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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.IBM PCLinuxMac OS X

Unreal Tournament 2003 (UT2) is the fourth entry in the Unreal series. It was developed by Epic Games and Digital Extremes, and was released to stores on September 30, 2002.


In 2291, consensual murder is legalized, opening the way for a previously underground event. Smaller mining companies have been running smaller matches to channel aggression, but now the Liandri Mining Corporation established a professional league, which quickly proves to be an extremely lucrative way of public entertainment. Liandri entered into the Tournament, as it is officially called, sponsoring their own team, the Corrupt. The Corrupt's leader, Xan Kriegor, quickly achieved champion status and held it for two years. In 2293, a human named Malcolm dethroned him and became champion himself. A huge media figure, Malcolm is hailed as the biggest star in human history and is worshiped as a god. His success nets great rewards for his sponsoring corporation, attracting the attention of jealous rivals both in the arenas of the Tournament and in the corridors of power a galaxy away. Liandri attempted to win back the champion title with Xan MK2 but failed (unknown to the other contestants, each member of the Corrupt is purely robotic, including Xan).

Now it is 2302. The Tournament is undergoing a massive overhaul. The aging Sniper Rifle (a relic of centuries past) is removed from the Tournament as is "Assault" - a team-based event that forms a part of the competition. Many fans of the Tournament complain at these changes, with some combatants refusing to participate in the new format. Malcolm, shortly after his victory, hired two of his former opponents (Brock and Lauren, members of the former Iron Guard team) as teammates in his reformed Thunder Crash team. But the Axon Research Corporation, another of the four great corporations, entered the Tournament as well, sponsoring the geneboosted Juggernaut team, led by the brutal and savage Gorge.


The game is a PC sequel to Unreal Tournament (UT99) (as Unreal Championship, the true sequel to UT99, is a console exclusive title.) Featuring Unreal Engine 2, UT2003 brings to the players a different level of experience, sporting an intense graphical and audio overhaul, as well as reworked gameplay featuring cool new additions. The PC players can now engage in a faster and more aggressive combat, while maintaining the basic gameplay mecha from the classics. A brand new roster of characters, on brand new arenas, and two brand new gametypes give the game a breath of fresh air. The game package is also topped with a serving of classic elements, to add to that feeling of nostalgia for the veteran players out there.

Development history[]

The game began development as a PC port of the then existing Unreal Championship code for the original Xbox named Unreal Tournament 2.[1][2], and was unofficially announced on December 3, 2001. It was officially announced by Infogrames (now Atari) on January 4, 2002. Initially, the game continued development alongside Unreal Championship, and the two games were expected to be released around the same time in the summer of 2002. However, after E3 2002, it became clear to Epic and DE that they would be able to complete both UT2003 and Unreal Championship faster if each team was dedicated to one specific game, so Epic took over UT2003 allowing DE to focus on Unreal Championship.[3][4] The game's name was also changed by Digital Extremes to give the game more of a sports theme feel. Tying with this is the removal of Assault, because it "did not fit into the sports nature of UT'03". This is also the reason of why Bombing Run is replacing it.[5] Assault would return for the sequel, though. Also, while there would be mod support on release, there wouldn't be cross-support with Unreal II: The Awakening, as the differences between both versions of the Unreal Engine 2 prevented a native crossover between the two titles.[6]

In order to take care of online security and cheat protection, Epic hired long-time community member Dr. SiN, developer of the CSHP cheat protection system for Unreal Tournament.[7]

Plenty of maps were under development for 2003, but were cut due to lack of time. Of these cut maps, BR-DE-ElecFields and CTF-DE-LavaGiant2 were released with the DE Bonus Pack, DM-Gestalt was released as a retail map for Unreal Tournament 2004, and CTF-Lethargic and DOM-Ixcorra (described as "a large iron alien structure in a surrounding outdoor setting") were never released in either 2003 or 2004.[5] Also planned for release were the Survival gamemode from Championship[8], vehicles[9] (something which, according to Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels, wasn't going to be the focus of the game, as they would be balanced against the weapons[2]; and which was only fully implemented in Unreal Tournament 2004), a full-loadout (sans superweapons) with the bare minimum for every weapon spawn[2], recharging stations for ammo/health/shields á la Unreal II XMP, a "Head-to-Head"-like mode where players would challenge the other teams' leaders for the single player ladder (another thing that eventually found its way to UT2004)[2], and two weapons which were mentioned in previews: the "Ion Cannon" (no relationship with the big turret which appears in 2004's AS-RobotFactory or the cannon that is used in the open space maps in 2003) and the "Lobster Gun".[5] Jokingly enough, Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels said about the latter:[8]

"Yep, we caught this little sucker off the coast of Nova Scotia and thought it was so cool that we made a gun for UT2003 that closely resembled it. But we ended up eating the sea crawler and the actual gun in the game mysteriously disappeared. Maybe it's still there, who knows."
Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels

Around this time in the summer of 2002, someone working for ATI, who had received a pre-release copy of UT2003 to demo their new hardware, leaked it onto many popular P2P programs. This is sometimes referred to as the "927 beta".

Also around the time Epic took over the development of UT2003, Mark Rein began reporting that the demo would be out in "around two weeks". Every two weeks he would come back and say "it's going to be at least two more weeks". This led to a variety of jokes regarding Mark Rein and "two weeks". When the demo was actually nearing completion in mid-September, 2002, CliffyB set up a webcam that was pointed at a sign on the wall of Epic's office stating that the demo would be done in so much time, eventually coming down to hours. For reference, the original release date for the game was, according to Rein, "June 2002".[10] The demo was finally released on September 13th, 2002.[11] with four maps: DM-Antalus, DM-Asbestos, CTF-Citadel, and BR-Anubis.[12] The original plans for it included a different map lineup: BR-Endagra, CTF-Chrome, the aforementioned Antalus, DM-Curse3 and DOM-Suntemple, and would have showcased the Ion Cannon, included in the first and last maps.[13] It saw massive initial success.[14] Most download records at the time were broken upon it's release.[15] The Mac version of the demo, which included this same lineup, was released after the ending of the game's lifecycle, on May 7, 2003.[16] The reason for this delay, as told to a journalist during the presentation of Unreal Tournament 2004 on the E3 2003, was OSX itself.[17] According to some Epic employees, Epic delayed the release date of the game until they were happy with what they had.[4]

Exactly a week later on September 20th, the game went gold, with the official release taking place ten days later, on September 30, 2002.[18] There were many small changes made between the demo and the retail version of the game. One of the largest of these changes being modifications to the link gun.

Upon release, UT2003 was indexed in Germany due to local laws, which meant that the game cannot be sold to minors, advertised or displayed openly in stores in any way.[19]

On February 19th, 2003, an updated demo was released, running on version 2206. In addition to a number of bug fixes, it included an additional map: CTF-Orbital2.[20]

On March 1, 2003, servers and players were being told to update to version 2199, as the master server won't advertise non-updated servers. This is due to fixes for long-standing server exploits which prompted Epic to deliver most of their testing crew to solve it, but also delayed the Epic Bonus Pack.[21]

The lifecycle of UT2003 ended with the release of the final patch (version 2225) removing the CD checks, as well as the release of the Brightskins Add-On for tournament play.[22][23]

Release dates[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 (UT2) had only one release. It was published by Atari and released to stores on September 30, 2002. Other Unreal Tournament games have been released in a variety of formats, however UT2003 was skipped over even for the Unreal Anthology since almost all of it's content was also included in UT2004.

Post-release content[]

A strategy guide for the game, Unreal Tournament 2003: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, was published by Prima Games on October 8, 2002.

The retail version of UT2003 didn't came with a "Ultra High Detail" mode in the GUI (such settings required the edition of UT2003.ini) because, according to Mark Rein, video cards at a time couldn't support it, so it was later added in a patch.[24] Also out of the retail version was demo recording, later added in the version 2166 patch.[25]

Two bonus packs shipped post-release, one created by Epic Games employees, and the other created by Digital Extremes. The packs were named, respectively Epic Bonus Pack and DE Bonus Pack. According to Cliff Bleszinski, the packs were made in order to continue with the free content tradition from Unreal Tournament, and additional characters were under consideration.[26]

The Epic Bonus Pack was announced first, announced some months after the release of the game. The first map shown was DM-Injector by long time community mapper Jeremy 'Faceless' Graves[27][28], with Cliff Bleszinski confirming "at least 5 new maps", two of which ended up being DOM-Junkyard (created by Alan 'Talisman' Willard) and DM-Icetomb (a joint production between him and Chris Perna), and a new gametype, Mutant.[29] The other two gametypes that would ship with the pack, Invasion and the returning Last Man Standing, were announced on December 20.[30] Also shipping with this pack are three new announcers: a deeper, less-hammy male one, and two female announcers, one regular and another called "sexy"; a grand total of nine new maps, and an MP3 player.[31] On January 3, 2003, it was known that the maps DM-1on1-Crash, DM-1on1-Mixer and CTF-DoubleDammage would also ship with the pack, and that it would weigh around 300MB.[32] The February 2003 issue of the Computer Gaming World magazine had an article focused on the pack and also displayed screenshots of a new map, DM-IronDeity.[33] Eventually, the release of the pack was delayed due to inner workings requiring an update.[34] On January 23, it was announced that the pack would include at least one new mutator.[35] On January 24, it was revealed that the pack would include one map for Bombing Run and the aforementioned DOM-Junkyard as the only Double Domination map.[36] It was originally supposed to ship with patch version 2186, however there were discoveries for long-standing server exploits which not only delayed the release of the pack, but also prompted the release of a newer patch.[37] The pack was finally released on March 11, 2003, with the remaining confirmed maps being BR-Canyon, DM-Rustatorium and CTF-Avaris, as well as two new Adrenaline combos, Camouflage and Pint-Sized, in the form of a mutator.[38]

The DE Bonus Pack began development nearly around the same time, with an estimated release date for Christmas 2002. The first confirmed maps for the pack were, of course, BR-DE-ElecFields and CTF-DE-LavaGiant2, which didn't made the cut for retail 2003.[39] On January 3, 2003, it was reported that the pack would only contain maps, none of them coming from Unreal Championship and that it would be focused on competitive online play.[32] The full map lineup was revealed on January 30, and it included the maps CTF-DE-ElecFields, DM-DE-GrendelKeep, DM-DE-Ironic and DM-DE-Osiris2; it also mentioned the pack nearing 195 MB on release and being released in UMOD and ZIP formats; the next day it was released officially.[40]

Near the end of the life cycle of 2003, on April 16, 2003, it was announced that another free mutator was in the works, called "UT Classic".[41] The mutator wouldn't see the light until UT2004.

A 64-bit patch was announced by AMD on November 20, 2002; the release date of said patch would ship at the same time as AMD Athlon 64 processors.[42] Benchmarks were run in this version on February 20, 2003.[43] In the end, there wasn't any 64-bit patch for UT2003, the release itself being delayed for the end of UT2004's lifecycle, though Tim Sweeney said that roughly 99.9% of the Unreal codebase was already 64-bit safe and didn't need touching.[44]

Game content[]


Main article: Unreal Tournament 2003 Single player

Like Unreal Championship and Unreal Tournament 2004, the game features a Ladder mode where you draft your team and then rise up in the ladder until you become the champion.

Aside from this mode, UT2003 features five gamemodes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Double Domination and Bombing Run. The Epic Bonus Pack later added three more gamemodes: Last Man Standing, Invasion and Mutant.

With the exception of Bombing Run, CTF and Double DOM, the rest of the gamemodes use the Deathmatch set of maps.

Unreal Tournament 2003 Bombing Run maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: BR-Canyon
DE Bonus Pack maps: BR-DE-ElecFields
Unreal Tournament 2003 Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: CTF-AvarisCTF-DoubleDammage
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Unreal Tournament 2003 Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-1on1-CrashDM-1on1-MixerDM-IcetombDM-InjectorDM-IronDeityDM-Rustatorium
DE Bonus Pack maps: DM-DE-GrendelKeepDM-DE-IronicDM-DE-Osiris2
Unreal Tournament 2003 Double Domination maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DOM-Junkyard


Unlike Unreal Championship and Unreal Tournament 2004, this time the teams are mixed, as in, formed with different characters regarding of race. Races present in the game are the same as those in Unreal Championship.

Three new characters are present in 2003: Malcolm, Brock and Lauren.


The weapon roster is almost the same as Unreal Championship, the only difference is that it also includes the Redeemer.

Ball Launcher Translocator Shield Gun Assault Rifle Bio Rifle Shock Rifle Link Gun Minigun Flak Cannon Rocket Launcher Lightning Gun Redeemer Ion Painter


Health Vial Health Pack Big Keg O' Health Shield Pack Super Shield Pack Adrenaline Double Damage


Main article: Mutator

(*) Only available by installing the Epic Bonus Pack.


Main article: Music/UC-2003-2004

Starsky Partridge (Digital Extremes) and Kevin Riepl (Epic Games) are credited for creating the music of Unreal Tournament 2003 (UT2).

The UT2003 soundtrack contains grand orchestral scores, hard rock and minimalistic electronic songs. Starsky Partridge was also responsible for the music for Unreal II, and Unreal Championship.

Title & Author(s) Duration Notes
"Intro Music" by Kevin Riepl
03:12 Used in the SP intro sequence
"Jugs Entrance" by Kevin Riepl
01:00 Used in the SP intro sequence
"Assault" by Kevin Riepl
02:00 Used in CTF-December, CTF-DoubleDammage
"Chemical Burn" by Kevin Riepl
02:00 Used in CTF-Chrome, DM-Phobos2, DOM-ScorchedEarth
"Collision Course" by Kevin Riepl
02:01 Used in BR-Disclosure, DM-Gael, DM-Plunge, DM-TrainingDay
"DM1" by Kevin Riepl
02:00 Used in DM-Asbestos
"Ending Sequence" by Kevin Riepl
01:33 Used in the SP ending sequence
"From Below ver 2" by Kevin Riepl
01:59 Used in CTF-Maul, DM-Antalus, DM-Insidious, DOM-Junkyard, DOM-OutRigger
"Ghosts of Anubis" by Kevin Riepl
02:02 Used in DOM-Suntemple
"Hell" by Kevin Riepl
02:00 Used in DM-Curse3
"Infernal Realm" by Kevin Riepl
02:00 Used in CTF-Magma, DM-Inferno
"Infiltrate" by Kevin Riepl
02:01 Used in CTF-Citadel, DM-Icetomb, DOM-Core
"Menu Music" by Kevin Riepl
01:32 Unused
"Menu Music ver. 2" by Kevin Riepl
01:36 Unused
"Pharaoh's Revenge" by Kevin Riepl
02:00 Used in BR-TwinTombs
"SkyScraper" by Kevin Riepl
02:02 Used in BR-Skyline, CTF-Avaris, DM-Injector
"Slaughter" by Kevin Riepl
02:20 Used in BR-Slaughterhouse, DM-1on1-Mixer, DM-Rustatorium
"Sniper Time" by Kevin Riepl
02:01 Used in CTF-Geothermal, DM-IronDeity
"Tomb of Horus" by Kevin Riepl
02:02 Used in BR-Anubis, CTF-Face3, BR tutorial, CTF tutorial, DM tutorial, DOM tutorial
"Unreal Tournament 2003 Menu" by Kevin Riepl
01:31 Used in the menu
"Wasteland" by Kevin Riepl
01:58 Used in CTF-LostFaith, DOM-Ruination
"Level 2" by Starsky Partridge
05:48 Unused
"Level 3" by Starsky Partridge
03:10 Used in BR-Bifrost, BR-Canyon, DM-Compressed
"Level 5" by Starsky Partridge
05:47 Used in BR-IceFields, DM-Flux2
"Level 6" by Starsky Partridge
05:32 Used in DM-1on1-Crash, DM-Leviathan, DOM-SepukkuGorge
"Level 7" by Starsky Partridge
04:48 Used in BR-DE-ElecFields, CTF-DE-ElecFields
"Level 8" by Starsky Partridge
00:45 Used in DM-TokaraForest
"Level 9" by Starsky Partridge
04:21 Used in CTF-DE-LavaGiant2
"Level 11" by Starsky Partridge
03:35 Used in DM-DE-Osiris2
"Level 13" by Starsky Partridge
04:34 Used in CTF-Orbital2, DM-Oceanic
"Level 15" by Starsky Partridge
03:40 Used in DM-DE-Ironic
"Level 16" by Starsky Partridge
04:16 Used in DM-DE-GrendelKeep
"Menu 1" by Kevin Riepl
01:55 Unused
"Mercs Entrance" by Kevin Riepl
01:17 Used in the SP intro sequence
"Stage Music" by Kevin Riepl
00:53 Used in the SP intro sequence


The game set a record for the number of downloads (1.2 million) when the demo was released, which is a reflection of the popularity of the original UT. In addition, the game engine has been widely licensed for games such as the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six series, Splinter Cell, and America's Army.

UT2003 has received mostly disappointing reviews, because it did not have the impact that its 1999 predecessor had. One reason was increased competition, with Halo: Combat Evolved, Tribes 2, and Battlefield 1942. These games had raised the bar for the multiplayer first-person shooter gaming by including vehicles and more complex teamplay.

Fans of the series thought the new gameplay features detracted from the fun of the original game and stopped playing. Critiques of the game mostly often included double jumping, dodge jumping, the inclusion of adrenaline, and the overall reduction in damage and effectiveness of all of the weapons aside from hitscan. A few months after the release of the game, a fairly strong, small community rose up around the game and lasted until the release of Unreal Tournament 2004.


Credits of Unreal Tournament 2003
Digital Extremes
Programming Adriano Bertucci, Jeff Jam, Glen Miner, Tony Pilger, Steve Sinclair, Justin Smith
Character Models & Animation James Edwards, Steve Jones
Art & Models Mike Bastien, Geoff Crookes, Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels, Dave Ewing, Bastiaan Frank, Mike Leatham, Scott McGregor, Tony Pilger, Everton Richards, Dan Sarkar, James Schmalz, Cassidy Scott, Mat Tremblay, Mario Vazquez
PR Director Meridith Braun
Level Design Mike Bastien, Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels, Dave Ewing, Bastiaan 'Checker' Frank, Scott 'Goose' McGregor, James Schmalz, Cassidy Scott
Sound & Music Starsky Partridge
Writer & Localization Mike Wagner
Voice Actors for UT2003 Mike Devine, Leanne Dixon, Christine Langos, Tim McClew, Yolande McLean, Mark Stardler
Additional concept art & Miscellaneous works
Additional textures Christian Bradley
Models & Art Evelyn Eekels
Voice talent Shannon Ewing
Concept art & character models Brian Griffith
Art direction, Character art, Additional art Martin Murphy
Epic Games
Producer Cliff Bleszinski
Programming Dr. Michael V. Capps, Michael Comeau, Erik de Neve, James Golding, Ryan C. Gordon, Christoph A. Loewe, Warren Marshall, Steve Polge, Jack Porter, Andrew Scheidecker, Tim Sweeney, Daniel Vogel, Joe Wilcox
Art & Level Design Cliff Bleszinski, Shane Caudle, Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino, Steve Garofalo, Warren Marshall, John Mueller, Chris Perna, Lee Perry, Joe Wilcox, Alan 'Talisman' Willard
Animation John Root, Chad Schoonover
Biz Mark Rein, Jay Wilbur
Office Manager Anne Dube
Music Kevin Riepl
Audio Lani Minella, Audio Godz, Jamey Scott
Infogrames Production
Studio Senior Vice President Jean-Philippe Agati
Vice President of Product Development Steve Ackrich
Producer Tim Hess
Executive Producer Matt Powers
Senior Artist and 'Video Bloke' Shawn Monroe
Vice President of Marketing Steve Allison
Director of Marketing Jean Arymond
Brand Manager Richard Iggo
Public Relations
PR Manager Matt Frary
PR Specialist Wiebke Vallentin
Director of Editorial and Documentation services Liz Mackney
Documentation Specialists Chris Dawley, Scott Bigwood
Marketing Services
Senior Art director David Gaines
Artist Larry Fukuoka
Director of Marketing Communications Kristine Keever
Senior Web Producer Kyle Peschel
Web Designer Micah Jackson
Online Marketing Manager Sara Borthwick
Legal Counsel Steve Madsen
Engineering Services
Senior Manager Engineering Services Luis Rivas
Engineering Specialist Ken Edwards
QA Group
Director of Quality Assurance Michael Craighead
Quality Assurance Certification Manager Kurt Boutin
Quality Assurance Testing Managers Bill Carroll, Randy Lee
Quality Assurance Certification Lead Kevin Jamieson
Quality Assurance Lead Tester Robert Gilkerson
Quality Assurance Testers Craig Adams, Gregory Amato, Scott Bigwood, Timothy Burpee, Mark Florentino, Jennifer Kaczor, Andrew LeMat, Brian Scott, Josh Strom, Brian Swedis, Carl Vogel
Logo and Package Design BD Fox & Friends
Brett Wooldridge, Tina Tanen

Essential Files[]

Main article: Essential files#Unreal Tournament 2003
Main article: Bonus content#Unreal Tournament 2003

Here you can find a list of official and unofficial, yet essential, files for your game.


  • UT2003 contains several Easter eggs (e.g. a hidden vehicle) to hint at future potential for the series.
  • Unreal Tournament 2004, the similar but highly refined sequel with added game types, arrived in 2004 and completely replaced UT2003 on store shelves. UT2004 boxes sold in the United States include a voucher that, along with proof of having bought UT2003, gives a discount for UT2004.
  • The alternate box art features Cannonball with the Ball from Bombing Run as the highlighted character, alongside Prism and Damarus.
  • A number of copies of the game came with a misprinted manual. Instead of the regular black text, the booklet was printed in orange text and was difficult to read. This prompted Epic to release a PDF version of the game manual.[45]
  • Months after the release of the game, Mark Rein was consulted if there was going to be a "Pro" version of UT2003 for tournament play, a rumor which was gaining some tract at the time. This was denied by him:[46]
"I think you're reading something into the fact that the DE guys are supporting Fragapalooza which is within a very reasonable driving distance from their office. If someone held a major LAN event like that within a reasonable drive from our office I'm sure a bunch of us would attend as well. Anyone who wants to use UT2003 for an event and who follows the rules laid out in the game's End User License Agreement is fine by us. (...) So far the only events, that I'm aware of, having a level of prizes or commercial sponsorship that would require our specific approval is the CPL event in December of which I'm sure some people from Epic and/or DE will be going to and the World Cyber Games (they're using UT this year but will use UT2003 next year) in Korea where I'm at right now."
Mark Rein

External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2 exists!". Computer And Video Games (December 3, 2001). Archived from the original on February 25, 2008. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 GameSpot Staff (January 11, 2002). "Unreal Tournament 2 Q&A". GameSpot. Archived from the original on February 2, 2003. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
  3. Walker, Trey (July 15, 2002). "Epic Takes Over UT2003 Development". Gamespot. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fragmaster (October 22, 2002). "Tim Sweeney & CliffyB Interview". PlanetUnreal. Archived from the original on July 1, 2014. Retrieved April 25, 2019.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 hal (May 05, 2002). "UT2003 Preview". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  6. Leyendecker, Matt (December 04, 2006). "Unreal 2: The Awakening Preview (PC)". ActionTrip. Archived from the original on Dec 5, 2006. Retrieved Aug 29, 2020.
  7. StealthDP (May 26, 2002). "E3 Report". Unreal Playground. Archived from the original on October 11, 2002. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
  8. 8.0 8.1 RaptoR (May 15, 2002). "Pancho Eekels Interview". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  9. hal (October 09, 2002). "James Schmalz Q&A". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  10. Callaham, John (Mar 10, 2002). "Mark Rein Interview". HomeLAN Fed. Archived from the original on Mar 8, 2005. Retrieved Oct 9, 2020.
  11. "Demo Downloaded by Over 1.2 Million Fans in Just Five Days!". BeyondUnreal (September 24, 2002). Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  12. "TEH DEMO!!!". BeyondUnreal (September 13, 2002). Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  13. Various (May 28, 2002). "Questions for Mark Rein". Infogrames Forums. Archived from the original on December 30, 2002. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  14. "Why Is BU Slow These Days?". BeyondUnreal (September 16, 2002). Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  15. "TEH DEM0, TEH AFTERMATH". BeyondUnreal (September 14, 2002). Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  16. "UT2003 Mac Demo Available". BeyondUnreal (May 7, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  17. Bergman, Jason (May 16, 2002). "E3 Day Two Report". Shacknews. Archived from the original on February 29, 2004. Retrieved May 10, 2019.
  18. "UT 2003 Is Officially Gold!". BeyondUnreal (September 20, 2002). Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  19. "UT2003 "Indexed" In Germany". BeyondUnreal (February 26, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  20. "New UT2003 Demo Released". BeyondUnreal (February 19, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  21. hal (March 1, 2003). "Servers: Upgrade to 2199". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  22. "No CD Checking in Next UT2003 Patch". BeyondUnreal (April 11, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  23. "UT2003 2225 Patch & BrightSkins Add-On Released". BeyondUnreal (April 23, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  24. Brewskie (October 14, 2002). "Hidden options for NV30 denied". UT2003 News. Archived from the original on March 5, 2003. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  25. "Demo Recording in Next Patch". BeyondUnreal (November 7, 2002). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  26. Callaham, John (November 28, 2002). "UT 2003 Bonus Pack Interview". HomeLAN Fed. Archived from the original on December 2, 2002. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  27. hal (November 22, 2002). "Bonus Pack Peek!". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  28. hal (January 12, 2003). "Faceless Map In Epic Bonus Pack?". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  29. Callaham, John (November 28, 2002). "UT 2003 Bonus Pack Interview". HomeLAN Fed. Archived from the original on December 2, 2002. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  30. "Epic Bonus Pack to Contain Three New Gametypes". BeyondUnreal (December 20, 2002). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  31. "Epic Bonus Pack: Update From The CPL". BeyondUnreal (December 22, 2002). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  32. 32.0 32.1 "Bonus Pack Summary". BeyondUnreal (January 3, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  33. hal (January 10, 2003). "UT2003 Bonus Pack Pics!". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  34. "UT 2003 Bonus Pack Update". BeyondUnreal (January 21, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  35. "Mark Rein IRC Log". BeyondUnreal (January 23, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  36. "Bonus Pack Update from Mark Rein". BeyondUnreal (January 24, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  37. "Steve Polge Comments On Epic Bonus Pack". BeyondUnreal (February 22, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  38. "Epic Bonus Pack Released!". BeyondUnreal (March 11, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  39. "Digital Extremes Interview". Bombardiers.org (December 10, 2002). Archived from the original on December 21, 2002. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  40. "Digital Extremes Bonus Pack Release Info & Shots". BeyondUnreal (January 30, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  41. hal (March 15, 2003). "Beta Patch 2217 + UTClassic Mutator". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  42. Fragmaster (November 20, 2002). "64-Bit UT2003". PlanetUnreal. Archived from the original on November 21, 2002. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  43. "64-bit UT2003 Benchmarks". BeyondUnreal (February 20, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  44. "Tim Sweeney's 64 bit Question". BeyondUnreal (April 22, 2003). Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  45. PDF version of the game manual
  46. Tycho (November 4, 2002). "Mark Rein Speaks About UT2003 'Pro' Edition". Unreal Ops. Archived from the original on November 24, 2002. Retrieved May 9, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal (series)
Single player series: UnrealReturn to Na PaliUnreal II
Tournament series: Unreal TournamentUT2003UT2004UT3UT4
Championship series: Unreal ChampionshipUnreal Championship 2
Novels: Unreal: Hard CrashUnreal: Prophet's PowerEscape to Na Pali: A Journey to the Unreal
Strategy Games: Unreal (Prima)Unreal II (Prima)Unreal Championship (Prima)UT2003 (Prima)UT2004 (Prima)UT (PS2) (BradyGames)UC2 (BradyGames)UT3 (BradyGames)Unreal (GWPress)UT (GWPress)
Featured Mods
UT: GOTY Edition: Chaos: UTRocket Arena: UT
UT2004 ECE Edition: Air BuccaneersAlien SwarmChaos: UT2 EvolutionClone BanditsDeathballDomain 2049Frag.OpsJailbreak 2004Red OrchestraRocketeerUnWheel
A History of Unreal MusicUnreal Tournament 3: The SoundtrackEpic Games 20th Anniversary Original Soundtrack