicholas; Assistant QA Lead - Eric Chow & Josh Stacy; Technical Standard Analysts - Jason Jorgensen, Chanel Penley, Matt Staples & Jimmy Storey; Online Technical Standards Analysts - Rich Phim, Rommel Abalos & Jennifer Johnson; QA Team - Rogelio Aguilar, Mike Belair, Rick Blair, Peter Briones, Nick Buxton, Rick Carter, Karey Ryan Cole, Saleem Crawford, Kristian Foresca, Mike Hampton, Jon Hansen, Jeff Heidenreich, Michael Iguico, Ben Kwok, Thieny Nguyen, Frank Pruett, Shaun Robinson, Mack Shekarestan, Josh Stacy, Tommy Woo & Travis Zander.
Chicago Quality Assurance QA Director - Loren Gold; Chicago QA Lead Analysts - Chris McFadden & Greg Ranz; Chicago Sr. Product Analysts - Warren Wilkes; Chicago Product Analysts - Reggie Bannks, Dave Bulvan, Adam Coriglione, Andy Hernandez, Tim Waller & Ki-Wolf Smith; Chicago QA Engineers - Richard Lathan & Richard Vrtis
Associate Producer of Localization Ivan Glaze
Localization Coordinator Clermont Matton
Localization Product Analysts Sebastian Braun, Grace Sykorska, Rogelio Aguilar & Leonardo Capezzuto
Special Thanks David Zucker, Mark Beaumont, Steve Crane, Jeremy Alrey & Darren Walker
Microsoft Game Studios
Program Management Gordon Hee
Testing Adam Dare, Cory Alexander, Domenic Koeplin, Paul Skavian, Jeff Stephens, Jon Burns, Justin Robey, Kevin Meyer, Collin Moore, Julie Carpenter, Kyle Casperson, Michael McManus, Mitch Kaufman, Pedro Perez, Robin Vincent, Steve Lang, Ty Roberts, Val Miller & Wayne Moorefield
Design Support Howard Phillips
Art Support Bruce Sharp
User Experience Dana Fos, Eric Nylund, Jason Groce, Cameron Crotty & Charles Cox
Business Development Frank Pape, Alfred Tan & Jim Veevaert
Development Support Aaron Nicholls & Michael Saladino
Documentation Jeannie Volrin & Dana Ludwig
User Testing Bill Fulton, Eric Schuh, Keith Steury, Marcos Nunes-Lleno & Kyle Drexel
Localization Victoria Olson, Terry McManus, Greg Ward, Levente Vero, Redmond O'Hanlon & Joe Youn Kim
Marketing Chris Ol Cesare, Peter Kingsley, Darren Trencher, John Dogelmans & Andrew Jenkins
PR Charlie Scibetta, Annie Eckles & Ryan James
ATG Sam Charchlan
Product Support Steve Kastner
Studio Management Phil Spencer, Bonnie Ross, Tim Znamenacek, Korey Krauskopf, Humberto Castaneda, Thomas Zuccotti, Kevin Brown, Tony Cox & Stacie Scattergood
Special Thanks Rod Fergusson, Tom Edwards & Seonaldh Davenport



Main article: Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict/Gallery


External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Engine 2X". Unreal Technology. Archived from the original on October 12, 2007. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  2. "Let's design Unreal Championship 3 Seriously: Updated 2-9-07" @ Epic Forums
  3. "Let's design Unreal Championship 3 Seriously: Updated 2-9-07" @ Epic Forums

See also[]

Unreal (series)
Single player series: UnrealReturn to Na PaliUnreal II
Tournament series: Unreal TournamentUT2003UT2004UT3UT4
Championship series: Unreal ChampionshipUnreal Championship 2
Novels: Unreal: Hard CrashUnreal: Prophet's PowerEscape to Na Pali: A Journey to the Unreal
Strategy Games: Unreal (Prima)Unreal II (Prima)Unreal Championship (Prima)UT2003 (Prima)UT2004 (Prima)UT (PS2) (BradyGames)UC2 (BradyGames)UT3 (BradyGames)Unreal (GWPress)UT (GWPress)
Featured Mods
UT: GOTY Edition: Chaos: UTRocket Arena: UT
UT2004 ECE Edition: Air BuccaneersAlien SwarmChaos: UT2 EvolutionClone BanditsDeathballDomain 2049Frag.OpsJailbreak 2004Red OrchestraRocketeerUnWheel
A History of Unreal MusicUnreal Tournament 3: The SoundtrackEpic Games 20th Anniversary Original Soundtrack