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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"Axon's Stealth Research Division managed to get some of the early specs for the Necris Nightshade vehicle and have been attempting to retrofit that technology onto their own. The Necris have moved to stop this research, and despite the blockade that sealed the harbor when the NEG enforced the armistice, they have maintained a foothold here and are fervently working to destroy all remaining Axon research."
Map description

WAR-ColdHarbor is a Warfare map from Unreal Tournament 3. It's an original Xbox 360 map, and for PC and PlayStation 3 it's available as part of the Titan Pack DLC/Black Edition of the game.

Map description[]


Keyguide for the Default link setup by KurlonT.

This map is set at the base of a cliff. The particularity of this map is that the Power Cores are guarded from weapon and vehicle fire, and can only be damaged by way of special missiles launched from far at the map. These missiles can be fired by controlling the Hilltop Node, located at the highest point of the map.

There are three Support Nodes around the Hilltop Node, each of which provides access to better vehicles: Hillside Node provides access to the Hellfire SPMA, while the East/West Air Node provide access to the Cicada, Raptor and Hellbender.

Link Setups[]

  • [Regular]: The Blue Power Core and Red Power Core are connected to the Hilltop Node, which is at the same time a Countdown node. The Hillside Node, East Air Node and West Air Node act as Support Nodes.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 3
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 3
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
Weapon: -
W: 9
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Shock RifleLink GunRocket Launcher
2 -
Link GunStinger MinigunRocket Launcher
6 -
Shock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunFlak CannonRocket Launcher
1 -


Pickup Count Location
2 below Hilltop Node. 2 at the East Air node. 2 at the West Air node.
At the Hillside Node.
At the Hilltop Node.
Key items
Other items
At the Hilltop Node.

(*) Rows marked in red are required for the "Like the back of my hand" achievement.


Vehicle Count Location

Tips and tricks[]


  • The levelshot of the map also acts as the loading image of the Unreal Editor.
  • The map was going to be shipped with the game but didn't made the cut, not even for Bonus Pack 1. There's even a dedicated Campaign entry for a mission involving it, and its only mission line is "Link together Nodes and access the infected Core".
"The Necris found Axon's stealth research facility and want to shut it down. For once we've got fire support. Izanagi navy has the area under constant bombardment, but the Necris are using the facility's anti-air defenses to hold off the attack. They want Ronin to sneak in and disable those defense cannons so the navy can do it's job. Axon loaned us a prototype 'stealth bender' vehicle -strictly off the record- to get us inside."
UT3 campaign
  • The map also includes cut dialog from the game:
Othello: "Can't those idiots hit anything?"
Jester: "Go Izanagi Navy!"
Reaper: "Take the Hilltop Node. We'll direct their fire."

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs/Unreal Tournament 3
  • The map has a "flyby" mode which you can go through by inputting the FlyThrough code in the console, at least in UnrealEd.

Author's Notes[]

"(...) In the final stages I was assigned a couple maps for final polish and bug fixing. DM-HeatRay; DM-Deck; CTF-Coret; CTF-Hydrosis; WAR-ColdHarbor."

Preview notes[]

"WAR-ColdHarbour was pictured in the Unreal Tournament 3 concept art that was released last year, but it just wasn't quite ready to make it into the original retail package. Fortunately, for Xbox 360 owners, it is ready now and it makes its debut. The general core/node layout is an inverted V, with the single connected node sitting high atop a hill overlooking a harbor. Far below in an underground bunker, you'll find a pair of unlinked nodes that will provide some air power."
"Cold Harbour can only be won by holding a Countdown Node that causes incoming missiles to home-in on the enemy's otherwise invulnerable Core. Lifts and other Nodes provide transportation and vehicles to prevent the enemy from reaching the mountain's summit to recapture the single, required position."


External links and references[]

  1. Frank, Bastiaan (May 28, 2008). "Portfolio Gears of War 2, UnrealTournament 3 and DarkSector". Checker's Chapel. Archived from the original on Jun 22, 2012. Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.
  2. "BU Previews: UT3 (Xbox 360)". BeyondUnreal (April 20, 2008). Archived from the original on April 24, 2015. Retrieved April 11, 2019.
  3. Burnes, Andrew (October 29, 2012). "UT3 Titan Pack - Hands-on Coverage". PlanetUnreal. Retrieved April 11, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 Warfare maps
Xbox 360 maps: WAR-ColdHarborWAR-Downtown_Necris
Titan Pack maps: WAR-ConfrontationWAR-Hostile
Special maps: WAR-Torlan_Leviathan
Unreal Tournament 3 Titan Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-DarkMatchDM-EdenIncDM-KBarge (X360) • DM-Morbias (BP1) • DM-OceanRelicDM-Turbine
Capture the Flag: CTF-FacingWorlds (BP1) • CTF-LostCauseCTF-MorbidCTF-NanoblackCTF-Searchlight (BP1) • CTF-Shaft
Vehicle CTF: VCTF-Rails (X360) • VCTF-StrandedVCTF-Suspense_Necris (X360)
Warfare: WAR-ColdHarbor (X360) • WAR-ConfrontationWAR-Downtown_Necris (X360) • WAR-Hostile