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Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

Visse is a character in the Unreal series.


Not much is known about her other than that she is a Blademaiden. Like other Necris, she revels in destruction and takes sadistic pleasure in killing her enemies.

In Unreal Tournament 4, Visse was a former prisoner who chose Necrification as a punishment. As a result, it destroyed her memories and personality at the cost of her humanity. Now a Blademaiden of the Black Legion; she is a cruel, ruthless, agile, and efficient killer that will not relent and show any mercy to her opponents. Due to her agility and elusiveness, she has been called the Rabbit. [1]

Character cards[]

Unreal Tournament[]

Visse's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Visse
Race: Necris
Classification: Phayder Assassin

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Seeking only pleasure in the pain of others, Visse rends her enemies with relentless fervor."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Visse's Unreal Tournament character card

Character data:
Name: Visse
Race: Necris
Classification: Necris Blademaiden

Bot data:
Accuracy: Meter-good-0 0.00
Combat Style: Meter-good-0 0.00
Alertness: Meter-good-0 0.00
Tend. to camp: Meter-good-0 0.00
Strafing ability: Meter-good-0 0.00
Loves to jump? No
Preferred weapon: None.

"Many Necris warriors are female. Known as 'Blademaiden,' they fight ruthlessly; favoring cruelly formed bayonets and energy swords. Visse is a Necris prisoner of war made to fight in the Tournament in exchange for her life."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

Unreal Tournament 3[]

Visse's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Visse
Race: Necris

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Visse is a Blademaiden, the Inquisitor's personal guard. For Akasha, she would even turn upon her own Necris brethren."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Unreal Tournament 4[]

Visse's Unreal Tournament 4 character card
Visse LegionT

Name: Visse
Race: Necris

"Visse was a Phayder Corporation prisoner who chose Necrification over execution. The process left her mind as cruel as her punishment, destroying all virtue from her heart and leaving nothing of her original personality behind. Now, she rends her enemies with such relentless fervor that she has been named a Blademaiden of the Third Order."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

Visse's Unreal Tournament 4 character card
Visse RabbitT

Name: Visse
Race: Necris

"Quick. Agile. Elusive. There are many tales about chasing the White Rabbit. This time, she's chasing you."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

Visse's Unreal Tournament 4 character card
Visse SacrificeT

Name: Visse
Race: Necris

"Her mind was twisted, her memories destroyed. She no longer exists, and only death remains. To be honored as a Blademaiden, however, was worth this small sacrifice. Especially since she doesn't remember it anyway."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

Physical Appearance[]


In UT, she has black hair, pale white skin, and her eyes are entirely white.


In UT4, Visse is shown to have black to grey hair. Her eyes appear to be blue, however, the whites of her eyes are no longer white. Her lower jaw is entirely black and the rest of her body shows a grey complexion with veins protruding from her shoulders, forearms, and the sides of her stomach.



Visse wears simple black armour, gloves, and has combat boots.


Visse has 3 outfits. In her main one, she wears a partial chest plate which covers her abdomen and has two arms bands. She wears dark camouflage trousers, black thighpads, kneepads, and boots.


Like any other competitor, she wear an ammo belt and has a few straps. Like any other character, players can customize her headgear and eyewear. Like any competitor, she will use whatever weapons she comes across.


None to speak of.


External Links and References[]

See also[]

Characters from Unreal Tournament
Tournament teams
Thunder Crash: Othello • Aryss • MalcomAzure • Riker • Annaka • Tamika • Ryanna
Iron Guard: Harlin • Rylisa • Johnson • LaurenBrock • Sara • Rankin • Shyann
Black Legion: CryssKragothFreylisMalakaiVisse • Necroth • Malise • Grail
Blood Reavers: Kyla • Boris • Mariana • Luthor • Jayce • Ramirez • Tanya • Graves
Dark Phalanx: Ivana • Farham • Nikita • Gorn • Anna • Nickolai • Iyrash • Whitman
Raw Steel: Slain • Manwell • Kregore • Bruce • Arkon • Rolph • Arnold • Lugar
Venom: Athena • Cilia • Sarena • Tara • Zanna • Lovelace • Ada • Xyra
Iron Skull: Reaper • Baetal • Pharoh • Skrilax • Anthrax • Entropy
Red Claw: Dominator • Berserker • Guardian • Devastator • Pestilence • Plague
The Corrupt: Tensor • Silicon • Matrix • Vector • Cathode • Lilith • Fury
PC version: Xan Kriegor
Console versions: DamienRampageDominator
Other: Metal GuardLoqueNaliJihan NyhnJerl Liandri
Characters from Unreal Tournament 2004
Anubans: Asp, Cleopatra, Diva, Horus, Hyena, Memphis, Roc, Scarab
Automatons: Cobalt, Corrosion, Mandible, Rapier, Renegade, Syzygy, Thorax, Widowmaker
Gen Mo'Kai: Damarus, Faraleth, Komek, Makreth, Mokara, Motig, Nebri, Selig
Humans (Iron Guard): Brock, Lauren, Sapphire, Prism, BlackJack, Satin, Wraith, Torch, Romulus, Remus
Juggernauts: Ambrosia, Arclite, Cannonball, Frostbite, Gorge, Reinha, Rylisa, Siren
Nightmares: Abaddon, Brutalis, Domina, Fate, Harlequin, Lilith, Mr. Crow, Ravage, Subversa
Humans (Hellions): Baird, Garrett, Greith, Kaela, Kane, Ophelia, Outlaw, Rae, Zarina
Humans (Thunder Crash): Malcolm, Othello, Jakob, Taye, Azure, Aryss, Riker, Picard, Annika, Tamika
Liandri Robots: Xan Kriegor, Axon, Cathode, Cyclops, Divisor, Enigma, Matrix, Virus
Skaarj: ClanLord, Dominator, Drekorig, Gaargod, Gkublok, Guardian, Kraagesh, Skakruk
Mega Pack characters: Barktooth, Karag, Kragoth, Mekkor, Skrilax, Thannis